Rhode Island General Laws
Chapter 41-5 - Boxing and Wrestling
Section 41-5-8. - Referees — Powers.

§ 41-5-8. Referees — Powers.
At every boxing or sparring match or exhibition there shall be in attendance a referee, duly licensed under the provisions of this chapter, who shall direct and control the boxing match, sparring match, or exhibition. The referee shall have full power to stop the match whenever he or she deems it advisable because of the physical condition of any contestants, or when one of the contestants is clearly outclassed by his or her opponents, or for other sufficient reason and that no fighter who has been knocked down shall be allowed to continue until he or she has taken a mandatory eight (8) count. The referee shall have power in his or her discretion to declare forfeited any prize, remuneration, or purse or any part thereof belonging to any contestants if, in his or her judgment, the contestant or contestants are not or were not competing in good faith. The physician in attendance shall examine the referee prior to each bout or event and certify whether he or she is capable of performing his or her duties based upon the examination. In all championship bouts held in Rhode Island, first consideration shall be given to referees in good standing residing in Rhode Island. The referee has the right to award a boxer injured by a foul or inappropriate action from one to five (5) minutes to recover after time has been called.
History of Section.P.L. 1926, ch. 772, § 7; G.L. 1938, ch. 16, § 8; G.L. 1956, § 41-5-8; P.L. 1984, ch. 399, § 1; P.L. 2007, ch. 388, § 1; P.L. 2007, ch. 439, § 1; P.L. 2009, ch. 139, § 1; P.L. 2009, ch. 159, § 1.

Structure Rhode Island General Laws

Rhode Island General Laws

Title 41 - Sports, Racing, and Athletics

Chapter 41-5 - Boxing and Wrestling

Section 41-5-1. - License required for boxing exhibitions — Amateur exhibitions exempt.

Section 41-5-2. - [Repealed.]

Section 41-5-3. - Application for license.

Section 41-5-3.1. - Required information on application.

Section 41-5-3.2. - License issued only to ring equipment owner.

Section 41-5-3.3. - Insurance required.

Section 41-5-3.4. - Promotion prohibited until license issued.

Section 41-5-3.5. - Inspections of premises and equipment required.

Section 41-5-3.6. - Substitutions.

Section 41-5-3.7. - Closed-circuit television.

Section 41-5-4. - Penalty for unlicensed match.

Section 41-5-5. - Separate license for each match — Approval of city or town authorities.

Section 41-5-6. - Surety bond filed by licensee.

Section 41-5-7. - License required for participants and officials in professional matches.

Section 41-5-7.1. - Required information on boxer’s application for license — Medical examination.

Section 41-5-8. - Referees — Powers.

Section 41-5-9. - Attendance of judges — Decision.

Section 41-5-9.1. - Duties of director at ringside.

Section 41-5-10. - Fees of officials.

Section 41-5-11. - Physician and first-aid instructor or licensed practical nurse in attendance — Examination of participants before match.

Section 41-5-11.1. - Drug and H.I.V. testing.

Section 41-5-11.2. - Health insurance.

Section 41-5-12. - Duration of matches — Gloves — Maximum participation by contestant.

Section 41-5-12.1. - Number of corner persons.

Section 41-5-13. - Minimum age of contestants.

Section 41-5-13.1. - Physical knockouts.

Section 41-5-13.2. - Facial lacerations.

Section 41-5-14. - Interest in contestant by promoter prohibited — Forfeiture of contestant’s purse.

Section 41-5-15. - Tax on admissions — Accounting and payment — State inspector.

Section 41-5-16. - Overcrowding of buildings — Ventilation and safety requirements.

Section 41-5-17. - Suspension or revocation of license.

Section 41-5-18. - Betting prohibited.

Section 41-5-19. - Witnesses and evidence before division.

Section 41-5-20. - Injunction and abatement of unauthorized matches.

Section 41-5-20.1. - Refunds required upon license revocation.

Section 41-5-21. - Application of chapter to wrestling matches.

Section 41-5-22. - Rules and regulations.

Section 41-5-23. - Annual report to general assembly.

Section 41-5-24. - Appropriations and disbursements.