The affidavit and order of arrest shall be delivered to the sheriff or constable who, upon arresting the defendant, shall deliver to him a copy thereof.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 10-808; 1952 Code Section 10-808; 1942 Code Section 505; 1932 Code Section 505; Civ. P. '22 Section 447; Civ. P. '12 Section 235; Civ. P. '02 Section 205; 1870 (14) 468 Section 207.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 15 - Civil Remedies and Procedures
Chapter 17 - Arrest And Bail In Civil Actions
Section 15-17-10. Person shall not be arrested in civil action except as prescribed.
Section 15-17-20. Arrest in civil actions permitted in certain cases.
Section 15-17-30. Females shall be arrested only in certain cases.
Section 15-17-40. By whom order for arrest is made.
Section 15-17-50. Affidavit to obtain order for arrest.
Section 15-17-60. Security by plaintiff before obtaining order for arrest.
Section 15-17-70. Making and serving order for arrest; contents.
Section 15-17-80. Affidavit and order shall be delivered to sheriff or constable; copy to defendant.
Section 15-17-90. Execution of order.
Section 15-17-210. Defendant shall be discharged on giving bail or making a deposit.
Section 15-17-220. Manner of giving bail.
Section 15-17-230. Qualification of bail.
Section 15-17-240. Substituting bail for deposit.
Section 15-17-250. Delivery of bail to plaintiff and acceptance by him.
Section 15-17-260. Notice of justification; new bail.
Section 15-17-270. Justification of bail.
Section 15-17-280. Allowance of bail.
Section 15-17-410. Petition for release.
Section 15-17-420. Creditors shall be summoned by public notice.
Section 15-17-430. Clerk shall examine as to discharge of prisoner.
Section 15-17-440. Oath of petitioner.
Section 15-17-450. Order for assignment of property; exemptions.
Section 15-17-460. Prisoner shall be discharged on making assignment.
Section 15-17-470. Prisoner shall be remanded for refusal to assign.
Section 15-17-480. Penalty for false schedules.
Section 15-17-490. Summoning jury in cases of alleged fraud.
Section 15-17-500. Filling vacancies in jury panel.
Section 15-17-510. Liability for nonattendance of jurors.
Section 15-17-520. Issues on exceptions to clerk's rulings shall be summarily heard by judge.
Section 15-17-530. Fees allowed clerk for hearing application.
Section 15-17-540. Fees allowed sheriff.
Section 15-17-550. Proceedings in cases of appeal.
Section 15-17-570. Debtor required to produce books.
Section 15-17-580. Submission of issues to jury already empaneled.
Section 15-17-590. No discharge shall be granted until property is delivered to assignee.
Section 15-17-710. Vacating order of arrest or reducing bail.
Section 15-17-720. Affidavits on motion to vacate order of arrest or reduce bail.
Section 15-17-730. Surrender of defendant.
Section 15-17-740. Bail may authorize arrest of defendant.
Section 15-17-750. Exoneration of bail.
Section 15-17-760. Disposal of deposit after judgment in the action.
Section 15-17-770. Proceeding against the bail.
Section 15-17-780. Sheriff or constable may be liable as bail.
Section 15-17-790. Proceedings on judgment against sheriff or constable.
Section 15-17-800. Bail may be liable to sheriff or constable.
Section 15-17-810. In what cases plaintiff shall be liable for maintenance of debtor.