Actions for the following causes must be tried in the county where the cause or some part thereof arose, subject to the like power of the court to change the place of trial:
(1) For the recovery of a penalty or forfeiture imposed by statute, except that when it is imposed for an offense committed on a lake, river or other stream of water situated in two or more counties the action may be brought in any county bordering on such lake, river or stream, and opposite to the place where the offense was committed; and
(2) Against a public officer or person specially appointed to execute his duties for an act done by him in virtue of his office or against a person who by his command or in his aid shall do anything touching the duties of such officer.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 10-302; 1952 Code Section 10-302; 1942 Code Section 421; 1932 Code Section 421; Civ. P. '22 Section 377; Civ. P. '12 Section 173; Civ. P. '02 Section 145; 1870 (14) 453 Section 147.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 15 - Civil Remedies and Procedures
Section 15-7-10. Actions which must be tried where subject matter situated.
Section 15-7-20. Actions which must be tried where cause of action arose.
Section 15-7-40. Suits against certain fiduciaries.
Section 15-7-50. Hearing elsewhere by consent.
Section 15-7-60. Suits for penalty on freight claims.
Section 15-7-70. Suits against insurance companies.
Section 15-7-80. Suits by certain mutual insurance companies against members.
Section 15-7-90. Removal of suits by certain mutual insurance companies against members.
Section 15-7-100. Changing place of trial.
Section 15-7-120. Application of contract and arbitration agreements relative to venue of actions.