All tenants at will and domestic servants shall vacate the premises occupied upon twenty days' written notice.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 41-64; 1952 Code Section 41-64; 1946 (44) 2584.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 27 - Property and Conveyances
Chapter 35 - Creation, Construction, And Termination Of Leasehold Estates
Section 27-35-10. Tenancies created by oral agreement.
Section 27-35-20. Agreement for more than one year.
Section 27-35-30. Tenancies deemed month to month; exceptions.
Section 27-35-40. Use of premises without agreement or permission or by trespass; rent.
Section 27-35-50. Sale of real estate under lease.
Section 27-35-60. Validity and effect of subleases.
Section 27-35-70. Person deemed in possession of real estate.
Section 27-35-75. Lessee's obligations as to use and maintenance; lessor's right to inspect.
Section 27-35-80. Attornments by tenants.
Section 27-35-90. Time for payment of rents.
Section 27-35-100. Time of termination of farm tenancies.
Section 27-35-110. Time of expiration of agreed tenancy for term or years.
Section 27-35-120. Termination of month to month tenancy.
Section 27-35-130. Notice required for tenants at will and domestic servants.
Section 27-35-140. Failure to pay rent.
Section 27-35-150. Abandonment of premises.
Section 27-35-160. Unlawful abandonment of buildings without notice.
Section 27-35-170. Holding over following demand for possession; penalty.
Section 27-35-180. Penalty for not delivering possession after notice of intent to quit.