Bonds of the authority must be in a form and must be executed in a manner prescribed by the authority.
HISTORY: 1988 Act No. 682, Section 2.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 37 - South Carolina Resources Authority Act
Section 11-37-10. Citation of chapter.
Section 11-37-20. Definitions.
Section 11-37-30. South Carolina Resources Authority created.
Section 11-37-45. Funds; transfer of personnel.
Section 11-37-50. Powers of authority.
Section 11-37-60. Authority only to issue refunding bonds; maximum amount of bonds.
Section 11-37-80. Bonds may be secured by pledge.
Section 11-37-90. Bonds as debt of authority only.
Section 11-37-100. Bonds to be authorized by resolution of authority.
Section 11-37-105. Jobs Economic Development Authority to be reimbursed for expenses.
Section 11-37-110. Trust indenture.
Section 11-37-120. Validity of lien of pledge; recording or filing not required.
Section 11-37-130. Purchase of outstanding bonds.
Section 11-37-140. Form and manner of execution of bonds to be prescribed by authority.
Section 11-37-150. Signatures of former members or officers of authority.
Section 11-37-160. Amendments to chapter may not limit vested rights.
Section 11-37-170. Capital reserve funds.
Section 11-37-180. Purchase of local obligations.
Section 11-37-190. State grants.
Section 11-37-200. Water Resources Coordinating Council established.
Section 11-37-210. Tax exempt status of authority.
Section 11-37-220. Bonds as legal investments and securities.
Section 11-37-230. State Treasurer to invest monies of authority.
Section 11-37-240. Annual report.
Section 11-37-250. Construction of chapter.
Section 11-37-260. State Treasurer may withhold monies from defaulting local governments.
Section 11-37-270. Legislative declaration of intent.
Section 11-37-280. Chapter repealed when all bonds are retired.