South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 65 - Receivership And Other Provisional Remedies
Section 15-65-130. Order for sum admitted due.

When the answer of the defendant expressly, or by not denying, admits part of the plaintiff's claim to be just, the court on motion may order such defendant to satisfy that part of the claim and may enforce the order as it enforces a judgment or provisional remedy.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 10-2313; 1952 Code Section 10-2313; 1942 Code Section 584; 1932 Code Section 584; Civ. P. '22 Section 524; Civ. P. '12 Section 303; Civ. P. '02 Section 265; 1870 (14) 479 Section 267; 1897 (22) 510.