The notice of intention to setoff must be given by mailing the notice, with postage prepaid, addressed to the debtor at the address provided to the claimant agency when the debt was incurred or at the debtor's last known address. The giving of the notice by mail is complete upon the expiration of thirty days after deposit of the notice in the mail. A certification by the claimant agency that the notice has been sent is presumptive proof that the requirements as to notice are met, even if the notice actually has not been received by the debtor. The notice must include a statement of appeal procedures available to the debtor, substantially as follows:
"According to our records, you owe the (claimant agency) a debt in the amount of (amount of the debt), plus interest, if applicable, for (type of debt). You are hereby notified of the (claimant agency's) intention to submit this debt to the South Carolina Department of Revenue to be set off against your individual income tax refunds until the debt is paid in full. Pursuant to the Setoff Debt Collection Act, this amount, plus all costs, will be deducted from your South Carolina individual income tax refunds unless you file a written protest within thirty days of the date of this notice. If you file a joint return with your spouse, this amount will be deducted from the total joint refunds without regard to which spouse incurred the debt or actually withheld the taxes. The protest must contain the following information:
(1) your name;
(2) your address;
(3) your social security number;
(4) the type of debt in dispute; and
(5) a detailed statement of all the reasons you disagree with or dispute the debt.
The original written protest must be mailed to the (claimant agency) at the following address:
(address of the entity requesting the setoff)".
HISTORY: 1999 Act No. 114, Section 3; 2003 Act No. 69, Section 3.KK.4. eff June 18, 2003.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 56 - Setoff Debt Collection Act
Section 12-56-10. Short title.
Section 12-56-20. Definitions.
Section 12-56-40. Choice of claimant agency as to use of or participation in setoff program.
Section 12-56-60. Notification by claimant agency; refund determinations; department liability.
Section 12-56-62. Notice of intention to setoff debt; form, delivery and presumption.
Section 12-56-63. Protest procedure; administrative fees.
Section 12-56-67. Jury trial rights.
Section 12-56-70. Priority of claims to refund.
Section 12-56-100. Indemnification of department by agency.
Section 12-56-110. Department regulations, forms and procedures permitted.