Rhode Island General Laws
Chapter 44-3 - Property Subject to Taxation
Section 44-3-16.2. - North Smithfield — Tax stabilization for certain persons age sixty-five (65) and over.

§ 44-3-16.2. North Smithfield — Tax stabilization for certain persons age sixty-five (65) and over.
(a) Definitions.
(1) “Qualified senior” for the purpose of this section means any person who shall satisfy the criteria in subsection (A)(i) or (ii) or (iii); and all of the criteria of subsections (B) — (J) inclusive:
(A)(i) Who is age sixty-five (65) or more if single or widowed;
(ii) Who, if married, at least one taxpayer who has attained age sixty-five (65) as long as the taxpayers’ spouse is at least fifty (50) years of age;
(iii) Who, if widowed, over age fifty (50) whose spouse was at least age sixty-five (65) prior to death and either spouse was a participant under this ordinance prior to death;
(B) Whose home is a single-family home (condominium ownership not eligible);
(C) Whose North Smithfield home is the taxpayer’s principal residence and that of the spouse (if living);
(D) Who is a resident of the State of Rhode Island for income tax purposes, as is the spouse (if living);
(E) Who is not a registered voter of any other city, town, or political subdivision of Rhode Island or any other state, nor is the spouse (if living);
(F) Who has resided in the principal residence for the past seven (7) years, as has the spouse (if living);
(G) Whose real estate tax previously billed is not delinquent by more than four (4) quarters;
(H) Who would otherwise qualify but has been forced to relocate residence through no fault of the taxpayer (e.g., in cases of fire, natural disaster, or taking of property by eminent domain by a state or local government);
(I) Whose real estate tax bill is more than five percent (5%) of the total income of the taxpayer, or, if living, of both spouses. “Total income” means the total of adjusted-gross income per U.S. individual income tax return, Form 1040, 1040-A (or the like), plus non-taxable income such as non-taxed social security benefits, welfare benefits, child support receipts, municipal bond interest receipts, and other non-taxable items of income;
(J) Who completes the application process and who attests that the individual meets, or, if living, both spouses meet, all of the qualifications as outlined above.
(2) “Deferred yearly tax” for the purpose of this section means the amounts otherwise due for the assessment date of the year in which the taxpayer turned age sixty-four (64), or the year of the date of first application to the program whichever is later in time, and the tax assessed the following July.
(3) “Deferred amount” for the purpose of this section means the difference between the yearly tax and the amount of tax that would otherwise be due and payable if the applicant did not qualify under this program.
(4) “Disqualifying event” for the purpose of this section means to include any and all of the following:
(A) Sale of the property;
(B) Transfer of the property to a family member without life tenancy;
(C) The point in time when the property ceases to be the taxpayer’s principal residence;
(D) Written request by the applicant to be removed from the program; or
(E) Any property whose square footage living space is increased since application and acceptance under this ordinance.

(b) Deferral of tax.
(1) The town council of the town of North Smithfield may, by ordinance, establish a deferral of taxes on the principal residence of a qualified senior located in the town of North Smithfield.
(2) Upon proper application, approved by the administrator or his/her designee, the assessment and tax will be deferred. The deferred amount will be deferred, without the accumulation of interest, until the occurrence of a disqualifying event.
(3) A deferral under this ordinance shall not be disallowed if the owner applicant has only a life estate in the property or if the property is in the name of a parent or one or more children or in a trust for the benefit of the otherwise qualified resident and the owners submit an affidavit that the qualified resident is the principal owner or present beneficiary and title is held in that manner for estate planning purposes only.
(4) A deferral is not allowed for any improvement for outbuildings such as garages or storage sheds, attached or not, to the principal residence once application and acceptance into the tax freeze program occurs.

(c) Application process.
(1) The taxpayer shall initially apply for eligibility in the tax stabilization program between the dates of January 1 and March 31, for taxes assessed the following July of that year. After initial approval, the taxpayer must sign each year thereafter a statement attesting to the fact that the taxpayer and the spouse continue to qualify under the ordinance provisions.
(2) Participation is optional at the taxpayer’s option.
(3) Failure to file subsequent statements of eligibility; or the occurrence of a disqualifying event of a temporary nature; or the elimination of a disqualifying event that no longer applies, shall require re-entry into the program and full reapplication and recertification, and shall nullify the freeze and any deferral for the tax year in which the disqualifying event occurred, and past deferred amounts shall be due under subsection (e). In such case, the frozen yearly tax shall be calculated as of the year of re-entry into the program.

(d) Recording of deferral; Lien.
(1) All properties subject to the deferral program will have the deferral noted on the deed and the deferral will be registered and recorded with the North Smithfield town clerk. Normal recording fees will apply.
(2) All taxes deferred shall constitute a lien on the real estate for which the deferment was granted until paid in accordance with the provisions ordinance.

(e) Payment of deferral.
(1) All deferrals must be paid in full within six (6) months of a disqualifying event in the case of a death of the legal owner of the property, at closing and conveyance in the event of a sale and within three (3) months of any other disqualifying event.
(2) Failure to report the disqualifying event, and/or to pay the deferral tax when due, will carry a maximum penalty of one hundred dollars ($100) per month, or portion thereof, and applicable interest on the currently assessed tax without regard to the freeze provisions contained herein. Interest will be assessed and due in the same manner as other past due tax receivables and will apply to all amounts previously deferred as well as current amounts due.

(f) Appeal. Appeals of all decisions as to the application, administration, eligibility or other matter relating to this ordinance shall be made in writing to the North Smithfield town council.
(g) Severability. If any provision of this chapter or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the chapter, which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this chapter are declared to be severable.
History of Section.P.L. 2006, ch. 304, § 1; P.L. 2006, ch. 433, § 1; P.L. 2015, ch. 121, § 1; P.L. 2015, ch. 133, § 1; P.L. 2016, ch. 511, art. 1, § 20.

Structure Rhode Island General Laws

Rhode Island General Laws

Title 44 - Taxation

Chapter 44-3 - Property Subject to Taxation

Section 44-3-1. - Real and personal property subject to taxation.

Section 44-3-2. - “Personal property” defined.

Section 44-3-2.1. - Tax on intangible personal property prohibited.

Section 44-3-2.2. - Tax on certain vehicles and trailers prohibited.

Section 44-3-3. - Property exempt.

Section 44-3-3.1. - Exemption of office equipment used for manufacturing or commercial purposes.

Section 44-3-4. - Veterans’ exemptions.

Section 44-3-4.1. - Repealed.

Section 44-3-4.2. - Conflicts eligible for veterans’ property tax relief.

Section 44-3-5. - Gold star parents’ exemption.

Section 44-3-5.1. - Exemptions in South Kingstown.

Section 44-3-5.2. - Exemptions in Barrington.

Section 44-3-6. - General exemptions inapplicable to property used for manufacturing.

Section 44-3-7. - Repealed.

Section 44-3-8. - Exemption of land planted to forestry.

Section 44-3-9. - Exemption or stabilizing of taxes on property used for manufacturing, commercial, or residential purposes.

Section 44-3-9.1. - Woonsocket — Exemption or stabilizing of taxes on qualifying property located in designated districts in the city.

Section 44-3-9.1.1. - Woonsocket — Rehabilitation exemption for qualified residential structures in the city.

Section 44-3-9.2. - North Smithfield — Exemption or stabilizing of taxes on qualifying property used for manufacturing or commercial purposes.

Section 44-3-9.2.1. - North Smithfield — Exemption or partial abatement of taxes for Rankin Estates.

Section 44-3-9.3. - Burrillville — Exemption or stabilizing of taxes on qualifying property used for manufacturing, commercial or mixed-use purposes.

Section 44-3-9.4. - Middletown — Economic development tax incentive program — Assessed valuation exemptions or stabilizing of taxes.

Section 44-3-9.5. - North Providence — Exemption or stabilizing of taxes on qualifying property used for manufacturing or commercial purposes.

Section 44-3-9.6. - Richmond — Exemption or stabilization tax on qualified property used for manufacturing or commercial purposes in the town Richmond.

Section 44-3-9.7. - South Kingstown — Exemption or stabilization of tax on qualified property used for manufacturing or commercial purposes in the town of South Kingstown.

Section 44-3-9.8. - West Greenwich — Exemption or stabilization of tax on qualified property used for manufacturing or commercial purposes in the town of West Greenwich.

Section 44-3-9.9. - Exemption or stabilizing of taxes on property used for manufacturing, commercial, or residential purposes in the Arctic Village redevelopment zone.

Section 44-3-9.10. - Portsmouth — Exemption or stabilizing of taxes on qualified property used for manufacturing or commercial purposes in the town of Portsmouth.

Section 44-3-9.11. - Smithfield — Exemption or stabilizing of taxes on qualifying property used for manufacturing or commercial purposes.

Section 44-3-10. - Idle manufacturing or mill property — Exemption.

Section 44-3-11. - South Kingstown and Narragansett — Exemption of railroad property.

Section 44-3-12. - Visually impaired persons — Exemption.

Section 44-3-13. - Persons over the age of 65 years — Exemption.

Section 44-3-13.1. - West Warwick — Exemption of persons over the age of 65 years.

Section 44-3-13.2. - Cumberland — Exemption of persons over the age of 65 years.

Section 44-3-13.3. - North Kingstown — Exemption of property of totally disabled persons.

Section 44-3-13.4. - Low or moderate income housing — Exemption.

Section 44-3-13.5. - Glocester — Exemption of elderly and disabled persons.

Section 44-3-13.6. - Jamestown — Exemption of persons 65 years and over.

Section 44-3-13.7. - Exeter — Exemption of real property from taxation for totally disabled persons.

Section 44-3-13.8. - Repealed.

Section 44-3-13.9. - North Kingstown — Exemption of elderly persons.

Section 44-3-13.10. - North Kingstown — Exemption of certain real estate. [Contingent effective date; see notes.]

Section 44-3-13.11. - Exeter — Property tax exemptions for active volunteer members of fire and rescue companies within the town of.

Section 44-3-13.12. - Exemption of persons over the age of 65 years or fully disabled in the town of Exeter.

Section 44-3-13.13. - Jamestown — Exemption of property of totally disabled persons.

Section 44-3-13.14. - Foster — Exemption of elderly and disabled persons.

Section 44-3-14. - Notice to tax assessor on conveyance of tax-exempt realty.

Section 44-3-14.1. - Tiverton — Taxation of exempt property upon transfer.

Section 44-3-15. - Persons who are totally disabled.

Section 44-3-15.1. - Hopkinton — Freezing of tax rates for persons who are totally disabled.

Section 44-3-15.2. - Bristol — Persons who are totally disabled.

Section 44-3-15.3. - Smithfield — Tax credit for persons who are totally disabled.

Section 44-3-15.3.1. - Smithfield — Exemption of Special Olympics Rhode Island, Inc.

Section 44-3-15.4. - Lincoln — Tax credit for persons who are totally disabled.

Section 44-3-15.5. - Lincoln — Tax credit for persons over the age of 65 years.

Section 44-3-15.6. - Bristol volunteer firefighters exemption.

Section 44-3-16. - Elderly — Freeze of tax rate and valuation.

Section 44-3-16.1. - Portsmouth — Tax deferral for certain persons age sixty-five (65) and for persons with a disability.

Section 44-3-16.2. - North Smithfield — Tax stabilization for certain persons age sixty-five (65) and over.

Section 44-3-17. - Tax exempt property — Listing and valuation.

Section 44-3-18. - Repealed.

Section 44-3-19. - List of tax exemptions — Notification.

Section 44-3-20. - Middletown — Deferment of payment of tax for the elderly.

Section 44-3-20.1. - Coventry — Deferment of payment of tax for the elderly or certain disabled residents.

Section 44-3-20.2. - Bristol — Deferment of partial payment of tax for low-income residents.

Section 44-3-20.3. - Jamestown — Deferment of payment of tax for the elderly. [Contingent Repeal — See notes.]

Section 44-3-20.4. - Deferment of payment of tax for low income — Warren.

Section 44-3-21. - Renewable energy systems — Exemption.

Section 44-3-22. - Cranston — Real estate and excise tax exemption for persons who are disabled.

Section 44-3-23. - Narragansett — Tax exemptions in the town.

Section 44-3-24. - Reevaluation of real property — Adjustment of exemption upon.

Section 44-3-25. - Cumberland — Maximum exemptions.

Section 44-3-25.1. - Bristol — Maximum exemptions.

Section 44-3-26. - Repealed.

Section 44-3-27. - South Kingstown — Certain tax exemptions.

Section 44-3-27.1. - Bristol — Certain tax exemptions.

Section 44-3-28. - North Providence — Exemption for people with paraplegia.

Section 44-3-29. - Exemption and/or valuation freeze of wholesaler’s inventory.

Section 44-3-29.1. - Wholesale and retail inventory tax phase out.

Section 44-3-30. - Burrillville — Property taxation of electricity generating facilities located in the town.

Section 44-3-31. - Providence — Certain tax exemptions.

Section 44-3-31.1. - Providence Freeze of certain tax.

Section 44-3-31.2. - Providence — Special property tax consideration for designated properties.

Section 44-3-31.3. - Providence — Additional special property tax consideration for designated properties.

Section 44-3-32. - Portsmouth — Tax exemption for the elderly.

Section 44-3-32.1. - Portsmouth — Tax exemption for farmland, forest land, open space or historic preservation site.

Section 44-3-32.2. - Cities and towns — Tax exemption for farmland, forestland, or open space land.

Section 44-3-33. - Burrillville — Tax exemption for the Industrial Foundation of Burrillville.

Section 44-3-34. - Central Falls — Homeowner exemption.

Section 44-3-35. - Burrillville — Real estate tax exemption for persons who are disabled.

Section 44-3-36. - Portsmouth — Real estate tax exemption for persons who are disabled.

Section 44-3-37. - Burrillville — Exemption and/or valuation freeze of retailer’s inventory.

Section 44-3-38. - Transfer of property to trust. [As amended by P.L. 2012, ch. 376, § 2.]

Section 44-3-39. - Middletown — Exemption of persons over the age of 65.

Section 44-3-40. - Cities and towns — Authorization to exempt retailer’s inventory.

Section 44-3-41. - Glocester — Historic district exemption.

Section 44-3-42. - Cumberland — Fixed tax assessment for farmland.

Section 44-3-43. - Historic stone wall exemption.

Section 44-3-44. - Qualifying stock options — Exemption.

Section 44-3-45. - “Qualifying taxpayer” defined.

Section 44-3-46. - “Qualifying corporation” and “full-time equivalent active employee” defined.

Section 44-3-47. - Cranston — Economic development tax incentive program Exemptions.

Section 44-3-48. - Burrillville — Certain tax exemptions.

Section 44-3-49. - Burrillville — Fixed tax rate.

Section 44-3-50. - Pawtucket — Certain tax exemptions.

Section 44-3-51. - North Smithfield — Tax exemptions.

Section 44-3-52. - Cumberland — Exemption for persons interned in concentration camps.

Section 44-3-53. - Club Sport Uniao Madeirense in the city of Central Falls — Tax exemption.

Section 44-3-54. - “Sons of the Revolution” society located in the town of Middletown — Tax exemption.

Section 44-3-55. - South Kingstown — certain non-profit charitable organizations — Tax exemptions or payment in lieu of tax agreements.

Section 44-3-56. - Tax credit in lieu of tax exemption in the town of Burrillville.

Section 44-3-57. - Deferment of payment of tax for the elderly — Bristol.

Section 44-3-58. - Tax deferment of elderly persons in the town of Narragansett.

Section 44-3-58.1. - Tax deferment of increase in property taxes of persons sixty-five (65) years of age or older.

Section 44-3-59. - Tax exemption in the town of Burrillville — The Columbus Club of Burrillville.

Section 44-3-60. - Tax exemption extended to motor vehicle excise tax in lieu of tax exemption on property in the Town of Westerly.

Section 44-3-61. - [Renumbered.]

Section 44-3-62. - Lincoln — Tangible business property tax exemption for new investments.

Section 44-3-63. - Historical cemeteries.

Section 44-3-64. - Tax exemption in the City of Pawtucket — Sandra Feinstein — Gamm Theatre.

Section 44-3-65. - Narragansett and East Greenwich — Tangible business property tax exemption.

Section 44-3-66. - East Providence — Disabled veterans tax exemption classification.