All funds of the Authority shall be deposited in a bank or banks to be designated by the State Treasurer. Funds of the Authority shall be paid out only upon the signature of the Executive Director of the Authority or his designee upon written warrants of the Comptroller General, drawn on the State Treasurer to the payee designated in the requisition. All funds coming into the hands of the Authority from the sale, lease, mortgage or rental of the Authority's real or personal property, revenues from fees and service charges, public and private contributions, federal grants and loans may be retained by the Authority and carried forward from year to year for debt retirement, operations, maintenance, acquisition and development purposes. The Authority may accept contributions of money or real or personal property from any person, organization or public or private agency including federal and state agencies and institutions and such agencies and institutions are hereby authorized to make such contributions. The South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism is specifically authorized to transfer to the Authority all real and personal property acquired with 1973 General Obligation Bond Authorization funds designated for the I-77 project and any and all funds remaining in the Bond Authorization Account including any federal grants or federal monies earned or generated directly or indirectly through the planning, acquisition or development of the I-77 project.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 59-93.23; 1974 (58) 2301; 1975 (59) 615.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 13 - Planning, Research and Development
Chapter 11 - New Horizons Development Authority
Section 13-11-20. Members of board; terms; vacancies.
Section 13-11-30. Meetings of board; quorum; compensation.
Section 13-11-50. Area of jurisdiction; acquisition of property outside area.
Section 13-11-80. Acquisition of property; power of eminent domain.
Section 13-11-90. Exchange of property; removal of buildings or other structures.
Section 13-11-100. Cooperation of other agencies.
Section 13-11-110. Authority to issue bonds; limitations and restrictions.
Section 13-11-120. Deposits and expenditures; use of funds; receipt of gifts.
Section 13-11-140. Exemption from taxation.
Section 13-11-150. Penalties for violations of rules and regulations.