The creditors or such committee as they may appoint may direct and prescribe the time and mode of selling and the terms of sale or order a distribution of the assets on hand, and a final closing of the concern. And, in case of need, they may revoke and dismiss their agent or agents and name and appoint another or others in their stead.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 57-363; 1952 Code Section 57-363; 1942 Code Section 9104; 1932 Code Section 9104; Civ. C. '22 Section 5509; Civ. C. '12 Section 3730; Civ. C. '02 Section 2645; G. S. 2012; R. S. 2144; 1828 (6) 366.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 27 - Property and Conveyances
Chapter 25 - Assignments For The Benefit Of Creditors
Section 27-25-10. Assignment by insolvent debtor.
Section 27-25-20. Preferential transactions within ninety days of assignment.
Section 27-25-30. Assignment for benefit of creditors; attack by creditor.
Section 27-25-40. Assignment for benefit of creditors; appointment of agents by creditors.
Section 27-25-50. Sales and transfers prior to appointment of agents.
Section 27-25-60. Calling creditors together.
Section 27-25-70. Procedure when assignees neglect or refuse to call creditors together.
Section 27-25-80. Election of agents.
Section 27-25-90. Rights and powers of agents.
Section 27-25-100. Effect of neglect or refusal of creditors to appoint agents.
Section 27-25-110. Appointment of umpire.
Section 27-25-120. Deposit of proceeds of sales.
Section 27-25-130. General powers of creditors.
Section 27-25-140. Statements of proceedings.
Section 27-25-150. Damages for failure to account or follow directions.