Copies of the acts and joint resolutions must be distributed as follows:
(1) to each circuit judge, one copy;
(2) to each solicitor, one copy;
(3) to each clerk of court, one copy;
(4) to each judge of probate, one copy;
(5) to each county government, one copy;
(6) to the Supreme Court at Columbia and to the Court of Appeals at Columbia, one copy to each court;
(7) to each magistrate in the State, one copy;
(8) to each master, one copy;
(9) to each of the chartered colleges of the State, one copy;
(10) to the Code Commissioner, the number of copies requested by the commissioner;
(11) to the clerks of the two houses of the General Assembly, the number of copies requested by each clerk;
(12) to the Attorney General of the State, one copy;
(13) to the University of South Carolina, two copies;
(14) to the Charleston library, two copies;
(15) to the Athenaeum, Boston, and to the Athenaeum, Philadelphia, one copy each;
(16) to each county attorney, one paperback copy; and
(17) to each family court judge.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 1-564; 1952, Code Section 1-564; 1942 Code Section 2109; 1932 Code Section 2109; Civ. C. '22 Section 73; Civ. C. '12 Section 63; Civ. C. '02 Section 60; G. S. 40; R. S. 61; 1836 (6) 648; 1883 (18) 588; 1889 (20) 335; 1894 (21) 1076; 1897 (22) 458; 1902 (23) 964; 1936 (39) 1317, 1350, 1548; 1941 (42) 85; 1962 (52) 1731; 1967 (55) 719; 1987 Act No. 194 Section 2; 2009 Act No. 10, Section 4.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 25 - Public Printing And State Publications
Section 11-25-10. General powers.
Section 11-25-20. Additional powers.
Section 11-25-30. Approval of state printing.
Section 11-25-120. Clerks of the two Houses to furnish corrected journals.
Section 11-25-260. Certifying printing for legislature.
Section 11-25-430. Revolving fund for purchase of office supplies and other commodities.
Section 11-25-610. Number of journals to be bound.
Section 11-25-620. Delivery to and distribution by Legislative Council of journals.
Section 11-25-640. Copies of acts and joint resolutions; distribution.
Section 11-25-670. Distribution of copies of publications to College of Charleston.
Section 11-25-680. Distribution of copies of publications to Library of Congress.