South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 5 - Parties
Section 15-5-110. Executors' or administrators' actions against trespassers.

Executors or administrators in cases of trespass done to their decedents, as of the goods and chattels of the decedents carried away in their life, shall have an action against the trespassers and may recover their damages in like manner as they, whose executors or administrators they are, should have had it if they were alive.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 10-210; 1952 Code Section 10-210; 1942 Code Section 415; 1932 Code Section 415; Civ. P. '22 Section 371; Civ. C. '12 Section 3959; Civ. C. '02 Section 2855; G.S. 2187; R.S. 2319; 4 Ed. 3c. 7; 1712 (2) 425; 1972 (57) 2485.