Rhode Island General Laws
Chapter 45-3 - Town Meetings
Section 45-3-12. - Notice of meeting to dispose of land or make tax.

§ 45-3-12. Notice of meeting to dispose of land or make tax.
No vote shall be passed in any town meeting concerning the disposing of the town’s land or making a tax, unless special mention is made, and notice of the meeting given, in the warrant issued for the warning of the meeting; and the town clerk of every town shall grant the warrant, except in cases where the law otherwise directs, which warrant shall be directed to the town sergeant, or to one of the constables of the town, or in the event that the town sergeant or a constable is not available, to any elector of that city or town designated by the town or city clerk. The notice for the making of a tax as provided in this section shall be in substantially the following form:
By the town clerk of the town of ....................................... , R.I. (seal) to ....................................... , town sergeant of the town of ....................................... , or any of the constables of the town.
Pursuant to chapter 3 of title 45, you are required to post, at least seven (7) days before the ........... day of ..................... , A. D. ........... , written notifications in three (3) or more public places in the town of ....................................... , Rhode Island, notifying and warning the electors of the town of ....................................... , qualified to vote upon any proposition to impose a tax or for the expenditure of money, to assemble in town meeting at the town hall (or other place designated) in the town of ....................................... , on the ........... day of ..................... , A. D. ........... , at ........... o’clock in the ........... noon for the purpose of ordering a tax to be levied and assessed on the ratable property of the town and the inhabitants of the town for the payment of the town debts and interest, for the payment of the town’s proportion of the state tax, for the support of schools, for the support and maintenance of the poor, for the building, repairing, and amending of highways, for the building, repairing, and amending of bridges, for the improvement in any manner deemed fit of any property belonging to the town, for all necessary charges and expenses whatsoever arising within the town, whether incidental or not to the above (here designate any further purpose, if any, for which the town may legally appropriate money), and for any or all other purposes authorized by law, and to transact any other business as may legally come before the meeting.
Given under my hand this ........... day of ..................... , A. D. ........... , at the town of ....................................... , Rhode Island.

History of Section.G.L. 1896, ch. 37, § 12; G.L. 1909, ch. 47, § 12; P.L. 1915, ch. 1210, § 1; G.L. 1923, ch. 48, § 12; P.L. 1932, ch. 1944, § 4; G.L. 1938, ch. 330, § 12; G.L. 1956, § 45-3-12; P.L. 1994, ch. 154, § 2.

Structure Rhode Island General Laws

Rhode Island General Laws

Title 45 - Towns and Cities

Chapter 45-3 - Town Meetings

Section 45-3-1. - Periodic elective meetings.

Section 45-3-2. - Time of elective meetings.

Section 45-3-3. - Adjournment to complete election of officers.

Section 45-3-3.1. - Adjournment of the Barrington town meeting to an indoor facility located outside the town of Barrington.

Section 45-3-3.2. - Town of Foster financial town meeting — Scheduling outside of town.

Section 45-3-4. - Meetings other than elective.

Section 45-3-5. - Notice of meetings.

Section 45-3-6. - Call of meeting on request of electors.

Section 45-3-7. - Consent of council to special meeting.

Section 45-3-8. - Clerk’s warrant giving notice.

Section 45-3-9. - Notice of meetings by request — Hour held — Business considered.

Section 45-3-10. - Meeting to elect clerk to fill vacancy.

Section 45-3-11. - Forfeiture for neglect of duty by officers.

Section 45-3-12. - Notice of meeting to dispose of land or make tax.

Section 45-3-13. - Canvass prior to meeting.

Section 45-3-14. - Quorum.

Section 45-3-15. - Selection of moderator.

Section 45-3-16. - Term of moderator and clerk.

Section 45-3-17. - Moderator to preside.

Section 45-3-18. - Regulation of meeting by moderator.

Section 45-3-19. - Disorderly conduct at meeting.

Section 45-3-20. - Voting on motions.

Section 45-3-21. - Majority required for action.

Section 45-3-22. - Record of proceedings as evidence — Certificate of clerk.

Section 45-3-23. - Compensation of district moderators and clerks.

Section 45-3-24. - Application to voting machine meetings.

Section 45-3-25. - Voting machines for municipal budget referenda.

Section 45-3-26. - Town meetings to be open.