Rhode Island General Laws
Chapter 23-7 - Mosquito Abatement
Section 23-7-2. - Declaration of policy.

§ 23-7-2. Declaration of policy.
Mosquitoes in Rhode Island do not pose a routine threat to the public health. There has rarely, if ever, been a case of mosquito-transmitted viral encephalitis recorded in this state. Mosquitoes are recognized to be a nuisance problem to the residents of this state. Specifically, it is declared to be the policy of the state that:
(1) Since large amounts of money have been spent by some individual cities and towns on mosquito control programs that have been ineffective, a combined effort by contiguous municipalities would be more economical and beneficial.
(2) The environment surrounding the areas within which mosquitoes live and breed shall remain in such condition that it will continue to sustain the full range of natural plant and animal life characteristic of that area while providing relief from that nuisance.
(3) Unwarranted and sometimes excessive spraying can irreversibly damage the environment. For this reason, pesticide use must be minimized.
(4) Water-level management is presently the best type of program suited for most areas of this state.
(5) Mosquito abatement programs should be accompanied by a public education campaign emphasizing individual citizen’s action for home and yard relief.
History of Section.P.L. 1978, ch. 108, § 2.