Rhode Island General Laws
Chapter 9-5 - Writs, Summons and Process
Section 9-5-10. - Direction and return of district courts writs and summonses.

§ 9-5-10. Direction and return of district courts writs and summonses.
Writs and summonses issued by a district court shall be made returnable to the court at the place and on the day and hour provided by law, to be named in the writs and summonses, and shall, except as otherwise specifically provided, be directed to the division of sheriffs, or to the town sergeants, or to a certified constable authorized pursuant to § 9-5-10.1. In case any person upon whom it is necessary to make service of any writ, summons, or execution issued by a district court is, or has estate, in any other county than the one in which the action is brought, the writ, summons, or execution may also be directed to and served by the like officer of such other county.
History of Section.C.P.A. 1905, § 503; G.L. 1909, ch. 299, § 7; G.L. 1923, ch. 349, § 7; G.L. 1938, ch. 514, § 7; G.L. 1956, § 9-5-10; P.L. 1964, ch. 221, § 1; P.L. 1965, ch. 55, § 13; P.L. 1966, ch. 1, § 6; P.L. 1967, ch. 118, § 1; P.L. 1969, ch. 239, § 8; P.L. 1971, ch. 183, § 3; P.L. 1989, ch. 282, § 1; P.L. 2012, ch. 324, § 16; P.L. 2015, ch. 260, § 8; P.L. 2015, ch. 275, § 8.

Structure Rhode Island General Laws

Rhode Island General Laws

Title 9 - Courts and Civil Procedure – Procedure Generally

Chapter 9-5 - Writs, Summons and Process

Section 9-5-1. - Writs in name of state — Seal — Signature by clerk or justice.

Section 9-5-2. - Counties in which superior court writs made and returnable.

Section 9-5-3. - Facsimile signature of clerk or seal of the court.

Section 9-5-4. - Repealed.

Section 9-5-5. - Form of writs from supreme and superior courts.

Section 9-5-6. - Writs and process operating throughout state — Officers to whom directed.

Section 9-5-7. - Direction of writs for arrest or execution against the body.

Section 9-5-8. - Power of New Shoreham town sergeant — Bond.

Section 9-5-9. - Warrants for commitment to state-operated facilities.

Section 9-5-10. - Direction and return of district courts writs and summonses.

Section 9-5-10.1. - Certification of constables.

Section 9-5-10.2. - Posting of bond by certified constables.

Section 9-5-10.3. - Powers and authority of certified constables.

Section 9-5-10.4. - Renewal of certification of certified constables.

Section 9-5-10.5. - Suspension, revocation or review of certification of certified constables.

Section 9-5-10.6. - Certified constables’ board.

Section 9-5-11. - District court process returnable in any division.

Section 9-5-12, 9-5-13. - Repealed.

Section 9-5-14. - Writs of mesne process.

Section 9-5-15. - Form for writs of replevin.

Section 9-5-16, 9-5-17. - Repealed.

Section 9-5-18. - Adaptation of forms to more than one defendant.

Section 9-5-19. - Adaptation of forms not prescribed.

Section 9-5-20. - Writs and other process against unknown defendant.

Section 9-5-21. - Signature of processes in action involving clerk of court.

Section 9-5-22. - False swearing in affidavit to support writ.

Section 9-5-23. - Time of service of original writs — Writs returnable on holiday.

Section 9-5-24. - Service on Sunday void.

Section 9-5-25. - Exemption of voters from arrest.

Section 9-5-26. - Repealed.

Section 9-5-27. - Service on nonresident guardian, executor, or administrator.

Section 9-5-28. - Affidavit or admission of service on nonresident.

Section 9-5-29. - Appointment of attorney by nonresidents doing business in state.

Section 9-5-30. - Replacement of attorney for nonresident — Revocation of power.

Section 9-5-31. - Filing fee for power of attorney.

Section 9-5-32. - Notice to nonresident to appoint attorney — Agents for noncomplying persons.

Section 9-5-33. - Jurisdiction over foreign corporations and over nonresident individuals, partnerships, or associations.

Section 9-5-34. - Appointment of attorney by foreign corporations.

Section 9-5-35. - Service of court papers at work.