South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 17 - Habeas Corpus
Section 17-17-20. Forfeiture of entitlement in certain cases.

If any person shall have wilfully neglected by the space of two whole terms after his imprisonment to pray a habeas corpus for his enlargement such person, so wilfully neglecting, shall not have any habeas corpus to be granted in vacation time in pursuance of this chapter.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 17-352; 1952 Code Section 17-352; 1942 Code Section 1049; 1932 Code Section 1049; Cr. P. '22 Section 136; Cr. C. '12 Section 118; Cr. C. '02 Section 91; G. S. 2324; R. S. 91; 1679 (1) 119.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 17 - Criminal Procedures

Chapter 17 - Habeas Corpus

Section 17-17-10. Persons entitled to writ of habeas corpus.

Section 17-17-20. Forfeiture of entitlement in certain cases.

Section 17-17-30. Authority of judges to grant writs of habeas corpus.

Section 17-17-40. Authority of any two magistrates to grant writs of habeas corpus.

Section 17-17-50. Persons to whom writ shall be directed.

Section 17-17-60. Service of writ.

Section 17-17-70. Handling of prisoner after service of writ; payment of charges; return of writ.

Section 17-17-80. Time within which prisoners must be brought before court.

Section 17-17-90. Granting of writ during term of court.

Section 17-17-100. Transfer of matter for hearing to judge of court in county where prisoner was convicted.

Section 17-17-110. Granting of writ after adjournment.

Section 17-17-120. Discharge only after notice given to Attorney General, Circuit Solicitor, or attorney acting for State.

Section 17-17-130. Discharge of prisoner after hearing; recognizance in judge's discretion, appearance in the following term of court.

Section 17-17-140. Right to appeal from decision on writ.

Section 17-17-150. Person discharged shall not be rearrested or committed for same offense.

Section 17-17-160. Officers shall execute writ.

Section 17-17-170. Penalty for officers neglecting their duty.

Section 17-17-180. Recovery of penalties.

Section 17-17-190. Suspension of habeas corpus by Governor.

Section 17-17-200. Effect of suspension of writ.