§ 42-128-10. Appropriations.
The general assembly shall annually appropriate any sums it may deem necessary to enable the commission to carry out its assigned purposes; and the state controller is authorized and directed to draw his or her orders upon the general treasurer for the payment of any sums appropriated or so much as may be from time to time required, upon receipt by him or her of proper vouchers approved by the chairperson or the executive director.
History of Section.P.L. 1998, ch. 31, art. 29, § 1.
Structure Rhode Island General Laws
Title 42 - State Affairs and Government
Chapter 42-128 - Rhode Island Housing Resources Act of 1998
Section 42-128-2. - Rhode Island housing resources agency created.
Section 42-128-2.1. - Housing Production Fund.
Section 42-128-3. - Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation.
Section 42-128-4. - Rhode Island housing resources commission.
Section 42-128-6. - Commission — Membership and terms — Officers — Expenses — Meetings.
Section 42-128-7. - General powers.
Section 42-128-8. - Powers and duties.
Section 42-128-8.1. - Housing production and rehabilitation.
Section 42-128-9. - Offices within the commission.
Section 42-128-10. - Appropriations.
Section 42-128-11. - Executive director — Employees.
Section 42-128-12. - Coordination with other state agencies.
Section 42-128-13. - Open meetings law.
Section 42-128-14. - Public records law.
Section 42-128-15. - Administrative procedures act.