(A) There is established within each of the three South Carolina Research Innovation Centers (SCRIC) established in Section 13-17-87 a target program of excellence reflecting the basic research currently undertaken at each center and serving as the focal point of the state's applied research and development in each of the program areas of excellence:
(1) The Upstate Innovation Center associated with Clemson University: Automotive Center of Excellence, an automotive technology development program, in collaboration with the University and International Center for Automotive Research (ICAR);
(2) The Charleston Innovation Center associated with the Medical University of South Carolina: Health Sciences Center of Excellence, a health science technology development program;
(3) The Columbia Innovation Center associated with the University of South Carolina: Fuel Cell Center of Excellence, a fuel cell and hydrogen technology program, in collaboration with Savannah River National Lab (SRNL); and
(4) Other programs necessary or appropriate to fulfill the purposes of this section.
(B) The South Carolina Research Authority (SCRA), through the SCRIC, may implement and manage the specified programs and other programs as the SCRA determines in collaboration with the public and private sectors. Additional programs also shall focus on fields in which the State has demonstrated existing or emerging excellence. Program activities are not required to be performed at a particular location. Programs to be conducted pursuant to this section must be approved by the SCRA Executive Committee.
(C) Each target program must coordinate with basic researchers, both inside and outside this State, and with industry so as to focus on and effect applied research, product development, and commercialization efforts in this State in the targeted field of excellence.
(D) A target program of excellence as provided in Section (A) may undertake the following:
(1) incubation needs for start-ups and spin-offs in the program area;
(2) demonstration projects and related teams charged with conceptualizing, attracting, and executing technology in the program area;
(3) working with industry partners to develop collaborative relationships with national and international trade groups, government agencies, research labs, and other universities;
(4) financing for industry partners conducting activities in furtherance of the program area;
(5) financing for prototype development, clinical trials, and other program related preproduction projects;
(6) support for university researchers to work with industry partners on applied research and commercialization in the program area;
(7) marketing activities including, but not limited to:
(a) building national and international recognition of the program;
(b) recruiting industries and scientific and entrepreneurial talent to the program;
(c) building public awareness;
(d) supporting South Carolina based trade shows in South Carolina that attract national and international audiences;
(8) other activities necessary or appropriate in relation to the programs.
(E) There is established the "Industry Partnership Fund" at the SCRA or at an SCRA-designated affiliate, or both, for the acceptance of contributions for funding the programs. Financing methods pursuant to this section and Section 13-17-87 include grants, loans, investments, and other incentives. The SCRA may, but is not required to, provide additional funding for the programs. Program funding is authorized for the purposes of this section and related administrative costs. A contributor is eligible for a tax credit against the state income or premium tax or license fee, as provided in Section 12-6-3585.
(F) The South Carolina Research Authority (SCRA) may implement the provisions of this section and Section 13-17-87, pursuant to Section 13-17-180.
(G) The SCRA must consult with Clemson University, The Medical University of South Carolina, or the University of South Carolina in the conduct of a program if the program is conducted by an innovation center associated with that research university.
(H) The SCRA shall submit an annual report to the General Assembly on the programs established pursuant to this section.
HISTORY: 2006 Act No. 319, Section 2, eff June 1, 2006.
Editor's Note
2006 Act No. 319, Section 1, provides as follows:
"This act may be cited as the 'Industry Partners Act'."
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 13 - Planning, Research and Development
Chapter 17 - South Carolina Research Authority
Section 13-17-10. Establishment of South Carolina Research Authority.
Section 13-17-20. South Carolina Research Authority; divisions; objectives.
Section 13-17-40. Members of board; terms; vacancies; compensation; annual reports; meetings.
Section 13-17-50, 13-17-60. Reserved.
Section 13-17-70. Powers of board of trustees.
Section 13-17-80. Board of trustees to exercise power of authority; exceptions; quorum.
Section 13-17-81. "Research park" defined.
Section 13-17-85. Confidentiality.
Section 13-17-88. Target programs of excellence; Industry Partnership Fund.
Section 13-17-89. Prohibition on pledging credit of State.
Section 13-17-90. Exemption from taxation.
Section 13-17-100. State not obligated, liable, or responsible.
Section 13-17-130. Assistance to public and private universities.
Section 13-17-140. Identification of common interest areas; promotion of universities.
Section 13-17-150. Establishment of statewide professional research organization.
Section 13-17-160. Restrictions on authority.
Section 13-17-170. Exemption of authority and its employees from certain Code provisions.
Section 13-17-180. Not-for-profit corporations; powers and limitations; annual audit.