South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 33 - Alcoholic Beverages Taxes
Section 12-33-245. Excise tax on sales for on-premises consumption; "gross proceeds" defined; nonprofit organizations exception; penalties; issuance of license for premises for which license revoked or suspended.

(A) In addition to taxes imposed pursuant to the provisions of Sections 12-33-230, 12-33-240, Article 5 of this chapter, and Chapter 36, Title 12, there is imposed an excise tax equal to five percent of the gross proceeds of the sales of alcoholic liquor by the drink for on-premises consumption in an establishment licensed for sales pursuant to Article 5, Chapter 6, Title 61 or at a location holding a temporary license or permit that authorizes the sale of liquor by the drink. All proceeds of this excise tax must be deposited to the credit of the general fund of the State. Except with respect to the distribution of the revenue of this tax, this excise tax is considered to be imposed pursuant to Chapter 36, Title 12. For purposes of this subsection, "gross proceeds of sales" has the meaning as provided in Section 12-36-90, except that the sales tax imposed under Chapter 36, Title 12 is not included in "gross proceeds of sales". The term "gross proceeds of sales" also includes, but is not limited to, the retail value of a complimentary or discounted beverage containing alcoholic liquor, an amount charged for ice for a drink containing alcoholic liquor, and an amount charged for a nonalcoholic beverage that is sold or used as a mixer for a drink containing alcoholic liquor. This section does not apply to nonprofit organizations that are issued a temporary permit to allow possession, sale, and consumption of alcoholic liquors pursuant to subarticle 5, Article 5, Chapter 6, Title 61.
(B) Eleven percent of the revenue generated by the excise tax provided for in subsection (A) must be placed on deposit with the State Treasurer and credited to a fund separate and distinct from the general fund of the State. On a quarterly basis, the State Treasurer shall allocate this revenue to counties on a per capita basis according to the most recent United States Census. The State Treasurer must notify each county of the allocation pursuant to this subsection in addition to the funds allocated pursuant to Section 6-27-40(B), and the combination of these funds must be used by counties for educational purposes relating to the use of alcoholic liquors and for the rehabilitation of alcoholics and drug addicts. A county may pool these funds with other counties and may combine these funds with other funds for the same purpose.
(C) Those state agencies and local entities, including counties, which by law received minibottle tax revenues in fiscal year 2004-2005 for education, prevention, and other purposes, shall receive in a fiscal year at least the same amount of revenues from the excise tax revenues as they received from minibottle tax revenues during fiscal year 2004-2005. If these state agencies and local entities do not, the difference must be made up from the general fund. Payments will be distributed in four equal payments based on the total payments remitted to these state agencies and entities in fiscal year 2004-2005, including funds received pursuant to Section 6-27-40(B). At the end of each fiscal year, the State Treasurer, in consultation with the Department of Revenue, shall determine whether the tax collected pursuant to these sections exceed the total collection and remittance for fiscal year 2004-2005. If the tax collected exceeds the amount collected and allocated in fiscal year 2004-2005, a distribution of the difference will be remitted to the county treasurers within thirty days after the close of each fiscal year.
(D) In addition to all other penalties that may be imposed for violations arising pursuant to subsection (A) of this section, a failure to report and remit the full amount of the excise tax imposed pursuant to subsection (A) on the gross proceeds of the sale of each drink of alcoholic liquor sold for consumption in the establishment subjects the licensee to the following penalties:
(1) for a first violation, a civil penalty of one thousand dollars;
(2) for a second violation, a civil penalty of one thousand dollars and an automatic suspension for thirty days of the license allowing such sales; and
(3) for a third or subsequent violation, a civil penalty of five thousand dollars and a revocation of the license.
(E) When a license is suspended or revoked, a partner or person with a financial interest in the business may not be issued a license for the premises concerned. A person within the second degree of kinship to a person whose license is suspended or revoked may not be issued a license for the premises concerned for a period of one year after the date of suspension or revocation.
HISTORY: 1996 Act No. 415, Section 3; 1999 Act No. 100, Part II, Section 10; 2005 Act No. 139, Section 3, eff January 1, 2006; 2006 Act No. 386, Section 19.A, eff June 14, 2006; 2007 Act No. 36, Section 1, eff June 7, 2007; 2008 Act No. 287, Sections 1.A, 3, eff June 11, 2008.

Editor's Note
2008 Act No. 287, Section 1.B provides as follows:
"This section [amending subsection (C)] takes effect upon approval by the Governor and first applies for excise tax revenues distributed for fiscal year 2007-2008."

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 12 - Taxation

Chapter 33 - Alcoholic Beverages Taxes

Section 12-33-10. Definitions.

Section 12-33-20. Taxes shall be in lieu of certain other taxes and licenses.

Section 12-33-30. Collection and distribution of taxes.

Section 12-33-40. Municipalities entitled to share in tax.

Section 12-33-50. Disposition of bond forfeitures.

Section 12-33-60. Exemption from tax of certain property from outside continental limits of United States.

Section 12-33-70. Rules and regulations of Department of Revenue.

Section 12-33-210. Taxes on licenses granted under Alcoholic Beverage Control Act; filing fee.

Section 12-33-230. License tax on sales; rate.

Section 12-33-240. Additional sales tax; rate.

Section 12-33-245. Excise tax on sales for on-premises consumption; "gross proceeds" defined; nonprofit organizations exception; penalties; issuance of license for premises for which license revoked or suspended.

Section 12-33-250. Collection and payment of license tax and additional sales tax; reports; deductions.

Section 12-33-260. Payment and collection; taxes shall be debt owed to State and lien.

Section 12-33-410. Imposition of tax; rate.

Section 12-33-420. Additional tax; rate; payment and collection; penalties; disposition of proceeds.

Section 12-33-425. Nine percent surtax on alcoholic liquor.

Section 12-33-430. "Standard case of alcoholic liquors" defined.

Section 12-33-440. Tax not computed in markup or passed on to consumer.

Section 12-33-450. Monthly reports.

Section 12-33-460. Additional tax upon each case sold.

Section 12-33-470. Additional tax shall be paid by retailer; tax shall not be computed in markup or passed on to consumer.

Section 12-33-475. Military tax exemption.

Section 12-33-480. Returns and payment of taxes levied in Sections 12-33-410 and 12-33-460; taxes constitute debt owed to State and lien; collection; penalties.

Section 12-33-485. Discount for timely payment of tax.

Section 12-33-490. Collection and use of additional taxes.

Section 12-33-500. Article shall be supplementary.

Section 12-33-610. Person possessing mixture for production of alcohol liable for tax; rate; possession as prima facie evidence of nonpayment.

Section 12-33-620. Duty of officer discovering mixture; notice of tax due; time for payment.

Section 12-33-630. Unpaid tax constitutes a debt owed to State; lien; levy and collection.