The master shall, upon the application of either party to any cause or proceedings in which equitable relief is demanded pending and at issue in his county, take in writing the testimony of any witness who may be produced before him by any party to the cause, ten days' notice of such application having been given to the opposite party. Such witness shall be subject to the same examination, cross-examination and reply and the same exceptions as to the admissibility of testimony may be taken as are allowed by law upon examination before the court except that in case any testimony be objected to the master shall receive the same subject to the exceptions, reporting the exceptions and his ruling thereon.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 15-1819; 1952 Code Section 15-1819; 1942 Code Section 3691; 1932 Code Section 3699; Civ. C. '22 Section 2236; Civ. C. '12 Section 1387; Civ. C. '02 Section 978; G. S. 793; R. S. 849; 1840 (11) 157, 158 Sections 10, 11, 12; 1878 (16) 609.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 11 - Masters And Referees
Section 14-11-10. Establishment of master-in-equity court.
Section 14-11-15. Equity courts.
Section 14-11-20. Appointment of master-in-equity; term.
Section 14-11-30. Compensation of master-in-equity.
Section 14-11-40. Accounting for fees and costs received.
Section 14-11-60. Appointment of special referee.
Section 14-11-70. Limitation on practice of law.
Section 14-11-80. General duties.
Section 14-11-85. Appeal from final judgment of master-in-equity.
Section 14-11-110. Master shall take testimony on application of party; procedure.
Section 14-11-120. Admission of deposition in evidence.
Section 14-11-130. Power to compel attendance of witnesses and to punish for contempt.
Section 14-11-150. Master may sell lands in another county.
Section 14-11-160. Master may sell real estate in any county under order by consent.
Section 14-11-170. Deposit of funds.
Section 14-11-190. Books of office.
Section 14-11-310. Masters-in-equity to collect certain fees.