The books to be used by the several clerks, which shall be well bound and of good materials, shall be as follows:
(1) A "Court of Common Pleas Journal" shall contain
(a) a full account of the proceedings of court from the opening to the adjournment, excluding motions refused,
(b) a short statement of each case called and the manner of its disposition and every order of reference, each under a general order as far as may be,
(c) a record of the names of jurors composing each jury and all changes therein, designating the jury who may try each cause under the title thereof, together with an exact copy of their verdict,
(d) whether the cause was upon trial before jury or judge or by default and if in default whether in proof or reference and all assessments, each in words at length and not in figures,
(e) awards confirmed,
(f) confessions of judgment during court,
(g) final judgments and
(h) copies of all orders passed, motions granted and other matters specially ordered by the court to be entered;
(2) A "Court of General Sessions Journal" which shall be kept in a separate volume, after like manner as far as may be and including the finding of the grand juries on bills given out, with their other presentments, and sentences of the court on parties convicted; orders of escheat; fines imposed; and other matters specially ordered for entry by the court;
(3) "Indexes to the Respective Journals of the Common Pleas and General Sessions" which shall be alphabetically arranged at the end of each volume and shall always be brought up by the first day of each succeeding term;
(4) "Rules" in which shall be entered every case on filing the complaint, showing, in separate columns, the names of parties, plaintiff's attorney, defendant's attorney, date of filing complaint, date of answer, demurrer, replication and other pleadings and date of order for judgment;
(5) "Calendars" for civil causes, sessions and contingent, to be kept in separate volumes for the use of the court and a bar calendar in a single volume, to be made on and before the meeting of the court, the calendars to be kept up as the pleadings are made up or cases occur during the term for both the court and the bar; the sessions calendar shall contain, separately arranged, cases of the previous term under the title "Traverses" and cases under the present term under the title "Calendar"; the contingent calendar shall contain, in the sessions, all the rules, bills found in which defendants have not been arrested, and cases struck off, but in which nol. pros. has not been entered, to be called on motion of the solicitor; the calendars shall show, in separate columns, the number of the cause, number of term, names of parties, cause of action, plaintiff's attorney, defendant's attorney and, in the sessions, the prosecutor's name and the race to which each person indicted in such court belongs, the order of the last court and the place for the event of suit, to be entered by the judge;
(6) "Abstracts of Judgments" in which shall be entered each case wherein judgment may be signed, including each case in dower, partition and escheat, after judgment or final order, with separate columns showing the number of enrollment, names of parties, cause of action, attorney, date of judgment, amount of judgment, time of bearing interest, how judgment obtained, costs (separating attorney, clerk, sheriff, witnesses and total), kind of execution, date of issuing execution, sheriff's return thereon and satisfaction, together with an index by the names of defendants and a cross index by the names of plaintiffs, each alphabetically arranged and kept in separate volumes with the number of enrollment of judgment;
(7) A "Sessions Index" by names of defendants, alphabetically arranged, together with the offense charged, disposition of the case, term when ended and number on file;
(8) "Pleadings and Judgments" in which shall be entered, at length, the complaint, answer and judgment in each cause wherein judgment may have been signed and also the proceedings in dower, partition and escheat when the final order and judgment of the court shall have been had, with an index to the names of plaintiffs; provided, that such records in Edgefield County may be photostated by the clerk of court and filed for record in a loose-leaf binder;
(9) "Confessions of Judgment before Clerk" in which shall be entered such proceedings kept with reference to the number of enrollment in book of abstracts, instead of page, together with an index to this particular volume in the names of defendants;
(10) "Fines and Forfeitures" in which shall be entered the names of all persons fined by the court or whose recognizance may be estreated, with separate columns showing names, cause of fine, when fined, by whom fined, amount of fine, to whom due, when collected, by whom collected, why not collected, when paid over and to whom paid over;
(11) "Magistrates' and Constables' Roll" in which shall be entered the name of each magistrate and constable on taking the oaths of office, representing in separate columns the names, date of qualification, office, expiration of term, a genuine signature and, in the case of a constable, the names of the sureties to his bond, with an index of each name, alphabetically arranged.
(12) "Book of Orders Appointing Receivers of Judgment Debtors";
(13) "Miscellaneous Index" in which shall be entered, alphabetically, the names of all aliens who have taken any step towards naturalization; all persons concerning whom proceedings de lunatico inquirendo may be instituted; the names of aliens naturalized; certificates and papers concerning corporations; and all matters required by law to be recorded and not otherwise provided for, referring to papers on file by number and label; and
(14) "A Record Book of Pardons" in which shall be recorded the names of persons pardoned in the county, arranged alphabetically, the offenses for which they were convicted, the date of conviction and the date of pardon.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 15-1767; 1952 Code Section 15-1767; 1942 Code Section 3586; 1932 Code Section 3586; Civ. C. '22 Section 2130; Civ. C. '12 Section 1309; Cr. C. '12 Section 73; Cr. C. '02 Section 46; Civ. C. '02 Section 911; G. S. 732; R. S. 783; 1839 (11) 103; 1850 (12) 70; 1896 (22) 122; 1900 (22) 442; 1911 (27) 86; 1935 (39) 273; 1940 (41) 1653; 1970 (56) 2630.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Section 14-17-10. Election for clerk of court of common pleas.
Section 14-17-20. Clerk of court of common pleas to be clerk of all courts of record.
Section 14-17-30. Vacancies; when probate judge shall act.
Section 14-17-50. Official oaths; commission shall be read and entered in journal.
Section 14-17-70. Procurement of seal and blank books.
Section 14-17-220. Clerk shall keep constant attendance at office and discharge all duties.
Section 14-17-230. Clerks may act as attorneys and solicitors in other counties.
Section 14-17-240. Clerk shall not act as sheriff or deputy sheriff.
Section 14-17-250. General powers of clerks; proceedings under orders to be filed.
Section 14-17-260. Clerk shall issue all processes and sign all judgments.
Section 14-17-270. Clerk shall witness and approve security for costs; form of undertaking.
Section 14-17-280. Clerk shall permit entry of satisfaction of judgments and mortgages.
Section 14-17-290. Clerk shall enter renewals and satisfactions of executions.
Section 14-17-300. Clerk shall execute laws respecting jurors.
Section 14-17-310. Clerk shall make out roll of jurors and constables in attendance; certificates.
Section 14-17-325. Clerk shall report disposition of each case in Court of General Sessions.
Section 14-17-330. Clerk shall keep record of all persons elected to office.
Section 14-17-360. Clerk shall furnish official certificates to certain officers.
Section 14-17-370. Clerk shall furnish certificates of liens on property of certain sureties.
Section 14-17-510. Record of court proceedings; filing papers; preservation of papers and property.
Section 14-17-520. Procurement of filing cases.
Section 14-17-530. Filing and endorsement of papers.
Section 14-17-540. Books, calendars and records to be kept by clerks.
Section 14-17-550. Entries on and preservation of calendars.
Section 14-17-560. Size of books required to be kept.
Section 14-17-570. Books and records shall remain in clerk's office; inspection; copies.
Section 14-17-590. Receipt for books, papers, and furniture of office.
Section 14-17-600. Judges shall require clerks to comply with Sections 14-17-540 and 14-17-550.
Section 14-17-710. Accounts against county for fees in State cases.
Section 14-17-720. Disposition of certain fines, penalties, and taxes.
Section 14-17-725. Collection cost imposed on installment payments of fines or restitution.
Section 14-17-750. Clerk shall report all moneys collected; penalty for failure to report.
Section 14-17-760. Clerk shall account for moneys at each session of common pleas.