Rhode Island General Laws
Chapter 45-33.2 - Municipal Tax Increment Financing Act
Section 45-33.2-26. - Adoption of tax increment district master plan.

§ 45-33.2-26. Adoption of tax increment district master plan.
(a) In connection with the establishment of a tax increment district, a city or town council shall adopt a tax increment district master plan for each tax increment district and a statement of the percentage or stated sum of increased assessed value to be designated as captured assessed value in accordance with the plan. The tax increment district master plan shall be adopted at the same time that the tax increment district is established, as part of the tax increment district adoption proceedings set forth in §§ 45-33.2-22 through 45-33.2-28.
(b) The tax increment district master plan shall include:
(1) The boundaries of the tax increment district by legal description;
(2) A list of the tax identification numbers for all lots or parcels within the tax increment district;
(3) A description of the present condition and uses of all land and buildings within the tax increment district;
(4) A description of the public facilities, improvements, or programs within the tax increment district anticipated to be added and financed in whole or in part;
(5) A description of the industrial, commercial, residential, mixed-use or retail improvements, downtown development, or transit-oriented development within the tax increment district anticipated to be financed in whole or in part;
(6) A tax increment district financial plan in accordance with subsection (c) of this section;
(7) A plan for the proposed maintenance and operation of the tax increment district after the planned capital improvements are completed; and
(8) The maximum duration of the tax increment district, which may not exceed a total of forty (40) tax years beginning with the tax year in which the tax increment district is established.
(c) The tax increment district financial plan for a tax increment district master plan shall include:
(1) Cost estimates for the public improvements and developments anticipated in the tax increment district master plan;
(2) The maximum amount of indebtedness to be incurred to implement the tax increment district master plan;
(3) Sources of anticipated revenues;
(4) A description of the terms and conditions of any agreements, including any anticipated assessment agreements, contracts, or other obligations related to the tax increment district master plan;
(5) Estimates of increased assessed values of the tax increment district;
(6) The portion of the increased assessed values to be applied to the tax increment district master plan as captured assessed values and resulting tax increments in each year of the plan;
(7) A five-year plan for all revenues and expenditures; and
(8) A plan for costs, as described in § 45-33.2-28, to be paid from any tax increment master plan fund.
(d) The tax increment district master plan may be amended from time to time by a city or town council. The city or town council shall review the tax increment district master plan at least once every five (5) years after the initial approval of the tax increment district and the tax increment district master plan in order for the tax increment district and the tax increment district master plan to remain in effect; provided, however, that so long as any bonds or other indebtedness or obligations authorized and incurred under §§ 45-33.2-22 through 45-33.2-28 remain outstanding, the tax increment district master plan shall remain in effect. With respect to any tax increment district master plan that includes development that is funded in whole or in part by federal funds, the provisions of this subsection shall not apply to the extent that such provisions are prohibited by federal law.
History of Section.P.L. 2018, ch. 156, § 4; P.L. 2018, ch. 292, § 4.

Structure Rhode Island General Laws

Rhode Island General Laws

Title 45 - Towns and Cities

Chapter 45-33.2 - Municipal Tax Increment Financing Act

Section 45-33.2-1. - Short title.

Section 45-33.2-2. - Legislative findings.

Section 45-33.2-3. - Definitions.

Section 45-33.2-3.1. - Additional definitions.

Section 45-33.2-4. - Adoption of project plan.

Section 45-33.2-5. - Authorization to undertake projects — Powers.

Section 45-33.2-6. - Issuance of special obligation bonds.

Section 45-33.2-7. - Security for bonds — Trust agreements.

Section 45-33.2-8. - Pledge of project revenues validated.

Section 45-33.2-9. - Temporary anticipation notes.

Section 45-33.2-10. - Refunding bonds.

Section 45-33.2-11. - Credit of municipality not pledged.

Section 45-33.2-12. - Investment of funds.

Section 45-33.2-13. - Trust funds.

Section 45-33.2-14. - Remedies of bondholders and noteholders.

Section 45-33.2-15. - Bonds and notes as legal instruments.

Section 45-33.2-16. - Bonds and notes as investment securities.

Section 45-33.2-17. - Exemption from taxation.

Section 45-33.2-18. - Annual report.

Section 45-33.2-19. - Provisions supplementary.

Section 45-33.2-20. - Severability.

Section 45-33.2-21. - Tax limitations.

Section 45-33.2-22. - Alternate tax increment provisions.

Section 45-33.2-23. - Establishment of tax increment district — Powers within tax increment district.

Section 45-33.2-24. - Reserved.

Section 45-33.2-25. - Planning commission advisory opinion — Conditions for tax increment district.

Section 45-33.2-26. - Adoption of tax increment district master plan.

Section 45-33.2-27. - Designation of tax increment revenues.

Section 45-33.2-28. - Project costs.

Section 45-33.2-29. - Limitation of powers.