(A) Notwithstanding any other provision of law and in addition to all of the powers granted under Chapters 1 through 31, Title 34 and Chapter 3, Title 37, the State Board of Financial Institutions, by regulation or by issuing operational instructions, may permit:
(1) state-chartered banks to engage in any activity authorized for national banks by federal law or regulation of the Comptroller of the Currency or for state-chartered savings and loan associations by this title or regulation or operational instruction of the State Board of Financial Institutions;
(2) state-chartered savings and loan associations to engage in any activity authorized for federally chartered savings and loan associations by federal law or regulation of the Office of Thrift Supervision or for state-chartered banks by this title or regulation or operational instruction of the State Board of Financial Institutions;
(3) cooperative credit unions to engage in any activity authorized for federally chartered credit unions by federal law or by regulation of the National Credit Union Administration;
(4) consumer finance companies operating pursuant to a license to make supervised loans as provided in Part 5, Chapter 3, Title 37, to engage in any lending activity authorized for supervised financial organizations by law or by regulation of an agency given supervisory authority over those institutions, except where otherwise restricted by statute; and
(5) mortgage lenders and loan originators operating pursuant to a license to make mortgage loans as provided in Chapter 22, Title 37, to engage in a mortgage lending activity authorized for licensed mortgage lenders and loan originators by law or by regulation of an agency given supervisory authority over those institutions, except where otherwise restricted by statute.
(B) For the purpose of this section, the term "activity" includes the terms and conditions under which the activity may be exercised, as well as the authority to make a particular type of loan or investment or otherwise to engage in an approved activity.
HISTORY: 1975 (59) 333; 1979 Act No. 59; 1982 Act No. 385, Section 57(2)(b); 1985 Act No. 124, Section 3; 1999 Act No. 42, Section 1, eff June 1, 1999; 2009 Act No. 67, Section 3.B, eff January 1, 2010.
Effect of Amendment
The 1999 amendment provided that the State Board of Financial Institutions may permit certain activities by operational instruction as well as by regulation.
The 2009 amendment added subparagraph (A)(5) relating to mortgage lenders and loan originators.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 34 - Banking, Financial Institutions and Money
Chapter 1 - State Board Of Financial Institutions
Section 34-1-20. Appointment of members.
Section 34-1-30. Terms of members; vacancies.
Section 34-1-40. Expenses of members.
Section 34-1-50. Office space.
Section 34-1-80. Examining department; Commissioner of Banking.
Section 34-1-90. Commissioner of Banking shall report criminal violations to Board.
Section 34-1-100. Initiation of criminal prosecutions.
Section 34-1-120. Penalties for obstructing Commissioner of Banking.
Section 34-1-130. Study of capital reserve position of financial institutions; report.
Section 34-1-140. State preemption of lender regulation.
Section 34-1-150. Requirements for applicant seeking permission to organize a bank.
Section 34-1-160. Authorization of organization of proposed bank; articles of incorporation.
Section 34-1-170. Requirements for articles of incorporation of proposed bank.
Section 34-1-180. Requirements for board to approve a charter for proposed bank.
Section 34-1-210. Remote service unit not considered a branch of a bank.
Section 34-1-220. Delegations to the Commissioner of Banking.