All notices for the sale of any real estate under execution or order of court shall be advertised for twenty-one days, that is to say once a week for at least three weeks prior to such sale. All notices for such sales of personal property, unless otherwise specially ordered, shall be advertised for fifteen days, that is to say once a week for two weeks before such sale.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 10-1306; 1952 Code Section 10-1306; 1942 Code Section 8899; 1932 Code Section 8899; Civ. C. '22 Section 5712; Civ. C. '12 Section 4200; Civ. C. '02 Section 3093; G. S. 2424; R. S. 2543; 1875 (16) 14; 1878 (16) 482.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 15 - Civil Remedies and Procedures
Chapter 29 - Legal Notices, Generally
Section 15-29-10. Computing time for publication of notices.
Section 15-29-50. Publication for one week.
Section 15-29-60. Length of time legal sales shall be advertised.
Section 15-29-70. Probate notices or citations which need not be published in newspaper.
Section 15-29-80. Charges for legal advertisements in newspapers.
Section 15-29-85. Charges for legal advertisements in newspapers: rates for indigents.
Section 15-29-90. Printing accounts shall be rendered under oath.
Section 15-29-100. Advertisements shall be posted if newspapers refuse to publish at rates fixed.