§ 44-19-1. Annual permit required — Retail business subject to sales tax — Promotion of shows — Revocation of show permit.
(a)(1) Every person desiring to engage in or conduct within this state a business of making sales at retail, or engage in a business of renting living quarters in any hotel, rooming house, or tourist camp, the gross receipts from which sales or rental charges are required to be included in the measure of the tax imposed under chapter 18 of this title, shall file with the tax administrator an application for a permit for each place of business. The application shall be in a form, include information, and bear any signatures that the tax administrator may require. There shall be no fee for this permit. Every permit issued under this chapter expires at the times prescribed by the tax administrator.
(2) Every permit holder shall annually, on forms prescribed and at the times prescribed by the tax administrator, renew its permit by filing an application. The renewal permit is valid for the period July 1 of that calendar year through June 30 of the subsequent calendar year unless otherwise canceled, suspended, or revoked. All fees received under this section are allocated to the tax administrator for enforcement and collection of all taxes.
(b)(1) Every promoter of a show shall, at least ten (10) days prior to the opening of each show, file with the tax administrator a notice stating the location and dates of the show, in a form prescribed by the tax administrator.
(2) The tax administrator shall, within five (5) days after the receipt of that notice, issue to the promoter, without charge, a permit to operate the show, unless the provisions of subsection (b)(5) of this section have been applied to the promoter. No promoter may operate a show without obtaining the permit. The permit shall be prominently displayed at the main entrance of the show.
(3) Any promoter who is a retailer shall comply with all of the provisions of this chapter and chapter 18 relating to retailers, in addition to all of the provisions of this chapter relating to promoters.
(4) A promoter may not permit any person to display or sell tangible personal property, services, or food and drink at a show unless that person is registered under subsection (a) of this section and displays his or her permit in accordance with the provisions of subsection (a) of this section.
(5) Any promoter who permits any person to display or sell tangible personal property, services, or food and drink at a show who is not registered, or does not display a permit, or fails to keep a record or file a monthly report of the name, address, and permit number of every person whom the promoter permitted to sell or display tangible personal property, services, or food and drink at a show, is subject to revocation of all existing permits issued pursuant to this section to operate a show, and to the denial of a permit to operate any show for a period of not more than two (2) years, in addition to the provisions of § 44-19-31.
History of Section.P.L. 1947, ch. 1887, art. 2, § 18; G.L. 1956, § 44-19-1; P.L. 1960, ch. 74, § 22; P.L. 1967, ch. 179, art. 2, § 9; P.L. 1978, ch. 166, § 3; P.L. 1993, ch. 138, art. 39, § 1; P.L. 2021, ch. 162, art. 6, § 6, effective July 1, 2021; P.L. 2021, ch. 309, § 1, effective July 1, 2021; P.L. 2021, ch. 310, § 1, effective July 9, 2021.
Structure Rhode Island General Laws
Chapter 44-19 - Sales and Use Taxes — Enforcement and Collection
Section 44-19-2. - Issuance of permit — Assignment prohibited — Display.
Section 44-19-3. - Temporary permits.
Section 44-19-4. - Return of permit on cessation of business — Cancellation.
Section 44-19-5. - Suspension or revocation of permit — New permit.
Section 44-19-5.1. - Injunctive relief — Jurisdiction of court.
Section 44-19-6. - Penalty for business without permit.
Section 44-19-7. - Registration of retailers.
Section 44-19-8. - Separate listing of tax in price.
Section 44-19-9. - Advertisement as to assumption of tax by retailer.
Section 44-19-10. - Monthly returns and payments — Monthly reports by show promoters.
Section 44-19-10.1. - Prepayment of sales tax on cigarettes.
Section 44-19-10.2. - Floor stock tax on inventory.
Section 44-19-10.3. - Electronic filing of sales tax returns.
Section 44-19-11. - Deficiency determinations — Interest.
Section 44-19-12. - Pecuniary penalties for deficiencies.
Section 44-19-13. - Notice of determination.
Section 44-19-14. - Determination without return — Interest and penalties.
Section 44-19-15. - Jeopardy determinations.
Section 44-19-15.2. - Flea markets.
Section 44-19-16. - Finality of determination — Time payment due.
Section 44-19-17. - Hearing by administrator on application.
Section 44-19-19. - Judgment on review.
Section 44-19-20. - Interest and penalties on delinquent payments.
Section 44-19-20.1. - Interest on overpayments.
Section 44-19-21. - Taxes as debt to state — Lien on real estate.
Section 44-19-22. - Notice of transfer of business — Taxes due immediately.
Section 44-19-23. - Collection powers — Surety bond to pay.
Section 44-19-24. - Disposition of proceeds.
Section 44-19-25. - Claims for refund — Hearing — Judicial review.
Section 44-19-26. - Payment of refunds.
Section 44-19-27.1. - Examination of taxpayer’s records — Witnesses.
Section 44-19-27.2. - Power to summon witnesses and evidence.
Section 44-19-27.3. - Service of summons.
Section 44-19-27.4. - Enforcement of summons.
Section 44-19-28. - Reports required as to use tax.
Section 44-19-29. - Access to records of state agencies.
Section 44-19-30. - Information confidential — Types of disclosure authorized.
Section 44-19-30.1. - Waiver of confidentiality.
Section 44-19-31. - Penalty for violations generally.
Section 44-19-32. - Deposit in mail as sufficient notice.
Section 44-19-33. - Rules and regulations — Forms.
Section 44-19-35. - Tax collection as property held in trust for the state.
Section 44-19-36. - Notice to segregate trust funds.
Section 44-19-37. - Penalty for misappropriation.
Section 44-19-38. - Remedy not exclusive.
Section 44-19-39. - Exclusion of certain small sales.
Section 44-19-40. - Disposition of revenue.
Section 44-19-41. - Materialperson — Definitions and applicability.
Section 44-19-42. - Suppression of sales — Definitions and applicability.