If any person shall break and enter or use a building, erection or place so directed to be closed he shall be punished as for contempt, as provided in Section 15-43-70.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 10-1810; 1952 Code Section 10-1810; 1942 Code Section 579; 1932 Code Section 579; Civ. P. '22 Section 495; 1918 (30) 816.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 15 - Civil Remedies and Procedures
Chapter 43 - Abatement Of Nuisances
Section 15-43-10. Use of buildings or places for lewdness and the like declared a nuisance.
Section 15-43-20. Attorney General, solicitor, or citizen may bring suit for injunction.
Section 15-43-30. Temporary injunction.
Section 15-43-40. Trial; evidence of general reputation.
Section 15-43-50. Immunity of witnesses.
Section 15-43-70. Violation of injunction; punishment for contempt.
Section 15-43-80. Abatement; sale of fixtures; closing place for year.
Section 15-43-90. Use of proceeds of sale of personal property.
Section 15-43-100. Entry or use of closed building as contempt.
Section 15-43-110. Owner may secure release of building.
Section 15-43-120. Notice shall be given to owner before action against him.
Section 15-43-130. Establishment of existence of nuisance in criminal proceeding.