The members of the authority board shall elect one member as chairman and one as vice-chairman and shall also elect a secretary. The board shall establish other offices, committees, and positions under its bylaws as it considers necessary. The board shall meet upon the call of its chairman and in accordance with its bylaws, and four members constitute a quorum for the transaction of its business.
HISTORY: 1992 Act No. 515, Section 5, eff July 1, 1992.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 13 - Planning, Research and Development
Chapter 21 - Edisto Development Authority
Section 13-21-20. Board officers; committees; meetings; quorum.
Section 13-21-30. Rights and powers of board.
Section 13-21-40. Area in which authority may exercise powers and duties.
Section 13-21-60. Resolution by board authorizing issuance of revenue bonds.
Section 13-21-70. Terms and particulars pertaining to bonds.
Section 13-21-90. Bond issue approval; proposal; disposition of proposal.
Section 13-21-100. Signature and attestation of bonds.
Section 13-21-120. Description of financial obligations to be filed with State Treasurer.
Section 13-21-150. Investment of funds by state treasurer; net earnings.
Section 13-21-160. Carryover of unexpended funds from year to year.
Section 13-21-180. Disposition of proceeds of sale of bonds; costs associated with project.
Section 13-21-190. Regulations promulgated by authority to be in accord with Title 1, Chapter 23.
Section 13-21-210. Tax exemption of Authority property; payment in lieu of taxes.