Rhode Island General Laws
Chapter 46-12.2 - Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank
Section 46-12.2-24.1. - Reporting requirements.

§ 46-12.2-24.1. Reporting requirements.
Within ninety (90) days after the end of each fiscal year, the agency shall submit an annual report to the governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, the president of the senate, and the secretary of state of its activities during that fiscal year. The report shall provide: a summary of the agency’s meetings including when the agency met, subjects addressed, decisions rendered and meeting minutes; a summary of the agency’s actions including a listing of rules, regulations, or procedures adopted or amended, applications received for financial assistance for water pollution abatement projects, contracts or agreements entered into, applications and intended use plans submitted to federal agencies for capitalization grants, properties acquired or leased, and bonds issued; a synopsis of any complaints, suspensions, or other legal matters related to the authority of the agency; a consolidated financial statement of all funds received and disbursed by the agency including the source of and recipient of the funds which shall be audited by an independent certified public accountant firm; copies of audits or reports required under federal law; a listing of the staff and/or consultants employed by the agency; a listing of findings and recommendation derived from agency activities; and a summary of performance during the previous fiscal year including accomplishments, shortcomings and remedies. The report shall be posted as prescribed in § 42-20-8.2. The director of the department of administration shall be responsible for the enforcement of this provision.
History of Section.P.L. 2005, ch. 316, § 2; P.L. 2005, ch. 320, § 2.

Structure Rhode Island General Laws

Rhode Island General Laws

Title 46 - Waters and Navigation

Chapter 46-12.2 - Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank

Section 46-12.2-1. - Legislative findings.

Section 46-12.2-2. - Definitions.

Section 46-12.2-3. - Establishment, composition, appointment of directors of the Rhode Island infrastructure bank.

Section 46-12.2-4. - General powers and duties of agency.

Section 46-12.2-4.1. - Power to participate in projects to enhance the waters of the state.

Section 46-12.2-4.2. - Establishment of the efficient buildings fund.

Section 46-12.2-4.3. - Establishment of the clean energy fund.

Section 46-12.2-5. - Officers.

Section 46-12.2-5.1. - Purchasing.

Section 46-12.2-6. - Establishment of the water pollution control revolving fund, the Rhode Island water pollution control revolving fund and the local interest subsidy trust fund — Sources of funds — Permitted uses.

Section 46-12.2-7. - Payment of state funds — Agreement between agency and department.

Section 46-12.2-8. - Procedures for application, approval, and award of financial assistance.

Section 46-12.2-9. - Authorization to expend funds available for local grants.

Section 46-12.2-10. - Powers of local governmental units.

Section 46-12.2-11. - Authority of local governmental units to issue obligations — Terms.

Section 46-12.2-12. - Power of local governmental units to issue limited obligations payable from wastewater system revenues.

Section 46-12.2-12.1. - Power of local governmental units to issue limited obligations payable from energy efficiency savings.

Section 46-12.2-13. - Trust agreements pertaining to local governmental obligations.

Section 46-12.2-14. - Bonds of the agency.

Section 46-12.2-14.1. - Repealed.

Section 46-12.2-15. - Refunding bonds.

Section 46-12.2-16. - Bonds eligible for investment.

Section 46-12.2-17. - No additional consent required.

Section 46-12.2-18. - Bonds not obligations of the state.

Section 46-12.2-19. - Lien status — Recording.

Section 46-12.2-20. - Bonds and local government obligations as investment securities.

Section 46-12.2-21. - Proceeds received by agency as trust funds.

Section 46-12.2-22. - Tax exemption.

Section 46-12.2-23. - Duration of agency — Termination.

Section 46-12.2-24. - Record keeping — Financial statements.

Section 46-12.2-24.1. - Reporting requirements.

Section 46-12.2-25. - Supplemental powers — Inconsistent laws.

Section 46-12.2-25.1. - Administrative procedures.

Section 46-12.2-26. - Compliance with federal law.

Section 46-12.2-27. - Severability — Liberal construction.