A bank may lease a safe deposit box to and in connection therewith deal with a minor with the same effect as if leasing to and dealing with a person of full legal capacity.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 8-503; 1952 (47) 1932.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 34 - Banking, Financial Institutions and Money
Chapter 19 - Safe-deposit Boxes
Section 34-19-10. Definitions.
Section 34-19-20. Safe deposit business authorized.
Section 34-19-30. Lease of box to minor.
Section 34-19-40. Access to box of fiduciary.
Section 34-19-50. Access to box of decedent; removal of contents.
Section 34-19-60. Refusal of access because of adverse claim.
Section 34-19-70. Opening box when rental is one year in default.
Section 34-19-80. Sale of contents unclaimed for two years.
Section 34-19-90. Disposition of proceeds of sale of contents.
Section 34-19-100. Destruction of private documents of no apparent value.
Section 34-19-110. Use of words "safe deposit" or "safety deposit".