South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 23 - License Taxes On Other Businesses
Section 12-23-220. Local licenses for carriers shall be good for interurban carriage.

Any person who shall have paid a license or occupation tax in the city, town or county in which his principal place of business is situated for the purpose of conducting the business of transporting passengers or baggage for hire by means of carriage, hacks, omnibuses, drays or motor vehicles shall be exempt from the payment of any license or occupation tax in any other county, city or town to which or from which such passengers or baggage are transported and a license issued by an occupation tax paid to any county, city or town within the State by a person engaged in any such business shall be good in every county, city or town within the State. But nothing contained in this section shall permit the carrying on of the business exempted in this section within any incorporated city or town or within any other county, except the city, town or county in which the license is obtained or tax paid, except for the purpose of taking on and discharging passengers and baggage which is destined for another city, town or county, and this section shall apply to interurban business only.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 65-922; 1952 Code Section 65-922; 1942 Code Section 7241-2; 1932 Code Section 7385; 1924 (33) 985.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 12 - Taxation

Chapter 23 - License Taxes On Other Businesses

Section 12-23-10. Imposition of tax; rate.

Section 12-23-20. Exemptions from tax.

Section 12-23-30. Authority to suspend tax on power sold to Atomic Energy department.

Section 12-23-40. department shall administer, enforce, and collect tax; rules and regulations.

Section 12-23-50. Certain instruments and records shall be kept; examinations by department; violations.

Section 12-23-60. Monthly returns and remittance of tax required.

Section 12-23-90. Taxes and penalties deemed a debt; lien thereof.

Section 12-23-120. Use of tax.

Section 12-23-130. Exemption of South Carolina Public Service Authority from taxation.

Section 12-23-210. Municipal privilege or license tax on railroads; maximum allowable amounts.

Section 12-23-220. Local licenses for carriers shall be good for interurban carriage.

Section 12-23-310. Imposition of tax; rate.

Section 12-23-410. Imposition of tax on plays and shows in towns or villages not incorporated; rate; payment; disposition.

Section 12-23-420. Clerks and magistrates shall issue executions for failure to pay tax.

Section 12-23-430. Municipalities may collect tax.

Section 12-23-440. County license fees for circuses and similar traveling shows; amount; disposition.

Section 12-23-450. County license fees for carnivals and similar shows other than a circus; amount; disposition.

Section 12-23-460. County license not required in certain instances.

Section 12-23-470. Municipal authorities of incorporated city or town may require license.

Section 12-23-810. Tax on licensed hospitals.

Section 12-23-815. Information to form basis for assessments.

Section 12-23-820. Department of Revenue to administer article; collection of tax.

Section 12-23-830. Payment of tax; schedule of payments.

Section 12-23-840. Disposition of tax revenues.