Rhode Island General Laws
Chapter 42-116 - Rhode Island Depositors Economic Protection Corporation
Section 42-116-1. - Short title.

§ 42-116-1. Short title.
This chapter shall be known as the “Rhode Island Depositors Economic Protection Act”.
History of Section.P.L. 1991, ch. 3, § 4.

Structure Rhode Island General Laws

Rhode Island General Laws

Title 42 - State Affairs and Government

Chapter 42-116 - Rhode Island Depositors Economic Protection Corporation

Section 42-116-1. - Short title.

Section 42-116-2. - Legislative findings.

Section 42-116-3. - Definitions.

Section 42-116-4. - Establishment of corporation — Composition of corporation — Appointment of directors.

Section 42-116-5. - General powers of corporation.

Section 42-116-5.1. - Sale of property.

Section 42-116-6. - Additional general powers.

Section 42-116-7. - Assumption of liabilities and distribution.

Section 42-116-8. - Officers.

Section 42-116-9. - Ethics.

Section 42-116-10. - Promulgation of regulations.

Section 42-116-11. - Payment of state funds — Agreement between corporation and department.

Section 42-116-12. - Payment of depositor’s claims.

Section 42-116-12.1. - Distribution of funds in individual retirement accounts.

Section 42-116-13. - Bonds of the corporation.

Section 42-116-14. - Refunding bonds.

Section 42-116-15. - Bonds eligible for investment.

Section 42-116-16. - No additional consent required.

Section 42-116-17. - Bonds not obligations of the state.

Section 42-116-18. - Lien status — Recording.

Section 42-116-19. - Investment securities.

Section 42-116-20. - Trust fund.

Section 42-116-21. - Authorization to accept appropriated monies.

Section 42-116-22. - Assistance by state officers, departments, boards and commissions.

Section 42-116-23. - Certain agreements.

Section 42-116-24. - Tax exemption.

Section 42-116-25. - Duration of corporation — Termination.

Section 42-116-25.1. - Defeasance of corporation bonds.

Section 42-116-25.2. - Indemnification.

Section 42-116-26. - Record keeping — Financial statements.

Section 42-116-27. - Inconsistent laws — Supplemental powers.

Section 42-116-28. - Compliance with federal law.

Section 42-116-29. - Inapplicability of certain laws.

Section 42-116-30. - Liability of the corporation.

Section 42-116-31. - Special revenue fund.

Section 42-116-32. - Corporation’s right to subrogation.

Section 42-116-33. - Performance review committee.

Section 42-116-34. - Severability.

Section 42-116-35. - Excess interest forfeiture.

Section 42-116-36. - Recording certain transfer documents.

Section 42-116-37. - Use of funds.

Section 42-116-38. - Depositor’s advisory board.

Section 42-116-39. - Payment of commission costs.

Section 42-116-40. - Court-approved settlements.

Section 42-116-41. - Loan portfolio valuation.