A forfeited land commission is created in each of the counties of this State, consisting of the county treasurer, county auditor and clerk of court, all acting ex officio, who shall serve without compensation. The chairman of the governing body of any county may also serve on the forfeited land commission when officially designated so to do by the county legislative delegation and in such case he shall have equal authority with other members of the commission and shall serve without compensation. In all counties having a register of deeds such register shall be a member of the forfeited land commission for that county in lieu of the clerk of court.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 65-2901; 1952 Code Section 65-2901; 1942 Code Section 2167; 1936 (39) 1627.
Code Commissioner's Note
1997 Act No. 34, Section 1, directed the Code Commissioner to change all references to "Register of Mesne Conveyances" to "Register of Deeds" wherever appearing in the 1976 Code of Laws.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Section 12-59-10. Creation and membership of county forfeited land commissions.
Section 12-59-20. Organization of Commission; compensation of secretary; quorum.
Section 12-59-40. Sale of forfeited lands; method and terms of sale.
Section 12-59-70. Sale by former owner of forfeited land; commission may convey such property.
Section 12-59-80. Commission may assign its bids.
Section 12-59-85. Forfeited land commission.
Section 12-59-90. Execution of deeds and validation of certain deeds.
Section 12-59-100. Deposit of funds from sale of forfeited land commission.
Section 12-59-120. Commission shall have access to tax records.
Section 12-59-130. Municipal forfeited land commissions.
Section 12-59-140. Emergency procedures for county forfeited land commission.
Section 12-59-150. Certain purchasers prohibited from buying forfeited land.
Section 12-59-310. Title of State by forfeiture prior to 1887 renounced.
Section 12-59-320. State Fiscal Accountability Authority shall hear petition for relief.
Section 12-59-330. Lien against such formerly forfeited lands.