§ 28-29-27. Appropriations and disbursements.
The general assembly shall annually appropriate out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated any sum that it may deem necessary to carry out the provisions of chapters 29 — 38 of this title and the state controller is authorized and directed to draw his or her orders on the general treasurer for the payment of that sum or so much of it as may be from time to time required, upon the receipt by him or her of duly authenticated vouchers.
History of Section.G.L. 1938, ch. 300, art. 9, § 10; P.L. 1954, ch. 3297, § 1; G.L. 1956, § 28-29-27.
Structure Rhode Island General Laws
Title 28 - Labor and Labor Relations
Chapter 28-29 - Workers’ Compensation — General Provisions
Section 28-29-1. - Short title.
Section 28-29-1.1. - Name change.
Section 28-29-1.2. - Legislative findings and implementation of reforms.
Section 28-29-1.3. - Jurisdiction of Workers’ Compensation Act.
Section 28-29-2. - Definitions.
Section 28-29-3. - Defenses abrogated as to injuries in course of employment.
Section 28-29-4. - Defenses available in action against employer subject to law — Towns and cities.
Section 28-29-5. - Employers exempt.
Section 28-29-6. - Employers subject to law.
Section 28-29-6.1. - Secondary provision of workers’ compensation insurance.
Section 28-29-6.2. - Employers’ mandatory disclosure.
Section 28-29-7. - Domestic and farm laborers.
Section 28-29-7.1. - Exemption from workers’ compensation — Certain real estate persons.
Section 28-29-7.2. - Farm laborers.
Section 28-29-8. - Election by exempt employers to be subject to law.
Section 28-29-9. - Service of process on nonresident employers.
Section 28-29-10. - Certificate of compliance with corporation laws required.
Section 28-29-11. - Annual certificate of compliance.
Section 28-29-12. - Certificate fee.
Section 28-29-13. - Posting of summaries of law.
Section 28-29-13.1. - Booklets — Information.
Section 28-29-14. - Forms prescribed and furnished.
Section 28-29-15. - Exemption of professional hockey personnel.
Section 28-29-16. - Certificate of coverage by another state.
Section 28-29-17. - Waiver of common law rights — Notice of claim of common law right.
Section 28-29-17.1. - Notice of designation as independent contractor.
Section 28-29-18. - Minors deemed sui juris — Claim of common law rights.
Section 28-29-19. - Waiver of claim of common law rights.
Section 28-29-20. - Rights in lieu of other rights and remedies.
Section 28-29-21. - Wrongful death law inapplicable.
Section 28-29-22. - Agreement for alternative scheme — Approval and certification.
Section 28-29-23. - Termination provisions in alternative scheme.
Section 28-29-24. - Revocation of certificate as to alternative scheme.
Section 28-29-25. - Penal provisions in other statutes unaffected.
Section 28-29-26. - Supervision of enforcement.
Section 28-29-27. - Appropriations and disbursements.
Section 28-29-28. - [Repealed.]