Subject to the conditions provided in this section and notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, reasonable insurance may be sold to and required of the borrower for insuring personal property securing a loan and for insuring the life and earning capacity of not more than two parties obligated on the loan other than accommodation parties.
Property insurance shall be in an amount not to exceed the reasonable value of the property insured and for the customary term approximating the term of the loan contract. It shall be optional with the borrower to obtain such insurance in an amount greater than the amount of the loan or for a longer term.
Life insurance must be in an amount not to exceed the approximate amount of the debt and for a term not exceeding the approximate term of the loan contract. For purposes of credit coverage, the 'approximate amount of the debt' is defined as follows: (1) the periodic installment payment multiplied by the number of scheduled periodic installment payments for a loan with a term of sixty months or less; (2) the amount necessary to liquidate the remaining debt in a single lump sum payment, excluding all unearned interest and other unearned finance charges, plus six monthly installment payments for a loan with a term in excess of sixty months. Accident and health insurance and unemployment insurance, or both, must provide periodic benefits which may not exceed an amount which approximately equals the amount of each periodic installment payment to be made under the loan contract. However, when a loan is discharged or a new policy or policies of insurance are issued, the life, property, or accident and health insurance or all three on the prior obligation must be canceled and the unearned portion of the insurance premium or premiums, or identifiable charge, must be refunded to the borrower. However, the method of refunding the premiums on the policies must be pursuant to the Rule of 78 or the Sum of the Digits Method, except that no refund under three dollars must be made. The insurance company shall calculate its reserves on the policies in the same manner or, in the case of credit life insurance, in accordance with a mortality table and interest assumption used for ordinary life policies. Notwithstanding this requirement, if the property insurance policy or policies cover the insurable interest of the borrower as well as the lender, the policy or policies may be continued in force at the request of the borrower.
This section does not require a creditor to grant a refund or credit of a life insurance premium to the debtor if any refund or credit due to the debtor under this section is less than three dollars. If the coverage provides accident and health benefits, the policy or certificate shall contain a provision that, if the insured obligor is disabled, as defined in the policy, for a period of more than three days, benefits shall commence as of the first day of disability, provided that accident and health insurance shall not be allowed on loans with a cash advance of less than one hundred dollars. Disability shall not be defined more restrictively than the inability of the insured to engage in his own occupation during the first year of disability or for the length of the benefit period if less than one year. After the first year of disability, disability shall not be defined more restrictively than the inability of the insured to engage in the substantial duties of any gainful occupation for substantially equivalent remuneration to the insured's own occupation. Substantially equivalent remuneration means not less than seventy-five percent of the insured's base wage, exclusive of overtime and bonus, as of the date disability commences.
All insurance sold or provided pursuant to this section shall bear a reasonable and bona fide relation to the existing hazard or risk of loss and shall be written by an agent or agency licensed in this State in an insurance company authorized to conduct such business in this State. A licensee shall not require the purchasing of insurance from the licensee or any employee, affiliate, or associate of the licensee, as a condition precedent to the making of a loan and shall not decline existing insurance where such insurance is provided by an insurance company authorized to conduct such business in this State.
The licensee shall within thirty days after the loan is made, deliver to the borrower, or if more than one, to one of them, a policy or certificate of insurance covering any insurance procured by or through the licensee or any employee, affiliate, or associate of the licensee, which shall set forth the amount of any premium or identifiable charge which the borrower has paid or is obligated to pay, the amount of insurance, the term of insurance, and a complete description of the risks insured. Such policy or certificate may contain a mortgage clause or other appropriate provisions to protect the insurable interest of the licensee.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, any gain or advantages in the form of commission, dividend, identifiable charge, or otherwise, to the licensee or to any employee, affiliate, or associate of the licensee from such insurance or its sale shall not be deemed to be additional or further interest or charge in connection with such a loan.
Any accident and health or property insurance sold in conjunction with this chapter must be written on forms and at rates approved by the South Carolina Department of Insurance, provided that a minimum charge of three dollars may be made, pursuant to reasonable regulations adopted by it and having as their purpose the establishment and maintenance of premium rates which are reasonably commensurate with the coverage afforded and which are adequate, not excessive, and not unfairly discriminatory giving due consideration to past or prospective loss experience within or without this State, to dividends, savings, or unabsorbed premium deposits allowed or returned by insurers to borrowers, to reasonable expense allowances necessary to achieve proper risk distribution and spread, and to all other relevant factors within or without this State. These regulations may include reasonable classification systems or programs based upon identifiable and measurable variations in the hazards or expense requirements and may include statistical plans, systems, or programs, which the insurers may be required to adopt, for the purpose of providing that statistical information and data as may be necessary or reasonably appropriate to the determination of premium rates or rate levels. The premium rates and rate levels must be calculated to produce and maintain a ratio of losses incurred, or reasonably expected to be incurred, to premiums earned, or reasonably expected to be earned, of not less than fifty percent, and rates producing a lesser loss ratio are considered excessive.
Until January 1, 2001, credit life insurance premiums for each one hundred dollars of indebtedness are considered reasonable and may be charged if they are not greater than the amounts given in the following table times the number of years, or fraction of a year, that the indebtedness covered by insurance is scheduled to continue, subject to a minimum charge of three dollars:
Decreasing Balance Level Balance Individual $ .65 $1.30 Joint Insurance $1.08 $2.16
Effective January 1, 2001, credit life insurance premiums for each one hundred dollars of indebtedness are considered reasonable and may be charged if they are not greater than the amounts given in the following table times the number of years, or fraction of a year, that the indebtedness covered by insurance is scheduled to continue:
Decreasing Balance Level Balance Individual $ .57 $1.14 Joint Insurance $ .95 $1.89
Effective January 1, 2003, credit life insurance premiums for each one hundred dollars of indebtedness are considered reasonable and may be charged if they are not greater than the amounts given in the following table times the number of years, or fraction of a year, that the indebtedness covered by insurance is scheduled to continue:
Decreasing Balance Level Balance Individual $ .55 $1.10 Joint Insurance $ .91 $1.83
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 8-800.12; 1956 (49) 2052, 2967; 1957 (50) 339; 1966 (54) 2391; 1985 Act No. 139, Sections 1, 2; 1986 Act No. 444, Section 1; 1987 Act No. 54 Sections 1, 2, eff April 28, 1987; 1991 Act No. 142, Section 16(B), eff January 1, 1993; 1993 Act No. 181, Section 524, eff July 1, 1995; 1995 Act No. 135, Section 4, eff January 1, 1996; 1999 Act No. 66, Section 1, eff January 1, 2000; 2002 Act No. 228, Section 1, eff May 1, 2002.
Effect of Amendment
The 1987 amendment added to the third unnumbered paragraph the provision concerning refunds under two dollars, and revised the ninth unnumbered paragraph by making grammatical changes and adding the provision regarding a minimum charge of two dollars.
The 1991 amendment in the last [tenth] paragraph changed the dollar amounts in the table, effective Jan. 1, 1993.
The 1993 amendment, in the ninth undesignated paragraph, substituted "South Carolina Department of Insurance" for "South Carolina Insurance Commission".
The 1995 amendment revised this section to further provide for conditions, minimum charges, and premiums.
The 1999 amendment, in the third undesignated paragraph, added the definition of "approximate amount of the debt", in the fifth undesignated paragraph, added the final three sentences relating to disability, added the last two paragraphs setting forth the premiums in 2001 and 2003, respectively, and made other wording changes.
The 2002 amendment, in the eighth undesignated paragraph, substituted "minimum charge of three dollars" for "minimum charge of two dollars".
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 34 - Banking, Financial Institutions and Money
Chapter 29 - Consumer Finance Law
Section 34-29-10. Definitions.
Section 34-29-20. License; exemptions; loans violating requirements are void.
Section 34-29-30. Application for license; fees.
Section 34-29-40. Issuance or denial of license.
Section 34-29-50. Contents of license; posting; nonassignability; duration; annual fee.
Section 34-29-60. Licenses for more than one place of business; removal.
Section 34-29-70. Licensing purchaser of business.
Section 34-29-80. Revocation, suspension, surrender, and reinstatement of licenses.
Section 34-29-90. Examinations; investigations; orders to desist; injunctions.
Section 34-29-100. Books and records; reports; publication of analysis.
Section 34-29-110. Rules and regulations; copies of licenses, regulations and orders.
Section 34-29-120. Advertising.
Section 34-29-130. Conducting business with other business; loans shall be made in name of licensee.
Section 34-29-140. Loans; charges; installments; maturity; prohibitions; penalties.
Section 34-29-160. Insurance on security and borrower.
Section 34-29-161. Payment on insurance claim; damages; fees; costs.
Section 34-29-162. Refinancing loan; nonlapsed insurance coverage.
Section 34-29-163. Effect of misrepresentation by insured.
Section 34-29-164. Amount charged for nonfiling insurance coverage.
Section 34-29-165. Evidence of insurability.
Section 34-29-166. Insurance provided by creditor; delivery of policy; information on policy.
Section 34-29-170. Confession of judgment or power of attorney to confess judgment shall be void.
Section 34-29-180. Judicial review of orders or decisions of board.
Section 34-29-190. Disposition of fees and other funds.
Section 34-29-200. Chief administrative officer and other personnel.
Section 34-29-210. Appointment of Director as agent for service of process.
Section 34-29-220. Foreign loans.
Section 34-29-240. Licenses for persons engaged in lending on December 1, 1965.
Section 34-29-250. Violations.
Section 34-29-260. Modification, amendment, or repeal of chapter.