Rhode Island General Laws
Chapter 22-2 - Composition of House of Representatives
Section 22-2-2. - Districts.

§ 22-2-2. Districts.
The state is hereby divided into seventy-five (75) representative districts bounded and described as follows:
(1) It is understood and intended that for the purpose of this section a line described as running on, on, to or through any street (including road, avenue, lane, way, parkway, expressway, divided Highway, state route or interstate route, or trail), stream or river, is intended to mean the centerline of that street, stream or river, and a line described as the shoreline is intended to mean the line on the mean low water level, and a feature extension is intended to mean the imaginary straight-line extension from the end of a map feature, usually a street or road, to another feature as for example, from the end of a dead-end street to a nearby river, in all instances, unless the same shall be otherwise specified.
(2) It is further understood and intended that for the purpose of this section, the districts described in this section shall be composed of United States census geography (tracts and blocks), as defined by the 2020 version of the “TIGER” files from the United States Census Bureau, whose boundaries correspond to the below metes and bounds set forth in this section and hereby made a part of this chapter. A listing of which census blocks are contained within each district shall be deemed to be incorporated by reference.
(3)(i) It is further understood and intended that for the purpose of this section, the districts will be depicted on thirty-nine (39) maps known as House Plan D — Substitute A, compiled by Election Data Services, Inc. for each city and town, and hereinafter may be referred to as town maps.
(ii) The secretary of state shall keep a copy of each set of the foregoing maps and a copy of the census tract and block listing available for inspection during ordinary business hours at his or her office. The secretary of state shall furnish each city and town a copy of the town map covering that particular city or town within ten (10) days from the date of passage of this act.
(iii) For purposes of this title, references to “tract” or “CT” shall mean “census tract,” as that demographic unit is established by the United States Bureau of the census for the 2020 census as described by maps and publications of the bureau. References to “block,” “blocks,” or “block groups,” refer to those demographic units as established by the United States Census Bureau for the 2020 census as described by maps and publications of the bureau.
(iv) Any reference to a “city or town,” “city or town boundaries,” or “city or town limits” shall refer to the boundaries or limits of the particular city or town as defined by the 2020 version of the “TIGER” files from the United States Census Bureau.
(v) In the census tract and block listing, the first two (2) digits of a census description shall refer to the State of Rhode Island (44), the next three (3) digits of a census description shall refer to the county in which the district lies. Bristol county carries the code 001; Kent county carries the code 003; Newport county carries the code 005; Providence county carries the code 007 and Washington county carries the code 009. The next six (6) digits refer to the census tract within the county set forth in the description. The last four (4) digits refer to the census block within the census tract. “TIGER” is an acronym for the computer readable geographic data base that automates the mapping and related geographic activities required to support the United States’ Census Bureau’s census and survey programs and stands for “Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing.”
(vi) If any census tract, block, block group, or enumeration district is omitted, listed more than once, or is only partially provided for, it is intended that the districts be defined in such a manner as to not omit any area of Rhode Island from a district and to comply with the standard of Articles VII and VIII of the Rhode Island Constitution requiring that districts be reasonably equal. In order to carry out the intent of the general assembly as expressed in this section the secretary of state, shall if necessary, undertake measures to insure compliance with this section.
(vii) In the event of a discrepancy between the metes and bounds description, the description by census tracts and blocks, and the maps which shall be on file with the secretary of state, then the listing of census tracts and blocks shall take precedence and be controlling
First district: The first representative district shall consist of all that part of the city of Providence bounded by a line beginning at Power St and S Main St; thence easterly on Power St to Cooke St; thence northerly on Cooke St to Angell St; thence easterly on Angell St to River Rd; thence southerly on River Rd to the Henderson Expressway; thence easterly on the Henderson Expressway to the Providence — East Providence boundary line; thence northeasterly on the Providence — East Providence boundary line to the line extending from Irving Ave; thence westerly on Irving Ave to Gulf Ave; thence northwesterly on Gulf Ave to Loring Ave; thence westerly on Loring Ave to Grotto Ave; thence northerly on Grotto Ave to Laurel Ave; thence westerly on Laurel Ave to Arlington Ave; thence northwesterly on Arlington Ave to Olney St; thence westerly on Olney St to N Main St; thence northerly on N Main St to Hewes St; thence southwesterly on Hewes St to Stevens St; thence westerly on Stevens St to Charles St; thence southerly on Charles St to the Moshassuck River; thence southerly on the Moshassuck River to Smith St; thence westerly on Smith St to New York New Haven and Hartford RR; thence northerly on New York New Haven and Hartford RR to I-95; thence southwesterly on I-95 to Smith St; thence easterly on Smith St to Francis St; thence southerly on Francis St to Gaspee St; thence easterly on Gaspee St to the Providence Amtrak Station; thence southeasterly on the eastern boundary line of the Providence Amtrak Station to Railroad St; thence southeasterly on Railroad St to Park Row W; thence easterly on Park Row W to Park Row; thence easterly on Park Row to N Main St; thence southerly on N Main St to S Main St; thence southeasterly on S Main St to the point of origin.
Second district: The second representative district shall consist of all of the part of the city of Providence bounded by a line beginning at Smith St and Orms St; thence westerly on Orms St to Valley St; thence southwesterly on Valley St to Pleasant Valley Pkwy; thence southeasterly on Pleasant Valley Pkwy to Dean St; thence southerly on Dean St to State Highway 10; thence easterly on State Highway 10 to I-95; thence southerly on I-95 to I-195; thence easterly on I-195 to the Providence River; thence southeasterly on the Providence River to the Providence — East Providence boundary line; thence northeasterly on the Providence — East Providence boundary line to the Henderson Expressway; thence westerly on Henderson Expressway to River Rd; thence northerly on River Rd to Angell St; thence westerly on Angell St to Cooke St; thence southerly on Cooke St to Power St; thence westerly on Power St to S Main St; thence northwesterly on S Main St to N Main St; thence northwesterly on N Main St to Park Row; thence westerly on Park Row to Park Row W; thence westerly on Park Row W to Railroad St; thence northwesterly on Railroad St to the Providence Amtrak Station; thence northwesterly on the eastern boundary line of the Providence Amtrak Station to Gaspee St; thence southwesterly on Gaspee St to Francis St; thence northwesterly on Francis St to Smith St; thence westerly on Smith St to the point of origin.
Third district: The third representative district shall consist of all that part of the city of Providence bounded by a line beginning at Valley St and Raymond St; thence northeasterly on Valley St to Orms St; thence easterly on Orms St to Smith St; thence southeasterly on Smith St to I-95; thence northerly on I-95 to the Pawtucket — Providence boundary line; thence westerly on the Pawtucket — Providence boundary line to Smithfield Ave; thence southerly on Smithfield Ave to Silver Spring St; thence southerly on Silver Spring St, to Ledge St; thence westerly on Ledge St to Charles St; thence northerly on Charles St to Paul St; thence westerly on Paul St to Aventine Ave; thence southerly on Aventine Ave to Greeley St; thence southeasterly on Greeley St to Opper St; thence southwesterly on Opper St to Branch Ave; thence northwesterly on Branch Ave to Moy St; thence southerly on Moy St to Concannon St; thence westerly on Concannon St to Douglas Ave; thence southeasterly on Douglas Ave to Veazie St; thence southerly on Veazie St to Eva St; thence southerly on Eva St to Admiral St; thence easterly on Admiral St to Douglas Ave; thence southerly on Douglas Ave to Eaton St; thence westerly on Eaton St to Oakland Ave; thence southerly on Oakland Ave to Raymond St; thence southeasterly on Raymond St to the point of origin.
Fourth district: The fourth representative district shall consist of all that part of the city of Providence bounded by a line beginning at the Pawtucket — Providence boundary line and I-95; thence southwesterly on I-95 to New York New Haven and Hartford RR; thence southeasterly on New York New Haven and Hartford RR to Smith St; thence easterly on Smith St to the Moshassuck River; thence northerly on the Moshassuck River to Charles St; thence northerly on Charles St to Stevens St; thence easterly on Stevens St to Hewes St; thence northerly on Hewes St to N Main St; thence southerly on N Main St to Olney St; thence easterly on Olney St to Arlington Ave; thence southeasterly on Arlington Ave to Laurel Ave; thence northeasterly on Laurel Ave to Grotto Ave; thence southerly on Grotto Ave to Loring Ave; thence easterly on Loring Ave to Gulf Ave; thence southeasterly on Gulf Ave to Irving Ave; thence easterly on Irving Ave and its extension to the Providence — East Providence boundary line; thence northerly on the Providence — East Providence boundary line to the Pawtucket — Providence boundary line; thence westerly on the Pawtucket — Providence boundary line to the point of origin.
Fifth district: The fifth representative district shall consist of all that part of the city of Providence bounded by a line beginning at Smith St and Oakland Ave; thence northerly on Oakland Ave to Eaton St; thence easterly on Eaton St to Douglas Ave; thence northerly on Douglas Ave to Admiral St; thence westerly on Admiral St to Eva St; thence northerly on Eva St to Veazie St; thence northwesterly on Veazie St to Douglas Ave; thence northwesterly on Douglas Ave to Concannon St; thence easterly on Concannon St to Moy St; thence northerly on Moy St to Branch Ave; thence easterly on Branch Ave to Opper St; thence northeasterly on Opper St to Greeley St; thence northwesterly on Greeley St to Aventine Ave; thence northerly on Aventine Ave to Paul St; thence easterly on Paul St to Charles St; thence southerly on Charles St to Ledge St; thence northeasterly on Ledge St to Silver Spring St; thence northerly on Silver Spring St to Smithfield Ave; thence northerly on Smithfield Ave to the Pawtucket — Providence boundary line; thence westerly on the Pawtucket — Providence boundary line to the North Providence — Pawtucket boundary line; thence westerly and southwesterly on the North Providence — Providence boundary line to Admiral St; thence southeasterly on Admiral St to Sharon St; thence southerly on Sharon St to La Salle Dr; thence easterly on La Salle Dr to census block 440070024002020; thence continuing northerly, easterly and southerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440070024002020 — 440070024002018 and 440070024002020 — 440070024002023 to Joy St; thence easterly on Joy St to River Ave; thence southerly on River Ave to Smith St; thence southeasterly on Smith St to the point of origin.
Sixth district: The sixth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the city of Providence bounded by a line beginning at Hannah St and Atwells Ave; thence westerly on Atwells Ave to Manton Ave; thence westerly on Manton Ave to Rushmore Ave; thence northerly on Rushmore Ave to Actina St; thence easterly on Actinia St to Imera St; thence northerly on Imera St to the eastern boundary line of Triggs Memorial Golf Course; thence northerly on the eastern boundary line of Triggs Memorial Golf Course to Galileo Ave; thence northeasterly on Galileo Ave to Standish Ave; thence northerly on Standish Ave to Rialto St; thence easterly on Rialto St to Mount Pleasant Ave; thence northerly on Mount Pleasant Ave to the northern boundary line of census block 440070024006022; thence easterly on the northern boundary line of census block 440070024006022 to Elmcroft Ave; thence easterly on Elmcroft Ave to Whitford Ave; thence easterly on Whitford Ave to Academy Ave; thence northerly on Academy Ave to Smith St; thence southeasterly on Smith St to River Ave; thence northerly on River Ave to Joy St; thence westerly on Joy St to census block 440070024002020; thence northerly, westerly and southerly on the boundary line of census block 440070024002020 to La Salle Dr; thence westerly on La Salle Dr to Sharon St; thence northerly on Sharon St to Admiral St; thence northwesterly on Admiral St to the North Providence — Providence boundary line; thence southwesterly on the North Providence boundary line to the Johnston — Providence boundary line and the Woonasquatucket River; thence southeasterly and easterly on the Woonasquatucket River to census block 440070019003012; thence northeasterly from the point of the Woonasquatucket River and census block 440070019003012 to the line extending from the eastern segment of Bosworth St; thence northeasterly on Bosworth St to Curtis St; thence northwesterly on Curtis St to the western segment of Bosworth St; thence northeasterly on Bosworth St to Manton Ave; thence northwesterly on Manton Ave to Steere Ave; thence northeasterly on Steere Ave to Amherst St; thence westerly on Amherst St to Hannah St; thence northerly on Hannah St to the point of origin.
The sixth representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the town of North Providence bounded by a line beginning at the North Providence — Providence boundary line and Hillside Dr; thence westerly on Hillside Dr to Longwood Ave; thence northwesterly on Longwood Ave to Woodbine St; thence northerly on Woodbine St to Sherman Ave; thence westerly on Sherman Ave to High Service Ave; thence northerly on High Service Ave to Superior View Blvd; thence westerly on Superior View Blvd to Lookout Ave; thence southerly on Lookout Ave to Smith St; thence southeasterly on Smith St to Homewood Ave; thence southerly on Homewood Ave to Olney Ave; thence westerly on Olney Ave to Belcourt Ave; thence southerly on Belcourt Ave to the northern boundary line of Rhode Island College; thence westerly on the northern boundary line of Rhode Island College to Fruit Hill Ave; thence southwesterly on Fruit Hill Ave to Lyman Ave; thence westerly on Lyman Ave to Woonasquatucket Ave; thence northwesterly on Woonasquatucket Ave to Testa Dr; thence westerly on Testa Dr and its extension to the Johnston — North Providence boundary line; thence southeasterly on the Johnston — North Providence boundary line to the North Providence — Providence boundary line; thence northeasterly on the North Providence — Providence boundary line to the point of origin.
Seventh district: The seventh representative district shall consist of all of that part of the city of Providence bounded by a line beginning at Atwells Ave and Academy Ave; thence northerly on Academy Ave to Kepler St; thence easterly on Kepler St to census block 440070022003011; thence northerly and easterly on the northern boundary line of census block 440070022003011 to Allston St; thence northerly on Allston St to census block 440070022002014; thence northerly on the eastern boundary line of census block 440070022003000 to Allston St; thence northeasterly on Allston St to Harold St; thence northerly on Harold St to Berkley St; thence northeasterly on Berkley St to River Ave; thence northwesterly on River Ave to Chalkstone Ave; thence northeasterly on Chalkstone Ave to Rosebank Ave; thence northwesterly on Rosebank Ave to Pleasant Valley Pkwy; thence westerly on Pleasant Valley Pkwy to census block 440070023002007; thence northerly on the western boundary line of census block 440070023002002 to Smith St; thence northwesterly on Smith St to Academy Ave; thence southerly on Academy Ave to Whitford Ave; thence westerly on Whitford Ave to Elmcroft Ave; thence westerly on Elmcroft Ave to census block 440070024006018; thence westerly on the northern boundary line of census block 440070024006022 to Mount Pleasant Ave; thence southerly on Mount Pleasant Ave to Rialto St; thence westerly on Rialto St to Standish Ave; thence southerly on Standish Ave to Galileo Ave; thence westerly on Galileo Ave to the eastern boundary line of Triggs Memorial Golf Course; thence southwesterly on the eastern boundary line of Triggs Memorial Golf Course to Imera St; thence southerly on Imera St to Actina St; thence westerly on Actinia St to Rushmore Ave; thence southerly on Rushmore Ave to Manton Ave; thence easterly on Manton Ave to Atwells Ave; thence easterly on Atwells Ave to the point of origin.
Eighth district: The eighth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the city of Providence bounded by a line beginning at Oakland Ave and Smith St; thence northwesterly on Smith St to census block 440070023002000; thence southerly and easterly on the western boundary line of census block 440070023002002 to Pleasant Valley Pkwy; thence easterly on Pleasant Valley Pkwy to Rosebank Ave; thence southeasterly on Rosebank Ave to Chalkstone Ave; thence westerly on Chalkstone Ave to River Ave; thence southeasterly on River Ave to Berkley St; thence southwesterly on Berkley St to Harold St; thence southerly on Harold St to Allston St; thence southerly on the eastern boundary line of census block 440070022003000 to Allston St; thence southerly on Allston St to census block 440070022003011; thence westerly and southerly on the northern boundary line of census block 440070022003011 to Kepler St; thence westerly on Kepler St to Academy Ave; thence southerly on Academy Ave to Atwells Ave; thence westerly on Atwells Ave to Hannah St; thence southerly on Hannah St to Amherst St; thence easterly on Amherst St to Pope St; thence southerly on Pope St to Kossuth St; thence easterly on Kossuth St to Bowdoin St; thence southerly on Bowdoin St to Appleton St; thence northwesterly on Appleton St to Julian St; thence southwesterly on Julian St to Manton Ave; thence southeasterly on Manton Ave to Olneyville Sq; thence southerly on Olneyville Sq to Westminster St; thence easterly on Westminster St to I-95; thence northerly on I-95 to State Highway 10; thence westerly on State Highway 10 to Dean St; thence northerly on Dean St to Pleasant Valley Pkwy; thence northwesterly on Pleasant Valley Pkwy to Raymond St; thence northwesterly on Raymond St to Oakland Ave; thence northerly on Oakland Ave to the point of origin.
Ninth district: The ninth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the city of Providence bounded by a line beginning at Manton Ave and San Souci Dr; thence southerly on Manton Ave to Olneyville Sq; thence southerly on Olneyville Sq to Westminster St; thence easterly on Westminster St to I-95; thence southeasterly on I-95 to Point St; thence westerly on Point St to Prairie Ave; thence southerly on Prairie Ave to Blackstone St; thence westerly on Blackstone St to Friendship St; thence southwesterly on Friendship St to Broad St; thence northerly on Broad St to Trinity Sq; thence southwesterly on Trinity Sq to Elmwood Ave; thence southwesterly on Elmwood Ave to Arch St; thence westerly on Arch St to Gilmore St; thence southerly on Gilmore St to Wilson St; thence westerly on Wilson St to Harrison St; thence southerly on Harrison St to Sprague St; thence westerly on Sprague St to Diamond St; thence northerly on Diamond St to Hollis St; thence westerly on Hollis St to Parade St; thence northerly on Parade St to Chapin Ave; thence westerly on Chapin Ave to Messer St; thence southerly on Messer St to Wendell St; thence westerly on Wendell St to Service Rd 1; thence southerly on Service Rd 1 to Union Ave; thence westerly on Union Ave to State Highway 10; thence southerly on State Highway 10 to the Providence — Cranston boundary line; thence northwesterly and westerly on the Providence — Cranston boundary line to Webster Ave; thence northerly on Webster Ave to Magnolia St; thence easterly on Magnolia St to Judith St; thence northwesterly on Judith St to US Highway 6 on-ramp; thence westerly on US Highway 6 on-ramp to Plainfield St; thence southwesterly on Plainfield St to Gifford St; thence northerly on Gifford St to Whittier Ave; thence westerly on Whittier Ave to Heath St; thence northerly on Heath St to Eastwood Ave; thence westerly on Eastwood Ave to Laurel Hill Ave; thence northerly on Laurel Hill Ave to Hartford Ave; thence westerly on Hartford Ave to Flower St; thence northerly on Flower St to Dresser St; thence northwesterly on Dresser St to Merino Park; thence northerly and westerly on the southern boundary line of Merino Park to Melissa St; thence northerly on Melissa St to Merino Park; thence northerly on the western boundary line of Merino Park to the Woonasquatucket River; thence southeasterly and easterly on the Woonasquatucket River to census block 440070019003012; thence northeasterly from the point of the Woonasquatucket River and census block 440070019003012 to the line extending from the eastern segment of Bosworth St; thence northeasterly on Bosworth St to Curtis St; thence northwesterly on Curtis St to the western segment of Bosworth St; thence northeasterly on Bosworth St to Manton Ave; thence northwesterly on Manton Ave to Steere Ave; thence northeasterly on Steere Ave to Amherst St; thence easterly on Amherst St to Pope St; thence southerly on Pope St to Kossuth St; thence easterly on Kossuth St to Bowdoin St; thence southerly on Bowdoin St to Appleton St; thence northwesterly on Appleton St to Julian St; thence southwesterly on Julian St to Manton Ave; thence southeasterly on Manton Ave to the point of origin.
Tenth district: The tenth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the city of Providence bounded by a line beginning at Dexter St and Sprague St; thence westerly on Sprague St to Diamond St; thence northerly on Diamond St to Hollis St; thence westerly on Hollis St to Parade St; thence northerly on Parade St to Chapin Ave; thence westerly on Chapin Ave to Messer St; thence southerly on Messer St to Wendell St; thence westerly on Wendell St to Service Rd 1; thence southerly on Service Rd 1 to Union Ave; thence westerly on Union Ave to State Highway 10; thence southerly on State Highway 10 to the Providence — Cranston boundary line; thence southerly, easterly and northerly on the Providence — Cranston boundary line to Montgomery Ave; thence westerly on Montgomery Ave to Fredrick C. Greene Memorial Blvd; thence northwesterly on Fredrick C. Greene Memorial Blvd to census block 440070001024000; thence westerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440070001024000 — 440070001024001 and 440070001024000 — 440070001024002 to Fredrick C. Greene Memorial Blvd; thence southwesterly on Fredrick C. Greene Memorial Blvd to Linden Ave; thence westerly on Linden Ave to Elmwood Ave; thence northerly on Elmwood Ave to Bellevue Ave; thence westerly on Bellevue Ave to Bucklin St; thence northerly on Bucklin St to Dexter St; thence northerly on Dexter St to the point of origin.
Eleventh district: The eleventh representative district shall consist of all of that part of the city of Providence bounded by a line beginning at Elmwood Ave and Broad St; thence southeasterly on Broad St to Montgomery Ave; thence westerly on Montgomery Ave to Fredrick C. Greene Memorial Blvd; thence northwesterly on Fredrick C. Greene Memorial Blvd to census block 440070001024000; thence westerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440070001024000 — 440070001024001 and 440070001024000 — 440070001024002 to Fredrick C. Greene Memorial Blvd; thence southwesterly on Fredrick C. Greene Memorial Blvd to Linden Ave; thence northwesterly on Linden Ave to Elmwood Ave; thence northerly on Elmwood Ave to Bellevue St; thence westerly on Bellevue St to Bucklin St; thence northerly on Bucklin St to Dexter St; thence northerly on Dexter St to Sprague St; thence easterly on Sprague St to Harrison St; thence northerly on Harrison St to Wilson St; thence easterly on Wilson St to Gilmore St; thence northerly on Gilmore St to Arch St; thence easterly on Arch St to Elmwood Ave; thence northerly on Elmwood Ave to the point of origin.
Twelfth district: The twelfth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the city of Providence bounded by a line beginning at Prairie Ave and Point St; thence southerly on Prairie Ave to Blackstone St; thence westerly on Blackstone St to Friendship St; thence southerly on Friendship St to Broad St; thence southerly on Broad St to the Providence — Cranston boundary line; thence easterly on the Providence — Cranston boundary line to the Providence — East Providence boundary line; thence northerly on the Providence — East Providence boundary line to the Providence River; thence northerly on the Providence River to US Highway 6; thence westerly on US Highway 6 to Point St; thence westerly on Point St to the point of origin.
Thirteenth district: The thirteenth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the city of Providence bounded by a line beginning at the Johnston — Providence boundary line and Plainfield St; thence northeasterly on Plainfield St to Murray St; thence southeasterly on Murray St to Pocasset Ave; thence southwesterly on Pocasset Ave to Hillhurst Ave; thence easterly on Hillhurst Ave to Laurel Hill Ave; thence northerly on Laurel Hill Ave to Shafter St; thence easterly on Shafter St to Terrace Ave; thence southerly on Terrace Ave to the Cranston — Providence boundary line; thence easterly on the Cranston — Providence boundary line to Webster Ave; thence northerly on Webster Ave to Magnolia St; thence easterly on Magnolia St to Judith St; thence northwesterly on Judith St to US Highway 6 on-ramp; thence westerly on US Highway 6 on-ramp to Plainfield St; thence southwesterly on Plainfield St to Gifford St; thence northerly on Gifford St to Whittier Ave; thence westerly on Whittier Ave to Heath St; thence northerly on Heath St to Eastwood Ave; thence westerly on Eastwood Ave to Laurel Hill Ave; thence northerly on Laurel Hill Ave to Hartford Ave; thence westerly on Hartford Ave to Flower St; thence northerly on Flower St to Dresser St; thence northwesterly on Dresser St to Merino Park; thence northerly and westerly on the southern boundary line of Merino Park to Melissa St; thence northerly on Melissa St to Merino Park; thence northerly on the western boundary line of Merino Park to the Woonasquatucket River; thence northwesterly on Woonasquatucket River to the Johnston — Providence boundary line; thence westerly and southerly on the Johnston — Providence boundary line to the point of origin.
The thirteenth representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the town of Johnston bounded by a line beginning at the Johnston — Providence boundary line and Plainfield St; thence southwesterly on Plainfield St to Morgan Ave; thence westerly on Morgan Ave to School St; thence southerly on School St to census block 440070125001021; thence westerly and northerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440070125001021 — 440070125001009, 440070125001021 — 440070125001024 and 440070125001013 — 440070125001014, to Morgan Ave and Downing Dr; thence northerly on Downing Dr to Central Ave; thence northeasterly on Central Ave to Alden St; thence northwesterly on Alden St to Boundary Ave; thence easterly on Boundary Ave to Harding Ave; thence northerly on Harding Ave to York Rd; thence easterly on York Rd to census block 440070124021024; thence northerly and easterly on the boundary line between census blocks 440070124021024 — 440070124021025 and 440070124021024 — 440070124021027 to the Johnston — Providence boundary line; thence southerly on the Johnston — Providence boundary line to the point of origin.
Fourteenth district: The fourteenth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the city of Cranston bounded by a line beginning at Park Ave and Cranston St; thence northerly on Cranston St to Randall St; thence westerly on Randall St to Atwood Ave; thence northerly on Atwood Ave to Walnut Grove Ave; thence westerly on Walnut Grove Ave to Elena St; thence westerly on Elena St to Yard St; thence northerly on Yard St to Cannon St; thence westerly on Cannon St to Royal Ave; thence northerly on Royal Ave to Atwood Ave; thence westerly on Atwood Ave to the Johnston — Cranston boundary line; thence northeasterly on the Johnston — Cranston boundary line to the Providence — Cranston boundary line; thence easterly and southerly on the Providence — Cranston boundary line to Frankfurt St; thence southwesterly on Frankfort St to Speck Ave; thence westerly on Speck Ave to Hornbine St; thence northwesterly on Hornbine St to Gleason St; thence westerly on Gleason St to Midwood St; thence southerly on Midwood St to Harmon Ave; thence northwesterly and northeasterly on Harmon Ave to Wayne Ave; thence northeasterly on Wayne Ave to Burnham Ave; thence northwesterly on Burnham Ave to Washington Secondary Trail; thence southwesterly on Washington Secondary Trail to Park Ave; thence westerly on Park Ave to the point of origin.
The fourteenth representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the city of Providence bounded by a line beginning at the Johnston — Providence boundary line and Plainfield St; thence northeasterly on Plainfield St to Murray St; thence southeasterly on Murray St to Pocasset Ave; thence southwesterly on Pocasset Ave to Hillhurst Ave; thence easterly on Hillhurst Ave to Laurel Hill Ave; thence northerly on Laurel Hill Ave to Shafter St; thence easterly on Shafter St to Terrace Ave; thence southerly on Terrace Ave to the Providence — Cranston boundary line; thence westerly on the Providence — Cranston boundary line to the Johnston — Providence boundary line; thence northwesterly on the Johnston — Providence boundary line to the point of origin.
Fifteenth district: The fifteenth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the city of Cranston bounded by a line beginning at the Johnston — Cranston boundary line and Comstock Pkwy; thence southerly on Comstock Pkwy to S Comstock Pkwy; thence southerly on S Comstock Pkwy to census block 440070145012036; thence southwesterly on the boundary line between census blocks 440070145012036 — 440070145012014 and 440070145012036 — 440070145012037 to 440070145013004; thence southerly and southwesterly on the eastern boundary line of census block 440070145013004 to Furnace Hill Brook; thence southeasterly on Furnace Hill Brook to census block 440070145013048; thence southerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440070145013048 — 440070145013025 to Hope Rd; thence southwesterly on Hope Rd to Burlingame Rd; thence easterly on Burlingame Rd to Lippitt Brook; thence southerly on Lippitt Brook to the Cranston — Coventry boundary line; thence easterly on the Cranston — Coventry boundary line to the Cranston — West Warwick boundary line; thence easterly on the Cranston — West Warwick boundary line to the Cranston — Warwick boundary line; thence easterly on the Cranston — Warwick boundary line to Pontiac Ave; thence northerly on Pontiac Ave to East St; thence southwesterly on East St to Foster Rd; thence northwesterly on Foster Rd to West Rd; thence northeasterly on West Rd to Keene Ave; thence northwesterly on Keene Ave to census block 440070142002014; thence southwesterly, northwesterly, and northeasterly on the boundary line between census blocks 440070142002014 — 440070142002011 to Howard Ave; thence northwesterly on Howard Ave to New London Ave; thence northeasterly on New London Ave to State Highway 37; thence westerly on State Highway 37 to Washington Secondary Trail; thence northerly on Washington Secondary Trail to Dean St; thence westerly on Dean St to the eastern boundary line of Meshanticut Park; thence northerly on the eastern boundary line of Meshanticut Park to Curtis St; thence westerly on Curtis St to Phenix Ave; thence southerly on Phenix Ave to I-295; thence northwesterly on I-295 to Meshanticut Brook; thence easterly on Meshanticut Brook to census block 440070148002024; thence northerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440070148002024 — 440070148002027, 440070148002024 — 440070148002025, 440070148002025 — 440070148002014 and 440070148002025 — 440070148002011 to the Johnston — Cranston boundary line; thence westerly on the Johnston — Cranston boundary line to the point of origin.
Sixteenth district: The sixteenth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the city of Cranston bounded by a line beginning at the Cranston — Warwick boundary line and State Highway 37; thence westerly on State Highway 37 to Pontiac Ave; thence northerly on Pontiac Ave to Sockanosset Cross Rd; thence northwesterly on Sockanosset Cross Rd to New London Ave; thence northerly on New London Ave to Reservoir Ave; thence northeasterly on Reservoir Ave to Leyden St; thence westerly on Leyden St to Capital Way; thence northerly on Capital Way to Park Ave; thence westerly on Park Ave to Washington Secondary Trail; thence northeasterly on Washington Secondary Trail to Burnham Ave; thence southeasterly on Burnham Ave to Wayne Ave; thence southwesterly on Wayne Ave to Harmon Ave; thence southerly and southeasterly on Harmon Ave to Midwood St; thence northerly on Midwood St to Gleason St; thence easterly on Gleason St to Hornbine St; thence southeasterly on Hornbine St to Speck Ave; thence easterly on Speck Ave to Frankfurt St; thence northeasterly on Frankfort St to the Cranston — Providence boundary line; thence southeasterly on the Cranston — Providence boundary line to Reservoir Ave; thence southwesterly on Reservoir Ave to Park Ave; thence southeasterly on Park Ave to Pontiac Ave; thence southwesterly and southerly on Pontiac Ave to Hodsell St; thence easterly on Hodsell St to Arthur St; thence southeasterly on Arthur St to Doric Ave; thence northerly on Doric Ave to Laurens St; thence easterly on Laurens St to I-95; thence southerly on I-95 to the Cranston — Warwick boundary line; thence westerly and southwesterly on the Cranston — Warwick boundary line to the point of origin.
Seventeenth district: The seventeenth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the city of Cranston bounded by a line beginning at State Highway 37 and New London Ave; thence southwesterly on New London Ave to Howard Ave; thence southeasterly on Howard Ave to census block 440070142002014; thence southwesterly, southeasterly and northeasterly on the boundary line between census blocks 440070142002014 — 440070142002011 to Keene Ave; thence southeasterly on Keene Ave to West Rd; thence southwesterly on West Rd to Foster Rd; thence southeasterly on Foster Rd to East St; thence northeasterly on East St to Pontiac Ave; thence northeasterly on Pontiac Ave to census block 440070142002029; thence northerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440070142002028 — 440070142002029, 440070142002019 — 440070142002021, 440070142002008 — 440070142002009 to State Highway 37; thence easterly on State Highway 37 to Pontiac Ave; thence northerly on Pontiac Ave to Sockanosset Cross Rd; thence northwesterly on Sockanosset Cross Rd to New London Ave; thence northerly on New London Ave to Reservoir Ave; thence northeasterly on Reservoir Ave to Leyden St; thence westerly on Leyden St to Capital Way; thence northerly on Capital Way to Park Ave; thence westerly on Park Ave to Cranston St; thence northerly on Cranston St to Randall St; thence westerly on Randall St to Atwood Ave; thence northerly on Atwood Ave to Walnut Grove Ave; thence westerly on Walnut Grove Ave to Elena St; thence westerly on Elena St to Village Ave; thence northwesterly on Village Ave to Harcourt St; thence southwesterly on Harcourt St to Marlow St and census block 440070148003010; thence westerly and southerly on the northern and western boundary line of census block 440070148003010 to census block 440070148003022; thence westerly on the northern boundary line of census blocks 440070148003022 and 440070148003032 to Arrow Way; thence southerly on Arrow Way to Scituate Ave; thence westerly on Scituate Ave to I-295; thence southeasterly on I-295 to Phenix Ave; thence northerly on Phenix Ave to Curtis St; thence easterly on Curtis St to the eastern boundary line of Meshanticut Park; thence southerly on the eastern boundary line of Meshanticut Park to Dean St; thence easterly on Dean St to Washington Secondary Trail; thence southerly on Washington Secondary Trail to State Highway 37; thence easterly on State Highway 37 to the point of origin.
Eighteenth district: The eighteenth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the city of Cranston bounded by a line beginning at the Cranston — Warwick boundary line and I-95; thence northeasterly on the Cranston — Warwick boundary line to Warwick Ave; thence northeasterly on Warwick Ave to Norwood Ave; thence northeasterly on Norwood Ave to Narragansett Bay and the Cranston — East Providence boundary line; thence northerly on the Cranston — East Providence boundary line to the Cranston — Providence boundary line; thence westerly, southerly and northerly on the Cranston — Providence boundary line to Reservoir Ave; thence southwesterly on Reservoir Ave to Park Ave; thence southeasterly on Park Ave to Pontiac Ave; thence southwesterly and southerly on Pontiac Ave to Hodsell St; thence easterly on Hodsell St to Arthur St; thence southeasterly on Arthur St to Doric Ave; thence northerly on Doric Ave to Laurens St; thence easterly on Laurens St to I-95; thence southerly on I-95 to the point of origin.
Nineteenth district: The nineteenth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the city of Warwick bounded by a line beginning at the Cranston — Warwick boundary line and Warwick Ave; thence southwesterly on the Cranston — Warwick boundary line to Cranberry Bog Brook; thence southerly on Cranberry Bog Brook to Pawtuxet Ave; thence easterly on Pawtuxet Ave to George St; thence southerly on George St to Post Rd; thence northeasterly on Post Rd to Atlantic Ave; thence easterly on Atlantic Ave to Warwick Ave; thence southerly on Warwick Ave to Spring Green Pond; thence easterly on the unnamed river from Spring Green Pond to Narragansett Bay and the Warwick — East Providence boundary line; thence northwesterly on the Warwick — East Providence boundary line to the Cranston — Warwick boundary line; thence northwesterly on the Cranston — Warwick boundary line to the point of origin.
The nineteenth representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the city of Cranston bounded by a line beginning at the Cranston — Warwick boundary line and Warwick Ave; thence northeasterly on Warwick Ave to Norwood Ave; thence northeasterly on Norwood Ave to Narragansett Bay and the Cranston — East Providence boundary line; thence southerly on the Cranston — East Providence boundary line to the Cranston — Warwick boundary line; thence northwesterly on the Cranston — Warwick boundary line to the point of origin.
Twentieth district: The twentieth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the city of Warwick bounded by a line beginning at Centerville Rd and I-95; thence westerly on Centerville Rd to Bald Hill Rd; thence northerly on Bald Hill Rd to Tollgate Rd; thence westerly on Tollgate Rd to the Warwick — West Warwick boundary line; thence northerly on the Warwick — West Warwick Boundary line to the Washington Secondary Trail; thence northerly on Washington Secondary Trail to East Ave; thence northwesterly on East Ave to the Warwick — West Warwick boundary line; thence northerly on the Warwick — West Warwick boundary line to the Cranston — Warwick boundary line; thence northeasterly on the Cranston — Warwick boundary line to Cranberry Bog Brook; thence southerly on Cranberry Bog Brook to Pawtuxet Ave; thence easterly on Pawtuxet Ave to George St; thence southerly on George St to Post Rd; thence southwesterly on Post Rd to Strawberry Field Rd; thence southeasterly on Strawberry Field Rd to the western boundary line of Rhode Island TF Green International Airport; thence southerly on the western boundary line of Rhode Island TF Green International Airport to Main Ave; thence westerly on Main Ave to the Amtrak RR; thence southerly on the Amtrak RR to Apponaug Cove; thence southeasterly on Apponaug Cove to the line extending from Masthead Dr; thence westerly on Masthead Dr to Post Rd; thence northerly on Post Rd to Greenwich Ave; thence northwesterly on Greenwich Ave to census block 440030221003016; thence southeasterly on the northern boundary line of census block 440030221003024 to I-95; thence southerly on I-95 to the point of origin.
The twentieth representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the city of Cranston bounded by a line beginning at the Cranston — Warwick boundary line and Pontiac Ave; thence northerly and northeasterly on Pontiac Ave to census block 440070142002029; thence northerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440070142002028 — 440070142002029, 440070142002019 — 440070142002021 and 440070142002008 — 440070142002009 to State Highway 37; thence easterly on State Highway 37 to the Cranston — Warwick boundary line; thence southwesterly on the Cranston — Warwick boundary line to the point of origin.
Twenty-first district: The twenty-first representative district shall consist of all of that part of the city of Warwick bounded by a line beginning at Post Rd and Atlantic Ave; thence easterly on Atlantic Ave to Warwick Ave; thence southerly on Warwick Ave to Spring Green Pond; thence easterly on the unnamed river from Spring Green Pond to Narragansett Bay and the Warwick — East Providence boundary line; thence southerly on the Warwick — East Providence boundary line to the Warwick — Barrington boundary line; thence southerly on the Warwick — Barrington boundary line to the point extending from Symonds Ave; thence westerly on the line extending from Symonds Ave to Symonds Ave; thence southwesterly on Symonds Ave to Bush Ave; thence northwesterly on Bush Ave to West Shore Rd; thence northerly on West Shore Rd to Winter Ave; thence southwesterly on Winter Ave to Green River Ave; thence southeasterly on Green River Ave to Obidiah Ave; thence southwesterly on Obidiah Ave to Church Ave; thence northwesterly on Church Ave to Warwick Ave; thence southerly on Warwick Ave to Sevilla Ave; thence southwesterly on Sevilla Ave to Julian Rd; thence southerly on Julian Rd to Rodney Rd; thence southwesterly on Rodney Rd to census block 440030214011006; thence southwesterly on the boundary line between census blocks 440030214011006 — 440030214011012 to Buckeye Brook; thence westerly on Buckeye Brook to the eastern boundary line of Rhode Island TF Green International Airport; thence southwesterly and northwesterly on the eastern boundary line of Rhode Island TF Green International Airport to Warwick Industrial Dr; thence southerly on Warwick Industrial Dr to Main Ave; thence westerly on Main Ave to the western boundary line of Rhode Island TF Green International Airport; thence northerly on the western boundary line of Rhode Island TF Green International Airport to Strawberry Field Rd; thence northwesterly on Strawberry Field Rd to Post Rd; thence northeasterly on Post Rd to the point of origin.
Twenty-second district: The twenty-second representative district shall consist of all of that part of the city of Warwick bounded by a line beginning at Church Ave and Warwick Ave; thence southeasterly on Warwick Ave to Sandy Ln; thence southwesterly on Sandy Ln to Wilde Field Dr; thence southerly on Wilde Field Dr to census block 440030218002000; thence southerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440030218002004 — 440030218002000 to Waterview Ave; thence westerly on Waterview Ave to Sefton Ave; thence southerly on Sefton Ave to West Shore Rd; thence easterly on West Shore Rd to Horseneck Rd; thence southeasterly on Horseneck Rd to Gordon Ave; thence westerly on Gordon Ave to Elliot Ave; thence southeasterly on Elliot Ave to Sea View Dr; thence southwesterly on Sea View Dr to census block 440030217003007; thence southwesterly on the boundary line between census blocks 440030217003007 — 440030217004029 to Greenwich Bay; thence southerly, easterly and northerly on the shoreline to the line extending from Symonds Ave; thence southwesterly on Symonds Ave to Bush Ave; thence northwesterly on Bush Ave to West Shore Rd; thence northerly on West Shore Rd to Winter Ave; thence southwesterly on Winter Ave to Green River Ave; thence southeasterly on Green River Ave to Obidiah Ave; thence southwesterly on Obidiah Ave to Church Ave; thence westerly on Church Ave to the point of origin.
Twenty-third district: The twenty-third representative district shall consist of all of that part of the city of Warwick bounded by a line beginning at Warwick Ave and Sevilla Ave; thence southwesterly on Sevilla Ave to Julian Rd; thence southerly on Julian Rd to Rodney Rd; thence southwesterly on Rodney Rd to census block 440030214011006; thence southwesterly on the boundary line between census blocks 440030214011006 — 440030214011012 to Buckeye Brook; thence westerly on Buckeye Brook to the eastern boundary line of Rhode Island TF Green International Airport; thence southerly on the eastern boundary line of Rhode Island TF Green International Airport to Warwick Industrial Dr; thence southerly on Warwick Industrial Dr to Main Ave; thence westerly on Main Ave to Amtrak RR; thence southerly on Amtrak RR to Apponaug Cove and census block 440030220002045; thence southeasterly on Apponaug Cove to Greenwich Bay; thence easterly on the shoreline of Greenwich Bay to Brush Neck Cove; thence northerly on Brush Neck Cove to census block 440030217004029; thence northeasterly on the boundary line between census blocks 440030217003007 — 440030217004029 to Sea View Dr; thence northeasterly on Sea View Dr to Elliot Ave; thence northerly on Elliot Ave to Gordon Ave; thence easterly on Gordon Ave to Horseneck Rd; thence northwesterly on Horseneck Rd to West Shore Rd; thence westerly on West Shore Rd to Sefton Ave; thence northerly on Sefton Ave to Waterview Ave; thence easterly on Waterview Ave to census block 440030218002000; thence northerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440030218002004 — 440030218002000 to Wilde Field Dr; thence northerly on Wilde Field Dr to Sandy Ln; thence northeasterly on Sandy Ln to Warwick Ave; thence northerly on Warwick Ave to the point of origin.
Twenty-fourth district: The twenty-fourth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the city of Warwick bounded by a line beginning at I-95 and Centerville Rd; thence westerly on Centerville Rd to the Warwick — West Warwick boundary line; thence southerly on the Warwick — West Warwick boundary line to the Warwick — East Greenwich boundary line; thence easterly on the Warwick — East Greenwich boundary to Greenwich Bay; thence northerly on Greenwich Bay to the point extending from Masthead Dr; thence westerly on Masthead Dr to Post Rd; thence northerly on Post Rd to Greenwich Ave; thence northwesterly on Greenwich Ave to census block 440030221003016; thence southwesterly on the northern boundary line of census block 440030221003024 to I-95; thence southerly on I-95 to the point of origin.
The twenty-fourth representative district shall also consist of all that part of the city of Warwick known as Potowomut or Potowomut Neck.
The twenty-fourth representative district shall also consist of all that part of the town of East Greenwich bounded by a line beginning at South Pierce Rd and Post Rd; thence northwesterly on South Pierce Rd to Westwood Dr; thence northeasterly on Westwood Dr to Lebaron Dr; thence northwesterly on Lebaron Dr to Middle Rd; thence northeasterly on Middle Rd to Kenyon Ave; thence northerly on Kenyon Ave to census block 440030209013022; thence southeasterly and northerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440030209013022 — 440030209013023, 440030209013022 — 440030209013027 and 440030209013022 — 440030209013028 to First Ave; thence southeasterly on First Ave to Main St; thence southerly on Main St to Post Rd; thence southerly on Post Rd to Old Forge Rd; thence easterly on Old Forge Rd to the Warwick — East Greenwich boundary line; thence southerly and westerly on the Warwick — East Greenwich boundary line to Post Rd; thence northerly on Post Rd to the point of origin.
Twenty-fifth district: The twenty-fifth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the town of West Warwick bounded by a line beginning at the Coventry — West Warwick boundary line and Hillside Ave; thence easterly on Hillside Ave to Fairview Ave; thence northeasterly on Fairview Ave to the Pawtuxet River; thence easterly on the Pawtuxet River to the Pawtuxet River South Branch; thence southerly on the Pawtuxet River South Branch to census block 440030202001033; thence southeasterly on the boundary line between census blocks 440030202001033 — 440030202001027, 440030202001033 — 440030202001024 and 440030202001033 — 440030202001020 to the West Warwick — Warwick boundary line; thence southerly and easterly on the West Warwick — Warwick boundary line to Revere Ave; thence southerly on Revere Ave to Buckley Ave; thence westerly on Buckley Ave to Dawes St; thence westerly on Dawes St to Church St; thence northerly on Church St to Nestor St; thence westerly on Nestor St to New London Turnpike; thence southerly on New London Turnpike to Pulaski St; thence westerly and northerly on Pulaski St to Windsor Park Dr; thence westerly on Windsor Park Dr to the Coventry — West Warwick boundary line; thence northerly on the Coventry — West Warwick boundary line to the point of origin.
The twenty-fifth representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the town of Coventry bounded by a line beginning at the Coventry — West Warwick boundary line and Hillside Ave; thence westerly on Hillside Ave to Brown St; thence northerly on Brown St to Hill St; thence westerly on Hill St to Blackrock Rd; thence southerly on Blackrock Rd to Fairview Ave; thence southerly on Fairview Ave to the Pawtuxet River South Branch; thence southeasterly on the Pawtuxet River South Branch to the Coventry — West Warwick boundary line; thence northerly on the Coventry — West Warwick boundary line to the point of origin.
Twenty-sixth district: The twenty-sixth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the town of Coventry bounded by a line beginning at the Coventry — West Warwick boundary line and Hillside Ave; thence westerly on Hillside Ave to Brown St; thence northerly on Brown St to Hill St; thence westerly on Hill St to Blackrock Rd; thence southerly on Blackrock Rd to Gervais St; thence westerly on Gervais St to Knotty Oak Rd; thence northerly on Knotty Oak Rd to Hunters Crossing Dr; thence westerly on Hunters Crossing Dr to Colvintown Rd; thence northerly on Colvintown Rd to the Scituate — Coventry boundary line; thence easterly on the Scituate — Coventry boundary line to the Cranston — Coventry boundary line; thence easterly on the Cranston — Coventry boundary line to the Coventry — West Warwick boundary line; thence southerly on the Coventry — West Warwick boundary line to the point of origin.
The twenty-sixth representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the town of West Warwick bounded by a line beginning at the Coventry — West Warwick boundary line and Hillside Ave; thence easterly on Hillside Ave to Fairview Ave; thence northeasterly on Fairview Ave to the Pawtuxet River; thence easterly on Pawtuxet River to the Pawtuxet River South Branch; thence southerly on the Pawtuxet River South Branch to census block 440030202001033; thence southeasterly on the boundary line between census blocks 440030202001033 — 440030202001027, 440030202001033 — 440030202001024 and 440030202001033 — 440030202001020 to the West Warwick — Warwick boundary line; thence northeasterly on the West Warwick — Warwick boundary line to the Cranston — West Warwick boundary line; thence westerly on the Cranston — West Warwick boundary line to the Coventry — West Warwick boundary line; thence southerly on the Coventry — West Warwick boundary line to the point of origin.
The twenty-sixth representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the city of Warwick bounded by a line beginning at the Warwick — West Warwick boundary line and Centerville Rd; thence easterly on Centerville Rd to Bald Hill Rd; thence northerly on Bald Hill Rd to Tollgate Rd; thence westerly on Tollgate Rd to the Warwick — West Warwick boundary line; thence northerly on the Warwick — West Warwick boundary line to the Washington Secondary Trail; thence northerly on Washington Secondary Trail to East Ave; thence northwesterly on East Ave to the Warwick — West Warwick boundary line; thence southwesterly on the Warwick — West Warwick boundary line to the point of origin.
Twenty-seventh district: The twenty-seventh representative district shall consist of all of that part of the town of Coventry bounded by a line beginning at the Coventry — East Greenwich boundary line and Arnold Rd; thence easterly on Coventry — East Greenwich boundary line to the Coventry — West Warwick boundary line; thence northerly on the Coventry — West Warwick boundary line to the Pawtuxet River South Branch; thence northwesterly on the Pawtuxet River South Branch to Washington Secondary Trail; thence westerly on Washington Secondary Trail to Laurel Ave; thence southerly on Laurel Ave to Pilgrim Ave; thence southerly on Pilgrim Ave to Tiogue Ave; thence westerly on Tiogue Ave to Arnold Rd; thence southeasterly on Arnold Rd to the point of origin.
The twenty-seventh representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the town of West Warwick bounded by a line beginning at the Warwick — West Warwick boundary line and Revere Ave; thence southerly on Revere Ave to Buckley Ave; thence westerly on Buckley Ave to Dawes St; thence westerly on Dawes St to Church St; thence northerly on Church St to Nestor St; thence westerly on Nestor St to Main St; thence southerly on Main St to Pulaski St; thence westerly on Pulaski St to Windsor Park Dr; thence westerly on Windsor Park Dr to the Coventry — West Warwick boundary line; thence southerly on the Coventry — West Warwick boundary line to the West Warwick — East Greenwich boundary line; thence easterly on the West Warwick — East Greenwich boundary line to the Warwick — West Warwick boundary line; thence northerly and westerly on the Warwick — West Warwick boundary line to the point of origin.
Twenty-eighth district: The twenty-eighth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the town of Coventry bounded by a line beginning at the intersection of the Coventry — West Greenwich boundary line and Victory Hwy; thence easterly on the Coventry — West Greenwich boundary line to Big River; thence northerly on the Big River and Flat River Reservoir to the line extending from Kingfisher Dr; thence northerly on Kingfisher Dr to Osprey Dr; thence northeasterly on Osprey Dr to Island Dr; thence northerly on Island Dr to Club House Rd; thence easterly on Club House Rd to Eastgate Dr; thence northerly on Eastgate Dr to Doric Ct; thence northerly and easterly on Doric Ct to Reservoir Rd; thence southeasterly on Reservoir Rd to Tiogue Ave; thence easterly on Tiogue Ave to Mishnock River; thence northeasterly on Mishnock River to Pawtuxet River South Branch; thence easterly on Pawtuxet River South Branch to Sandy Bottom Rd; thence northerly on Sandy Bottom Rd to Washington St; thence easterly on Washington St to Washington Secondary Trail; thence easterly on Washington Secondary Trail to the Pawtuxet River; thence northwesterly on the Pawtuxet River to Fairview Ave; thence northerly on Fairview Ave to Blackrock Rd; thence northerly on Blackrock Rd to Gervais St; thence westerly on Gervais St to Knotty Oak Rd; thence northerly on Knotty Oak Rd to Hunters Crossing Dr; thence westerly on Hunters Crossing Dr to Colvintown Rd; thence northerly on Colvintown Rd to the Scituate — Coventry boundary line; thence westerly on the Scituate — Coventry boundary line to the Foster — Coventry boundary line; thence westerly on the Foster — Coventry boundary line to Victory Hwy; thence southerly on Victory Hwy to the point of origin.
Twenty-ninth district: The twenty-ninth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the town of Coventry bounded by a line beginning at the Coventry — East Greenwich boundary line and Arnold Rd; thence westerly on the Coventry — East Greenwich boundary line to the Coventry — West Greenwich boundary line; thence westerly on the Coventry — West Greenwich boundary line to Big River; thence northerly on the Big River and Flat River Reservoir to the line extending from Kingfisher Dr; thence northerly on Kingfisher Dr to Osprey Dr; thence northeasterly on Osprey Dr to Island Dr; thence northerly on Island Dr to Club House Rd; thence easterly on Club House Rd to Eastgate Dr; thence northerly on Eastgate Dr to Doric Ct; thence northerly and easterly on Doric Ct to Reservoir Rd; thence southeasterly on Reservoir Rd to Tiogue Ave; thence easterly on Tiogue Ave to Mishnock River; thence northeasterly on Mishnock River to the Pawtuxet River South Branch; thence easterly on Pawtuxet River South Branch to Sandy Bottom Rd; thence northerly on Sandy Bottom Rd to Washington St; thence easterly on Washington St to Washington Secondary Trail; thence easterly on Washington Secondary Trail to Laurel Ave; thence southerly on Laurel Ave to Pilgrim Ave; thence southwesterly on Pilgrim Ave to Tiogue Ave; thence westerly on Tiogue Ave to Arnold Rd; thence southeasterly on Arnold Rd to the point of origin.
The twenty-ninth representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the town of West Greenwich bounded by a line beginning at the West Greenwich — East Greenwich boundary line and I-95; thence southwesterly on I-95 to the West Greenwich — Exeter boundary line; thence westerly on the West Greenwich — Exeter boundary line to the Rhode Island — Connecticut boundary line; thence northerly on the Rhode Island — Connecticut boundary line to the Coventry — West Greenwich boundary line; thence easterly on the Coventry — West Greenwich boundary line to the West Greenwich — East Greenwich boundary line; thence southerly on the West Greenwich — East Greenwich boundary line to the point of origin.
Thirtieth district: The thirtieth representative district shall consist of all that part of the town of East Greenwich bounded by a line beginning at the intersection of South Pierce Rd and Post Rd; thence northwesterly on South Pierce Rd to Westwood Dr; thence northeasterly on Westwood Dr to Lebaron Dr; thence northwesterly on Lebaron Dr to Middle Rd; thence northeasterly on Middle Rd to Kenyon Ave; thence northerly on Kenyon Ave to census block 440030209013022; thence southeasterly and northerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440030209013022 — 440030209013023, 440030209013022 — 440030209013027 and 440030209013022 — 440030209013028 to First Ave; thence southeasterly on First Ave to Main St; thence southerly on Main St to Post Rd; thence southerly on Post Rd to Old Forge Rd; thence easterly on Old Forge Rd to the Warwick — East Greenwich boundary line; thence northerly and easterly on the Warwick — East Greenwich boundary line to the West Warwick — East Greenwich boundary line; thence westerly on the West Warwick — East Greenwich boundary line to the Coventry — East Greenwich boundary line; thence westerly on the Coventry — East Greenwich boundary line to the West Greenwich — East Greenwich boundary line; thence southerly on the West Greenwich — East Greenwich boundary line to the East Greenwich — Exeter boundary line; thence easterly on the East Greenwich — Exeter boundary line to the East Greenwich — North Kingstown boundary line; thence easterly and northerly on the east Greenwich — North Kingstown boundary line to Post Rd; thence northerly on Post Rd to the point of origin.
The thirtieth representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the town of West Greenwich bounded by a line beginning at the West Greenwich — East Greenwich boundary line and I-95; thence southwesterly on I-95 to the West Greenwich — Exeter boundary line; thence easterly on the West Greenwich — Exeter boundary line to the West Greenwich — East Greenwich boundary line; thence northerly on the West Greenwich — East Greenwich boundary line to the point of origin.
Thirty-first district: The thirty-first district shall consist of all of that part of the town of North Kingstown bounded by a line beginning at the Exeter — North Kingstown boundary line and the Amtrak RR; thence northeasterly on the Amtrak RR to census block 440090503012001; thence easterly on the boundary line between census blocks 440090503012001 — 440090503012016 to Cocumcussoc Brook; thence northerly, easterly and southeasterly on Cocumcussoc Brook to Post Rd; thence northerly on Post Rd to Seaview RR; thence northeasterly on Seaview RR to Roger Williams Way; thence southeasterly on Roger Williams Way and its extension to Narragansett Bay and the North Kingstown — Jamestown boundary line; thence northerly on the North Kingstown — Jamestown boundary line to the North Kingstown-Portsmouth boundary line; thence northerly on the North Kingstown — Portsmouth boundary line to the Warwick — North Kingstown boundary line; thence southwesterly on the Warwick — North Kingstown boundary line to the East Greenwich — North Kingstown boundary line; thence southwesterly and westerly on the East Greenwich — North Kingstown boundary line to the Exeter — North Kingstown boundary line; thence southerly on the Exeter — North Kingstown boundary line to the point of origin.
The thirty-first district shall also consist of all of that part of the town of Exeter bounded by a line beginning at the Exeter — South Kingstown boundary line and South County Trail; thence northerly on South County Trail to South Rd; thence northerly on South Rd to census block 440090505003086; thence southeasterly on the northern boundary lines of census blocks 440090505003092 and 440090505003091 to the Exeter — North Kingstown boundary line; thence southerly on the Exeter — North Kingstown boundary line to the Exeter — South Kingstown boundary line; thence westerly on the Exeter — South Kingstown boundary line to the point of origin.
Thirty-second district: The thirty-second district shall consist of all of that part of the town of North Kingstown bounded by a line beginning at the Exeter — North Kingstown boundary line and the Amtrak RR; thence northeasterly on the Amtrak RR to census block 440090503012001; thence easterly on the boundary line between census blocks 440090503012001 — 440090503012016 to Cocumcussoc Brook; thence northerly, easterly and southeasterly on Cocumcussoc Brook to Post Rd; thence northerly on Post Rd to Seaview RR; thence northeasterly on Seaview RR to Roger Williams Way; thence southeasterly on Roger Williams Way and its extension to Narragansett Bay and the North Kingstown — Jamestown boundary line; thence southerly on the North Kingstown — Jamestown boundary line to the North Kingstown — Narragansett boundary line; thence westerly on the North Kingstown — Narragansett boundary line to the North Kingstown — South Kingstown boundary line; thence westerly on the North Kingstown — South Kingstown boundary line to the Exeter — North Kingstown boundary line; thence northwesterly on the Exeter — North Kingstown boundary line to the point of origin.
Thirty-third district: The thirty-third representative district shall consist of that part of the town of Narragansett bounded by a line beginning at the South Kingstown — Narragansett boundary line and Mumford Rd; thence southeasterly on Mumford Rd to Kingstown Rd; thence easterly on Kingstown Rd to Strathmore Rd; thence northerly on Strathmore Rd to census block 440090515031005; thence westerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440090515031005 — 440090515031044 to Little Neck Pond; thence northerly on Little Neck Pond to Anne Hoxie Ln; thence easterly on Anne Hoxie Ln to Boston Neck Rd; thence southerly on Boston Neck Rd to Narragansett Ave; thence easterly on the extension of Narragansett Ave to the Atlantic Ocean and the Narragansett boundary line; thence northerly on the Narragansett boundary line to the North Kingstown — Narragansett boundary line; thence westerly on the North Kingstown — Narragansett boundary line to the South Kingstown — Narragansett boundary line; thence southwesterly on the South Kingstown — Narragansett boundary line to the point of origin.
The thirty-third representative district shall also consist of that part of the town of South Kingstown bounded by a line beginning at the Exeter — South Kingstown boundary line and Old North Rd; thence southerly on Old North Rd to Kingstown Rd; thence westerly on Kingstown Rd to South Rd; thence southerly on South Rd to the William C. O’Neill Bike Path; thence easterly on the William C. O’Neill Bike Path to Curtis Corner Rd; thence northeasterly on Curtis Corner Rd to Saugatucket Rd; thence easterly on Saugatucket Rd to North Rd; thence southerly on North Rd to Kingstown Rd; thence southeasterly on Kingstown Rd to the South Kingstown — Narragansett boundary line; thence easterly and northerly on the South Kingstown — Narragansett boundary line to the point of origin.
Thirty-fourth district: The thirty-fourth representative district shall consist of that part of the town of South Kingstown bounded by a line beginning at Curtis Corner Rd and William C. O’Neill Bike Path; thence northeasterly on Curtis Corner Rd to Saugatucket Rd; thence easterly on Saugatucket Rd to North Rd; thence southerly on North Rd to Kingstown Rd; thence southeasterly on Kingstown Rd to the South Kingstown — Narragansett boundary line; thence southerly on the South Kingstown — Narragansett boundary line to the line extending from Smelt Brook; thence northwesterly on Smelt Brook to Browns Brook; thence northerly on Browns Brook to Commodore Perry Highway; thence easterly on Commodore Perry Highway to Post Rd; thence northerly on Post Rd to South Rd; thence northwesterly on South Rd to Allen Ave; thence easterly on Allen Ave to Rodman St; thence northerly on Rodman St to the William C. O’Neill Bike Path; thence westerly on William C. O’Neill Bike Path to census block 440090512012016; thence westerly between the boundary lines of census blocks 440090512012016 — 440090512012015 and 440090512012005 — 440090512012014 to census block 440090512012005; thence northwesterly on the eastern boundary line of census block 440090512012005 to Curtis Corner Rd; thence northeasterly on Curtis Corner Rd to the point of origin.
The thirty-fourth representative district shall consist of that part of the town of South Kingstown known as Gardner Island, Plato Island and Beef Island.
The thirty-fourth representative district shall also consist of that part of the town of Narragansett bounded by a line beginning at the South Kingstown — Narragansett boundary line and Mumford Rd; thence southeasterly on Mumford Rd to Kingstown Rd; thence easterly on Kingstown Rd to Strathmore Rd; thence northerly on Strathmore Rd to census block 440090515031005; thence westerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440090515031005 — 440090515031044 to Little Neck Pond; thence northerly on Little Neck Pond to Anne Hoxie Ln; thence easterly on Anne Hoxie Ln to Boston Neck Rd; thence southerly on Boston Neck Rd to Narragansett Ave; thence easterly on the extension of Narragansett Ave to the Atlantic Ocean and the Narragansett boundary line; thence southerly and westerly on the Narragansett boundary line to the South Kingstown — Narragansett boundary line; thence northerly on the South Kingstown — Narragansett boundary line to the point of origin.
Thirty-fifth district: The thirty-fifth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the town of South Kingstown bounded by a line beginning at the Exeter — Richmond — South Kingstown boundary point; thence southerly on the Richmond — South Kingstown boundary line to the Charlestown — South Kingstown boundary line; thence southerly on the Charlestown — South Kingstown boundary line to census block 440090513041031; thence northeasterly and easterly, on the northern boundary line of census block 440090513041031 to census block 440090513041037; thence easterly and southerly on the northern and eastern boundary line of census block 440090513041037 to Sand Plains Trl; thence easterly on Sand Plains Trl to Red House Rd; thence northeasterly on Red House Rd to Ministerial Rd; thence northerly on Ministerial Rd to Alewife Brook; thence easterly on Alewife Brook to Tucker Pond continuing on the southern boundary of census block 440090513041018 to census block 440090513041017; thence southeasterly on the southern boundary line of census block 440090513041017 to US Highway 1; thence southwesterly on US Highway 1 to Matunuck Beach Rd; thence southerly on Matunuck Beach Rd to Sycamore Ln; thence easterly on Sycamore Ln to census block 440090513021017; thence easterly on the boundary line between census blocks 440090513021003 — 440090513021017 to Potters Pond; thence southerly on Potters Pond to census block 440090513021041; thence southerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440090513021041 — 440090513021044 to the Atlantic Ocean; thence easterly on the shoreline to South Kingstown — Narragansett boundary line; thence northeasterly on the South Kingstown — Narragansett boundary line to the line extending from Smelt Brook; thence northwesterly on Smelt Brook to Browns Brook; thence northerly on Browns Brook to Commodore Perry Highway; thence easterly on Commodore Perry Highway to Post Rd; thence northerly on Post Rd to South Rd; thence northwesterly on South Rd to Allen Ave; thence easterly on Allen Ave to Rodman St; thence northerly on Rodman St to the William C. O’Neill Bike Path; thence westerly on William C. O’Neill Bike Path to census block 440090512012016; thence westerly between the boundary line of census blocks 440090512012016 — 440090512012015 and 440090512012005 — 440090512012014 to census block 440090512012005; thence northwesterly on the eastern boundary line of census block 440090512012005 to Curtis Corner Rd; thence northeasterly on Curtis Corner Rd to the William C. O’Neill Bike Path; thence westerly on the William C. O’Neill Bike Path to South Rd; thence northerly on South Rd to Kingstown Rd; thence easterly on Kingstown Rd to Old North Rd; thence northerly on Old North Rd to the Exeter — South Kingstown boundary line; thence westerly on the Exeter — South Kingstown boundary line to the point of origin.
Thirty-sixth district: The thirty-sixth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the town of Westerly bounded by a line beginning at the Westerly — Charlestown boundary line and Post Rd; thence westerly on Post Rd to Dunns Corner Rd; thence northerly on Dunns Corner Rd to census block 440090509012064; thence westerly and southerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440090509012064 — 440090509012063 to census block 40090509012057; thence southerly, westerly, and northerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440090509012057 — 440090509012025, 440090509012057 — 440090509012027, 440090509012057 — 440090509012061 and 440090509012057 — 440090509012062 to Dunns Corner Rd; thence northerly on Dunns Corner Rd to Pound Rd; thence westerly and northerly on Pound Rd to census block 440090509012009; thence northerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440090509012009 — 440090509012008 to Chapman Pond; thence northerly on the eastern shoreline of Chapman Pond through Aguntaug Brook to the Amtrak RR; thence northeasterly on the Amtrak RR to S Main St; thence southerly on S Main St to Bradford Rd; thence southwesterly on Bradford Rd to Woody Hill Rd; thence southeasterly on Woody Hill Rd to Woody Hill Rd Extension; thence southerly on Woody Hill Rd Extension to census block 440090509022007; thence easterly on the northern boundary line of census block 440090509022007 to Church St; thence southerly on Church St to the Westerly — Charlestown boundary line; thence southerly on the Westerly — Charlestown boundary line to the point of origin.
The thirty-sixth representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the town of South Kingstown bounded by a line beginning at the Charlestown — South Kingstown boundary line and Shannock Rd; thence northerly on the Charlestown — South Kingstown boundary line to census block 440090513041026; thence northeasterly and easterly on the northern boundary line of census block 440090513041031 to census block 440090513041037; thence easterly and southerly on the northern and eastern boundary line of census block 440090513041037 to Sand Plains Trl; thence easterly on Sand Plains Trl to Red House Rd; thence northeasterly on Red House Rd to Ministerial Rd; thence northerly on Ministerial Rd to Alewife Brook; thence easterly on Alewife Brook to Tucker Pond continuing on the southern boundary of census block 440090513041018 to census block 440090513041017; thence southeasterly on the southern boundary line of census block 440090513041017 to US Highway 1; thence southwesterly on US Highway 1 to Matunuck Beach Rd; thence southerly on Matunuck Beach Rd to Sycamore Ln; thence easterly on Sycamore Ln to census block 440090513021017; thence easterly on the boundary line between census blocks 440090513021003 — 440090513021017 to Potters Pond; thence southerly on Potters Pond to census block 440090513021041; thence southerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440090513021041 — 440090513021044 to the Atlantic Ocean; thence southwesterly on the shoreline to the Charlestown — South Kingstown boundary line; thence northerly on the Charlestown — South Kingstown boundary line to the point of origin.
The thirty-sixth district shall also consist of all of the town Charlestown.
The thirty-sixth district shall also consist of all of the town of New Shoreham.
Thirty-seventh district: The thirty-seventh representative district shall consist of all of that part of the town of Westerly bounded by a line beginning at the Westerly — Charlestown boundary line and Post Rd; thence westerly on Post Rd to Dunns Corner Rd; thence northerly on Dunns Corner Rd to census block 440090509012064; thence westerly and southerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440090509012064 — 440090509012063 to census block 44090509012057; thence southerly, westerly, and northerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440090509012057 — 440090509012025, 440090509012057 — 440090509012027, 440090509012057 — 440090509012061 and 440090509012057 — 440090509012062 to Dunns Corner Rd; thence northerly on Dunns Corner Rd to Pound Rd; thence westerly and northerly on Pound Rd to census block 440090509012009; thence northerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440090509012009 — 440090509012008 to Chapman Pond; thence northerly on the eastern shoreline of Chapman Pond through Aguntaug Brook to the Amtrak RR; thence westerly on the Amtrak RR to the Rhode Island — Connecticut boundary line; thence southerly and westerly on the Rhode Island — Connecticut boundary line to the Atlantic Ocean; thence easterly on the Westerly boundary line to the Westerly — Charlestown boundary line; thence northerly on the Westerly — Charlestown boundary line to the point of origin.
Thirty-eighth district: The thirty-eighth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the town of Westerly bounded by a line beginning at the Rhode Island — Connecticut boundary line and the Amtrak RR; thence easterly and northerly on the Amtrak RR to S Main St; thence southerly on S Main St to Bradford Rd; thence southwesterly on Bradford Rd to Woody Hill Rd; thence southeasterly on Woody Hill Rd to Woody Hill Rd Extension; thence southerly on Woody Hill Rd Extension to census block 440090509022007; thence easterly on the northern boundary line of census block 440090509022007 to Church St; thence southerly on Church St to the Westerly — Charlestown boundary line; thence northerly on the Westerly — Charlestown boundary line to the Hopkinton — Westerly boundary line; thence westerly and northerly on the Hopkinton — Westerly boundary line to the Rhode Island — Connecticut boundary line; thence westerly and southerly on the Rhode Island — Connecticut boundary line to the point of origin.
The thirty-eighth representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the town of Hopkinton bounded by a line beginning at the Rhode Island — Connecticut boundary line and Camp Yawgoog Rd; thence easterly, southerly and northeasterly on Camp Yawgoog Rd to Spring St; thence southerly on Spring St to Wincheck Pond Rd; thence southerly and easterly on Wincheck Pond Rd to Spring St; thence easterly on Spring St to Sawmill Rd; thence northerly on Sawmill Rd to Dye Hill Rd; thence easterly on Dye Hill Rd to Fairview Ave; thence southeasterly on Fairview Ave to Bank St; thence southwesterly on Bank St to Main St; thence southwesterly on Main St to Brushy Brook; thence southerly on Brushy Brook to the Hopkinton — Richmond boundary line; thence southerly on the Hopkinton — Richmond boundary line to the Hopkinton — Charlestown boundary line; thence southerly on the Hopkinton — Charlestown boundary line to the Hopkinton — Westerly boundary line; thence westerly and northerly on the Hopkinton — Westerly boundary line to the Rhode Island — Connecticut boundary line; thence northerly on the Rhode Island — Connecticut boundary line to the point of origin.
Thirty-ninth district: The thirty-ninth district shall consist of all of the town of Richmond.
The thirty-ninth district shall also consist of all of that part of the town of Hopkinton bounded by a line beginning at the Rhode Island — Connecticut boundary line and Camp Yawgoog Rd; thence easterly, southerly and northeasterly on Camp Yawgoog Rd to Spring St; thence southerly on Spring St to Wincheck Pond Rd; thence southerly and easterly on Wincheck Pond Rd to Spring St; thence easterly on Spring St to Sawmill Rd; thence northerly on Sawmill Rd to Dye Hill Rd; thence easterly on Dye Hill Rd to Fairview Ave; thence southeasterly on Fairview Ave to Bank St; thence southwesterly on Bank St to Main St; thence southwesterly on Main St to Brushy Brook; thence southerly on Brushy Brook to the Hopkinton — Richmond boundary line; thence northerly on the Hopkinton — Richmond boundary line to the Exeter — Hopkinton boundary line; thence westerly on the Hopkinton — Richmond boundary line to the Rhode Island — Connecticut boundary line; thence southerly on the Rhode Island — Connecticut boundary line to the point of origin.
The thirty-ninth district shall also consist of all of that part of the town of Exeter bounded by a line beginning at the Exeter — South Kingstown boundary line and South County Trail; thence northerly on South County Trail to South Rd; thence northerly on South Rd to census block 440090505003086; thence southeasterly on the northern boundary line of census blocks 440090505003092 and 440090505003091 to the Exeter — North Kingstown boundary line; thence northerly on the Exeter — North Kingstown boundary line to the East Greenwich — Exeter boundary line; thence westerly on the East Greenwich — Exeter boundary line to the West Greenwich — Exeter boundary line; thence westerly on the West Greenwich — Exeter boundary line to the Rhode Island — Connecticut boundary line; thence southerly on the Rhode Island — Connecticut boundary line to the Exeter — Hopkinton boundary line; thence easterly on the Exeter — Hopkinton boundary line to the Exeter — Richmond boundary line; thence easterly and southerly on the Exeter — Richmond boundary line to the Exeter — South Kingstown boundary line; thence easterly on the Exeter — South Kingstown boundary line to the point of origin.
Fortieth district: The fortieth representative district shall consist of all of the town of Foster.
The fortieth representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the town of Glocester bounded by a line beginning at the Glocester — Scituate boundary line and Sawmill Rd; thence northerly on Sawmill Rd to Putnam Pike; thence southeasterly on Putnam Pike to the Glocester — Smithfield boundary line; thence northerly on the Glocester — Smithfield boundary line to the Burrillville — Glocester boundary line; thence westerly on the Burrillville — Glocester boundary line to Reservoir Rd; thence southerly on Reservoir Rd to Putnam Pike; thence westerly on Putnam pike to the Rhode Island — Connecticut boundary line; thence southerly on the Rhode Island — Connecticut boundary line to the Glocester — Foster boundary line; thence easterly on the Glocester — Foster boundary line to the Glocester — Scituate boundary line; thence easterly on the Glocester — Scituate boundary line to the point of origin.
The fortieth representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the town of Coventry bounded by a line beginning at the Foster — Coventry boundary line and Victory Highway; thence southerly on Victory Highway to the Coventry — West Greenwich boundary line; thence westerly on the Coventry — West Greenwich boundary line to the Rhode Island — Connecticut boundary line; thence northerly on the Rhode Island — Connecticut boundary line to the Foster — Coventry boundary line; thence easterly on the Foster — Coventry boundary line to the point of origin.
Forty-first district: The forty-first representative district shall consist of all of that part of the city of Cranston bounded by a line beginning at the Johnston — Cranston boundary line and Comstock Pkwy; thence southerly on Comstock Pkwy to S Comstock Pkwy; thence southerly on S Comstock Pkwy to census block 440070145012036; thence southwesterly on the boundary line between census blocks 440070145012036 — 440070145012014 and 440070145012036 — 440070145012037 to 440070145013004; thence southerly and southwesterly on the eastern boundary line of census block 440070145013004 to Furnace Hill Brook; thence southeasterly on Furnace Hill Brook to census block 440070145013048; thence southerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440070145013048 — 440070145013025 to Hope Rd; thence southwesterly on Hope Rd to Burlingame Rd; thence easterly on Burlingame Rd to Lippitt Brook; thence southerly on Lippitt Brook to the Cranston — Coventry boundary line; thence westerly on the Cranston — Coventry boundary line to the Scituate — Cranston boundary line; thence northerly on the Scituate — Cranston boundary line to the Johnston — Cranston boundary line; thence easterly on the Johnston — Cranston boundary line to the point of origin.
The forty-first representative district shall also consist of all of the town of Scituate.
Forty-second district: The forty-second representative district shall consist of all of that part of the town of Johnston bounded by a line beginning at the Johnston — Providence boundary line and Plainfield St; thence southerly on Plainfield St to Morgan Ave; thence westerly on Morgan Ave to School St; thence southwesterly on School St to census block 440070125001021; thence northerly on the eastern boundary line of census blocks 440070125001021 and 440070125001014 to Downing Dr; thence northerly on Downing Dr to Central Ave; thence northeasterly on Central Ave to Alden St; thence northerly on Alden St to Boundary Ave; thence easterly on Boundary Ave to Harding Ave; thence northerly on Harding Ave to York Rd; thence easterly on York Rd to census block 440070124021024; thence northerly and easterly on the boundary line between census blocks 440070124021024 — 440070124021025 and 440070124021024 — 440070124021027 to the Providence — Johnston boundary line; thence northerly on the Johnston — Providence boundary line to Hartford Ave; thence northwesterly on Hartford Ave to the Scituate — Johnston boundary line; thence southerly on the Scituate — Johnston boundary line to the Johnston — Cranston boundary line; thence easterly and northeasterly on the Johnston — Cranston boundary line to the Providence — Johnston boundary line; thence northwesterly on the Providence — Johnston boundary line to the point of origin.
The forty-second representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the town of Cranston bounded by a line beginning at the Johnston — Cranston boundary line and Atwood Ave; thence southeasterly on Atwood Ave to Royal Ave; thence southerly on Royal Ave to Cannon St; thence easterly on Cannon St to Yard St; thence southerly on Yard St to Elena St; thence westerly on Elena St to Village Ave; thence northwesterly on Village Ave to Harcourt St; thence southwesterly on Harcourt St to census block 440070148003010; thence westerly and southerly on the northern and western boundary line of census block 440070148003010 to census block 440070148003022; thence westerly on the northern boundary line of census blocks 440070148003022 and 440070148003032 to Arrow Way; thence southerly on Arrow Way to Scituate Ave; thence westerly on Scituate Ave to I-295; thence northerly on I-295 to Meshanticut Brook; thence easterly on Meshanticut Brook to census block 440070148002024; thence northerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440070148002024 — 440070148002027, 440070148002024 — 440070148002025, 440070148002025 — 440070148002014 and 440070148002025 — 440070148002011 to the Johnston — Cranston boundary line; thence easterly on the Johnston — Cranston boundary line to the point of origin.
Forty-third district: The forty-third representative district shall consist of all of that part of the town of Johnston bounded by a line beginning at the Smithfield — Johnston boundary line and Sanderson Rd; thence southerly on Sanderson Rd to Brown Ave; thence southwesterly on Brown Ave to Hartford Ave; thence easterly on Hartford Ave to the Johnston — Providence boundary line; thence northerly and easterly on the Johnston — Providence boundary line to the North Providence — Johnston boundary line; thence northerly on the North Providence — Johnston boundary line to the Smithfield — Johnston boundary line; thence westerly on the Smithfield — Johnston boundary line to the point of origin.
Forty-fourth district: The forty-fourth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the town of Lincoln bounded by a line beginning at the Smithfield — Lincoln boundary line and Limerock Rd; thence easterly on Limerock Rd to Wilbur Rd; thence northeasterly on Wilbur Rd to State Route 146; thence southerly on State Route 146 to the Lincoln — North Providence boundary line; thence westerly on the Lincoln — North Providence boundary line to the Smithfield — Lincoln boundary line; thence northerly on the Smithfield — Lincoln boundary line to the point of origin.
The forty-fourth representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the town of Johnston bounded by a line beginning at the Smithfield — Johnston boundary line and Sanderson Rd; thence southerly on Sanderson Rd to Brown Ave; thence southwesterly on Brown Ave to Hartford Ave; thence westerly on Hartford Ave to the Scituate — Johnston boundary line; thence northerly on the Scituate — Johnston boundary line to the Smithfield — Johnston boundary line; thence easterly on the Smithfield — Johnston boundary line to the point of origin.
The forty-fourth representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the town of Smithfield bounded by a line beginning at the Smithfield — Johnston boundary line and the Glocester — Smithfield boundary line; thence northerly on the Glocester — Smithfield boundary line to Smith Ave; thence northeasterly on Smith Ave to Putnam Pike; thence easterly on Putnam Pike to I-295; thence northerly on I-295 to Douglas Pike; thence southeasterly on Douglas Pike to Limerock Rd; thence northeasterly on Limerock Rd to the Smithfield — Lincoln boundary line; thence southerly on the Smithfield — Lincoln boundary line to the Smithfield — North Providence boundary line; thence westerly on the Smithfield — North Providence boundary line to the Smithfield — Johnston boundary line: thence westerly on the Smithfield — Johnston boundary line to the point of origin.
Forty-fifth district: The forty-fifth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the town of Lincoln bounded by a line beginning at the intersection of the North Smithfield — Lincoln boundary line and Sayles Hill Rd; thence northeasterly on Sayles Hill Rd to Old River Rd; thence southeasterly on Old River Rd to I-295; thence easterly on I-295 to the Lincoln — Cumberland boundary line; thence northerly on the Lincoln — Cumberland boundary line to the North Smithfield — Lincoln boundary line; thence southerly on the North Smithfield — Lincoln boundary line to the point of origin.
The forty-fifth representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the town of Cumberland bounded by a line beginning at the Lincoln — Cumberland boundary line and George Washington Highway; thence easterly on the George Washington Highway to Mendon Rd; thence southerly on Mendon Rd to Angell Rd; thence northeasterly on Angell Rd to census block 440070114051005; thence northwesterly on the boundary line between census blocks 440070114051005 — 40070114051006 to census block 440070114051004; thence easterly on the boundary line between census blocks 440070114051005 — 440070114051004 to the utility right of way; thence northwesterly on the utility right of way to Pound Rd; thence easterly on Pound Rd to Little Pond County Rd; thence northerly on Little Pond County Rd to Nate Whipple Highway; thence westerly on Nate Whipple Highway to Mendon Rd; thence northerly on Mendon Rd to W Wrentham Rd; thence northeasterly on W Wrentham Rd to the utility right of way; thence northwesterly on the utility right of way to the Woonsocket — Cumberland boundary line; thence southwesterly on the Woonsocket — Cumberland boundary line to the Lincoln — Cumberland boundary line; thence southeasterly on the Lincoln — Cumberland boundary line to the point of origin.
Forty-sixth district: The forty-sixth district shall consist of all of that part of the town of Lincoln bounded by a line beginning at the intersection of the Lincoln — North Providence boundary line and the State Route 146; thence northerly on the State Route 146 to Wilbur Rd; thence southwesterly on Wilbur Rd to the Smithfield — Lincoln boundary line; thence northerly on the Smithfield — Lincoln boundary line to the North Smithfield — Lincoln boundary line; thence northerly on the North Smithfield — Lincoln boundary line to Sayles Hill Rd; thence northeasterly on Sayles Hill Rd to Old River Rd; thence southeasterly on Old River Rd to I-295; thence easterly on 1-295 to the Lincoln — Cumberland boundary line; thence southerly on the Lincoln — Cumberland boundary line to the Lincoln — Central Falls boundary line; thence westerly and southerly on the Lincoln — Central Falls boundary line to the Lincoln — Pawtucket boundary line; thence westerly on the Lincoln — Pawtucket boundary line to the Lincoln — North Providence boundary line; thence westerly on the Lincoln — North Providence boundary line to the point of origin.
The forty-sixth representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the city of Pawtucket bounded by a line beginning at the Lincoln — Pawtucket boundary line and Smithfield Ave; thence southerly on Smithfield Ave to Chandler Ave; thence easterly on Chandler Ave to Fairlawn Ave; thence southerly on Fairlawn Ave to Mineral Spring Ave; thence easterly on Mineral Spring Ave to the Moshassuck River; thence northerly on the Moshassuck River to the Lincoln — Pawtucket boundary line; thence westerly on the Lincoln — Pawtucket boundary line to the point of origin.
Forty-seventh district: The forty-seventh representative district shall consist of all of that part of the town of Burrillville bounded by a line beginning at the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line and Sherman Farm Rd; thence westerly on the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line to the Rhode Island — Connecticut boundary line; thence southerly on the Rhode Island — Connecticut boundary line to the Burrillville — Glocester boundary line; thence easterly on the Burrillville — Glocester boundary line to Cooper Hill Rd; thence northwesterly on Cooper Hill Rd to census block 440070130024026; thence northerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440070130024026 — 440070130024017 to Tarklin Rd; thence westerly on Tarklin Rd to Mapleville Main St; thence westerly on Mapleville Main St to Clear River; thence northerly on Clear River and Branch River to Victory Hwy; thence southwesterly on Victory Hwy to Joslin Rd; thence northerly on Joslin Rd to Spring Lake Rd; thence northwesterly on Spring Lake Rd to W Ironstone Rd; thence westerly on W Ironstone Rd to Sherman Farm Rd; thence northeasterly on Sherman Farm Rd to the point of origin.
The forty-seventh representative district shall consist of all of that part of the town of Glocester bounded by a line beginning at the Burrillville — Glocester boundary line and Reservoir Rd; thence westerly on the Burrillville — Glocester boundary line to the Rhode Island — Connecticut boundary line; thence southerly on the Rhode Island — Connecticut boundary line to Putnam Pike; thence easterly on Putnam Pike to Reservoir Rd; thence northerly on Reservoir Rd to the point of origin.
Forty-eighth district: The forty-eighth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the town of North Smithfield bounded by a line beginning at the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line and St Paul St; thence westerly on the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line to the Burrillville — North Smithfield boundary line; thence southerly on the Burrillville — North Smithfield boundary line to the North Smithfield — Smithfield boundary line; thence easterly on the North Smithfield — Smithfield boundary line to the North Smithfield — Lincoln boundary line; thence northerly on the North Smithfield — Lincoln boundary line to the North Smithfield — Woonsocket boundary line; thence northwesterly on the North Smithfield — Woonsocket boundary line to Great Rd; thence northwesterly on Great Rd to St Paul St; thence northeasterly on St Paul St to the point of origin.
The forty-eighth representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the town of Burrillville bounded by a line beginning at the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line and Sherman Farm Rd; thence southerly on Sherman Farm Rd to W Ironstone Rd; thence easterly on W Ironstone Rd to Spring Lake Rd; thence southerly on Spring Lake Rd to Joslin Rd; thence southerly on Joslin Rd to Victory Hwy; thence northeasterly on Victory Hwy to Branch River; thence southerly on Branch River and Clear River to Mapleville Main St; thence easterly on Mapleville Main St to Tarklin Rd; thence easterly on Tarklin Rd to census block 440070130024017; thence southerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440070130024017 — 440070130024026 to Cooper Hill Rd; thence southerly on Cooper Hill Rd to the Burrillville — Glocester boundary line; thence easterly on the Burrillville — Glocester boundary line to the Burrillville — North Smithfield boundary line; thence northerly on the Burrillville — North Smithfield boundary line to the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line; thence easterly on the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line to the point of origin.
Forty-ninth district: The forty-ninth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the city of Woonsocket bounded by a line beginning at the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line and Rathbun St; thence westerly on the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line to the North Smithfield — Woonsocket boundary line; thence southerly and westerly on the North Smithfield — Woonsocket boundary line to railroad tracks; thence northeasterly on railroad tracks to Olo St; thence easterly on Olo St to Center St; thence southerly on Center St to South St; thence southeasterly on South St to S Main St; thence northeasterly on S Main St to the Blackstone River; thence easterly and northeasterly on the Blackstone River to Court St; thence southeasterly on Court St to Hamlet Ave; thence easterly on Hamlet Ave to Cumberland St; thence northwesterly on Cumberland St to Cass Ave; thence easterly on Cass Ave to Dulude Ave; thence northerly on Dulude Ave to census block 440070183001006; thence easterly on the boundary line between census blocks 440070183001017 — 440070183001006 and 440070183001017 — 440070183001005 to Heroux Ave; thence northerly on Heroux Ave to Elm St; thence westerly and northwesterly on Elm St to E School St; thence westerly on E School St to Rathbun St; thence northerly on Rathbun St to the point of origin.
The forty-ninth representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the town of North Smithfield bounded by a line beginning at the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line and Saint Paul St; thence southwesterly on Saint Paul St to Great Rd; thence southeasterly on Great Rd to the North Smithfield — Woonsocket boundary line; thence northerly on the North Smithfield — Woonsocket boundary line to the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line; thence westerly on the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line to the point of origin.
Fiftieth district: The fiftieth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the city of Woonsocket bounded by a line beginning at the intersection of the Woonsocket — Cumberland boundary line and Mendon Rd; thence northwesterly on Mendon Rd to Cumberland Hill Rd; thence northwesterly on Cumberland Hill Rd to Hamlet Ave; thence westerly on Hamlet Ave to Court St; thence westerly on Court St to the Blackstone River; thence southerly and westerly on the Blackstone River to S Main St; thence southwesterly on S Main St to South St; thence northwesterly on South St to Center St; thence northerly on Center St to Olo St; thence westerly on Olo St to railroad tracks; thence southwesterly on railroad tracks to the North Smithfield — Woonsocket boundary line; thence southeasterly on the North Smithfield — Woonsocket boundary line to the Woonsocket — Cumberland boundary line; thence northeasterly on the on the Woonsocket — Cumberland boundary line to the point of origin.
Fifty-first district: The fifty-first representative district shall consist of all of that part of the city of Woonsocket bounded by a line beginning at the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line and Rathbun St; thence southerly on Rathbun St to East School St; thence easterly on East School St to Elm St; thence southeasterly on Elm St to Heroux Ave; thence southerly on Heroux Ave to census block 440070183001017; thence westerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440070183001017 — 440070183001006 and 440070183001017 — 440070183001005 to Dulude Ave; thence southerly on Dulude Ave to Cass Ave; thence westerly on Cass Ave to Cumberland St; thence southerly on Cumberland St to Cumberland Hill Rd; thence southeasterly on Cumberland Hill Rd to the Woonsocket — Cumberland boundary line; thence northeasterly on the Woonsocket — Cumberland boundary line to the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line; thence westerly on the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line to the point of origin.
The fifty-first representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the town of Cumberland bounded by a line beginning at the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line and the Woonsocket — Cumberland boundary line; thence southwesterly on the Woonsocket — Cumberland boundary line to the utility right of way; thence southeasterly on the utility right of way to W Wrentham Rd; thence northerly on W Wrentham Rd to Pine Swamp Rd; thence easterly on Pine Swamp Rd to Little St; thence northerly on Little St to Grants Mill Rd; thence easterly on Grants Mill Rd to Cook Rd; thence northeasterly on Cook Rd to the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line; thence westerly on the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line to the point of origin.
Fifty-second district: The fifty-second representative district shall consist of all of that part of the town of Cumberland bounded by a line beginning at the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line and Dexter St; thence westerly on Dexter St to High St; thence northerly on High St to Diamond Hill Rd; thence northerly on Diamond Hill Rd to I-295; thence westerly on I-295 to the utility right of way; thence northwesterly on the utility right of way to Pound Rd; thence easterly on Pound Rd to Little Pond County Rd; thence northerly on Little Pond County Rd to Nate Whipple Highway; thence westerly on Nate Whipple Highway to Mendon Rd; thence northerly on Mendon Rd to W Wrentham Rd; thence northerly on W Wrentham Rd to Pine Swamp Rd; thence easterly on Pine Swamp Rd to Little St; thence northerly on Little St to Grants Mill Rd; thence easterly on Grants Mill Rd to Cook Rd; thence northerly on Cook Rd to the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line; thence easterly and southerly on the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line to the point of origin.
Fifty-third district: The fifty-third representative district shall consist of all of that part of the town of Glocester bounded by a line beginning at the Glocester — Scituate boundary line and Sawmill Rd; thence northerly on Sawmill Rd to Putnam Pike; thence southeasterly on Putnam Pike to the Glocester — Smithfield boundary line; thence southerly on the Glocester — Smithfield boundary line to the Glocester — Scituate boundary line; thence westerly on the Glocester — Scituate boundary line to the point of origin.
The fifty-third representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the town of Smithfield bounded by a line beginning at the Glocester — Smithfield boundary line and Smith Ave; thence northeasterly on Smith Ave to Putnam Pike; thence easterly on Putnam Pike to I-295; thence northerly on I-295 to Douglas Pike; thence southeasterly on Douglas Pike to Limerock Rd; thence northeasterly on Limerock Rd to the Smithfield — Lincoln boundary line; thence northerly on the Smithfield — Lincoln boundary line to the North Smithfield — Smithfield boundary line; thence westerly on the North Smithfield — Smithfield boundary line to line to the Glocester — Smithfield boundary line; thence southerly on the Glocester — Smithfield boundary line point of origin.
Fifty-fourth district: The fifty-fourth representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the town of North Providence bounded by a line beginning at the North Providence — Providence boundary line and Hillside Dr; thence westerly on Hillside Dr to Longwood Ave; thence northwesterly on Longwood Ave to Woodbine St; thence northerly on Woodbine St to Sherman Ave; thence westerly on Sherman Ave to High Service Ave; thence northerly on High Service Ave to Superior View Blvd; thence westerly on Superior View Blvd to Lookout Ave; thence southerly on Lookout Ave to Smith St; thence southeasterly on Smith St to Homewood Ave; thence southerly on Homewood Ave to Olney Ave; thence westerly on Olney Ave to Belcourt Ave; thence southerly on Belcourt Ave to the northern boundary line of Rhode Island College; thence westerly on the northern boundary line of Rhode Island College to Fruit Hill Ave; thence southwesterly on Fruit Hill Ave to Lyman Ave; thence westerly on Lyman Ave to Woonasquatucket Ave; thence northwesterly on Woonasquatucket Ave to Testa Dr; thence westerly on Testa Dr and its extension to the Johnston — North Providence boundary line; thence northwesterly on the Johnston — North Providence boundary line to the Smithfield — North Providence boundary line; thence northeasterly on the Smithfield — North Providence boundary line to the Lincoln — North Providence boundary line; thence northeasterly on the Lincoln — North Providence boundary line to Douglas Ave; thence southeasterly on Douglas Ave to Wenscott Ln; thence southwesterly on Wenscott Ln to Meadow View Blvd; thence easterly and southwesterly on Meadow View Blvd to Rayna Rd; thence southerly on Rayna Rd to Smithfield Rd; thence southeasterly on Smithfield Rd to the North Providence — Providence boundary line; thence westerly on the North Providence — Providence boundary line to the point of origin.
Fifty-fifth district: The fifty-fifth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the town of North Providence bounded by a line beginning at the Lincoln — North Providence boundary line and Douglas Ave; thence southeasterly on Douglas Ave to Wenscott Ln; thence southwesterly on Wenscott Ln to Meadow View Blvd; thence easterly and southwesterly on Meadow View Blvd to Rayna Rd; thence southerly on Rayna Rd to Smithfield Rd; thence southeasterly on Smithfield Rd to the North Providence — Providence boundary line; thence northeasterly on the North Providence boundary line to the North Providence — Pawtucket boundary line; thence northerly on North Providence — Pawtucket boundary line to the Lincoln — North Providence boundary line; thence westerly on the Lincoln — North Providence boundary line to the point of origin.
Fifty-sixth district: The fifty-sixth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the city of Central Falls bounded by a line beginning at the Central Falls — Pawtucket boundary line and Roosevelt Ave; thence southerly on Roosevelt Ave to Charles St; thence westerly on Charles St to Sacred Heart Ave; thence westerly on Sacred Heart Ave to Railroad St; thence northerly on Railroad St to Foundry St; thence westerly on Foundry St to Broad St; thence northerly on Broad St to Cowden St; thence westerly on Cowden St to Washington St; thence northwesterly on Washington St to Hunt St; thence southwesterly on Hunt St to W Hunt St; thence westerly on W Hunt St to Lonsdale Ave; thence southerly on Lonsdale Ave to Cleveland St; thence westerly on Cleveland St to the Central Falls — Lincoln boundary line; thence southerly on the Central Falls — Lincoln boundary line to the Central Falls — Pawtucket boundary line; thence easterly and northerly on the Central Falls — Pawtucket boundary line to the point of origin.
Fifty-seventh district: The fifty-seventh representative district shall consist of all of that part of the town of Cumberland bounded by a line beginning at the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line and Dexter St; thence westerly on Dexter St to High St; thence northerly on High St to Diamond Hill Rd; thence northerly on Diamond Hill Rd to I-295; thence westerly on I-295 to the utility right of way; thence southeasterly on the utility right of way to census block 440070114051005; thence westerly and southerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440070114051005 — 440070114051004 and 440070114051005 — 440070114051006 to Angell Rd; thence southwesterly on Angell Rd to Mendon Rd; thence northerly on Mendon Rd to George Washington Highway; thence westerly on George Washington Highway to the Lincoln — Cumberland boundary line; thence southeasterly on the Lincoln — Cumberland boundary line to the Cumberland — Central Falls boundary line; thence easterly and southerly on the Cumberland — Central Falls boundary line to the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line; thence northerly on the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line to the point of origin.
The fifty-seventh representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the city of Central Falls bounded by a line beginning at the Central Falls — Pawtucket boundary line and the Amtrak RR; thence southwesterly on the Amtrak RR to High St; thence northerly on High St to Blackstone St; thence westerly on Blackstone St to Broad St; thence northerly on Broad St to Cottage St; thence westerly on Cottage St to Hunt St; thence southwesterly on Hunt St to W Hunt St; thence southwesterly on W Hunt St to Lonsdale Ave; thence southerly on Lonsdale Ave to Cleveland St; thence westerly on Cleveland St to the Central Falls — Lincoln boundary line; thence northerly and easterly on the Central Falls — Lincoln boundary line to the Cumberland — Central Falls boundary line; thence easterly and southerly on the Cumberland — Central Falls boundary line to the Central Falls — Pawtucket boundary line; thence southerly on the Central Falls — Pawtucket boundary line to the point of origin.
Fifty-eighth district: The fifty-eighth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the city of Pawtucket bounded by a line beginning at the Lincoln — Pawtucket boundary line and Smithfield Ave; thence southerly on Smithfield Ave to Chandler Ave; thence easterly on Chandler Ave to Fairlawn Ave; thence southerly on Fairlawn Ave to Mineral Spring Ave; thence easterly on Mineral Spring Ave to the Moshassuck River; thence northerly on the Moshassuck River to the Lincoln — Pawtucket boundary line; thence easterly on the Lincoln — Pawtucket boundary line to the Central Falls — Pawtucket boundary line; thence easterly on the Central Falls — Pawtucket boundary line to the Blackstone River; thence southerly on the Blackstone River to I-95; thence westerly on I-95 to George St; thence northerly on George St to Church St; thence westerly on Church St; to Mineral Spring Ave; thence westerly on Mineral Spring Ave to Lonsdale Ave; thence southerly on Lonsdale Ave to Thurston St; thence southwesterly on Thurston St to I-95; thence southwesterly on I-95 to the Pawtucket — Providence boundary line; thence westerly on the Pawtucket — Providence boundary line to the Pawtucket — North Providence boundary line; thence northerly on the Pawtucket — North Providence boundary line to the Lincoln — Pawtucket boundary line; thence easterly on the Lincoln — Pawtucket boundary line to the point of origin.
Fifty-ninth district: The fifty-ninth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the city of Pawtucket bounded by a line beginning at the intersection of Pawtucket — Providence boundary line and I-95; thence easterly on the Pawtucket — Providence boundary line to the Seekonk River; thence northerly on the Seekonk River to I-95; thence westerly on I-95 to George St; thence northerly on George St to Church St; thence westerly on Church St to Mineral Spring Ave; thence westerly on Mineral Spring Ave to Lonsdale Ave; thence southerly on Lonsdale Ave to Thurston St; thence southwesterly on Thurston St to I-95; thence southwesterly on I-95 to the point of origin.
Sixtieth district: The sixtieth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the city of Pawtucket bounded by a line beginning at the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line and Newport Ave; thence southerly on Newport Ave to Cottage St; thence southwesterly on Cottage St to Mendon Ave; thence southerly on Mendon Ave to Central Ave; thence easterly on Central Ave to York Ave; thence southerly on York Ave to Armistice Blvd; thence westerly on Armistice Blvd to George Bennett Hwy; thence northerly on George Bennett Hwy to Central Ave; thence southwesterly on Central Ave to Cottage St; thence southwesterly on Cottage St to Exchange St; thence westerly on Exchange St to Broadway; thence southwesterly on Broadway to the Blackstone River; thence northerly on the Blackstone River to the Central Falls — Pawtucket boundary line; thence northerly on the Central Falls — Pawtucket boundary line to the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line; thence easterly on the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line to the point of origin.
The sixtieth representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the city of Central Falls bounded by a line beginning at the Central Falls — Pawtucket boundary line and the Amtrak RR; thence southwesterly on the Amtrak RR to High St; thence northerly on High St to Blackstone St; thence westerly on Blackstone St to Broad St; thence northerly on Broad St to Cottage St; thence westerly on Cottage St to Hunt St; thence southwesterly on Hunt St to Washington St; thence southeasterly on Washington St to Cowden St; thence easterly on Cowden St to Broad St; thence southerly on Broad St to Foundry St; thence easterly on Foundry St to Railroad St; thence southerly on Railroad St to Sacred Heart Ave; thence easterly on Sacred Heart Ave to Charles St; thence easterly on Charles St to Roosevelt Ave; thence northerly on Roosevelt Ave to the Central Falls — Pawtucket boundary line; thence northerly on the Central Falls — Pawtucket boundary line to the point of origin.
Sixty-first district: The sixty-first representative district shall consist of all of that part of the city of Pawtucket bounded by a line beginning at the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line and Newport Ave; thence southerly on Newport Ave to Cottage St; thence southwesterly on Cottage St to Mendon Ave; thence southerly on Mendon Ave to Central Ave; thence easterly on Central Ave to York Ave; thence southerly on York Ave to Balch St; thence easterly on Balch St to Burgess Ave; thence northerly on Burgess Ave to Empire St; thence easterly on Empire St to Bloomfield St; thence southerly on Bloomfield St to Federal St; thence easterly on Federal St to Gates St; thence easterly on Gates St to Oswald St; thence northerly on Oswald St to Armistice Blvd; thence southeasterly on Armistice Blvd to the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line; thence northerly and westerly on the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line to the point of origin.
Sixty-second district: The sixty-second representative district shall consist of all of that part of the city of Pawtucket bounded by a line beginning at I-95 and Prospect St; thence southeasterly on Prospect St to census block 440070171003019 and the utility right of way; thence northeasterly on the utility right of way to the railroad tracks; thence southerly on the railroad tracks to the Pawtucket — East Providence boundary line; thence easterly on the Pawtucket — East Providence boundary line to Ten Mile River; thence northerly on the Ten Mile River to Armistice Blvd; thence northwesterly on Armistice Blvd to Oswald St; thence southerly on Oswald St to Gates St; thence westerly on Gates St to Federal St; thence westerly on Federal St to Bloomfield St; thence northerly on Bloomfield St to Empire St; thence westerly on Empire St to Burgess Ave; thence southerly on Burgess Ave to Balch St; thence westerly on Balch St to York Ave; thence northerly on York Ave to Armistice Blvd; thence westerly on Armistice Blvd to George Bennett Hwy; thence northerly on George Bennett Hwy to Central Ave; thence southwesterly on Central Ave to Cottage St; thence southwesterly on Cottage St to Exchange St; thence westerly on Exchange St to Broadway; thence southwesterly on Broadway to the Blackstone River; thence southerly on the Blackstone River and the Seekonk River to I-95; thence northeasterly on I-95 to the point of origin.
Sixty-third district: The sixty-third representative district shall consist of all of that part of the city of East Providence bounded by a line beginning at the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line and I-195; thence westerly on I-195 to Broadway; thence northerly on Broadway to N Broadway; thence northerly on N Broadway to Central Ave; thence northwesterly on Central Ave to Massasoit Ave; thence northeasterly on Massasoit Ave to Dexter Rd; thence northwesterly on Dexter Rd to the railroad tracks; thence northeasterly on the railroad tracks to Omega Pond; thence northwesterly on Omega Pond to the New York New Haven and Hartford RR; thence northerly on the New York New Haven and Hartford RR to the Pawtucket — East Providence boundary line; thence easterly on the Pawtucket — East Providence boundary line to the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line; thence southerly on the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line to the point of origin.
The sixty-third representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the city of Pawtucket bounded by a line beginning at the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line and the Pawtucket — East Providence boundary line; thence westerly on the Pawtucket — East Providence boundary line to Ten Mile River; thence northerly on the Ten Mile River to Armistice Blvd; thence southeasterly on Armistice Blvd to the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line; thence southerly on the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line to the point of origin.
Sixty-fourth district: The sixty-fourth representative district shall consist of all of the part of the city of East Providence bounded by a line beginning at Veterans Memorial Pkwy and S Broadway; thence northerly on S Broadway to Martin St; thence easterly on Martin St to Maxfield Ave; thence southerly on Maxfield Ave to Hazard Ave; thence easterly on Hazard Ave to Pawtucket Ave; thence northerly on Pawtucket Ave to I-195; thence westerly on I-195 to Broadway; thence northerly on Broadway to N Broadway; thence northerly on N Broadway to Central Ave; thence northwesterly on Central Ave to Massasoit Ave; thence northeasterly on Massasoit Ave to Dexter Rd; thence northwesterly on Dexter Rd to the railroad tracks; thence northeasterly on the railroad tracks to Omega Pond; thence northwesterly on Omega Pond to New York New Haven and Hartford RR; thence northerly on the New York New Haven and Hartford RR to the Pawtucket — East Providence boundary line; thence westerly on the Pawtucket — East Providence boundary line to the Seekonk River; thence southerly on the Seekonk River to the Providence — East Providence boundary line; thence southerly on the Providence — East Providence boundary line to the line extending from Watchemoket Cove; thence northerly on the line extending from Watchemoket Cove to Veterans Memorial Pkwy; thence southeasterly on Veterans Memorial Pkwy to the point of origin.
The sixty-fourth representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the city of Pawtucket bounded by a line beginning at I-95 and Prospect St; thence southeasterly on Prospect St to census block 440070171003019 and the utility right of way; thence northeasterly on the utility right of way to the railroad tracks; thence southerly on the railroad tracks to the Pawtucket — East Providence Boundary line; thence westerly on the Pawtucket — East Providence boundary line to the Seekonk River; thence northerly on the Seekonk River to I-95; thence northeasterly on I-95 to the point of origin.
Sixty-fifth district: The sixty-fifth representative district shall consist of all of the part of the city of East Providence bounded by a line beginning at Veterans Memorial Pkwy and S Broadway; thence northeasterly on S Broadway to Martin St; thence easterly on Martin St to Maxfield Ave; thence southerly on Maxfield Ave to Hazard Ave; thence easterly on Hazard Ave to Pawtucket Ave; thence northerly on Pawtucket Ave to I-195; thence easterly on I-195 to the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line; thence southerly on the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line to Mink St; thence southerly on Mink St to Wampanoag Trl; thence southerly on Wampanoag Trl to Socony Rd; thence westerly on Socony Rd to census block 440070105024012; thence southwesterly on the eastern boundary line of census block 440070105024012 to census block 440070105024016; thence southerly on the western boundary line of census block 440070105024016 to Willett Ave; thence southeasterly on Willett Ave to Crescent View Ave; thence southwesterly on Crescent View Ave to Bullocks Cove; thence southerly on the shoreline to the East Providence — Barrington boundary line; thence southerly on the East Providence — Barrington boundary line to the Warwick — East Providence boundary line; thence northerly on the Warwick — East Providence boundary line to the Cranston — East Providence boundary line; thence northerly on the Cranston — East Providence boundary line to the Providence — East Providence boundary line; thence northerly on the Providence — East Providence boundary line to the line extending from Watchemoket Cove; thence northerly on the line extending from Watchemoket Cove to Veterans Memorial Pkwy; thence southeasterly on Veterans Memorial Pkwy to the point of origin.
Sixty-sixth district: The sixty-sixth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the town of Barrington bounded by a line beginning at Hundred Acre Cove and the East Providence — Barrington boundary line; thence southwesterly on the East Providence — Barrington boundary line to the East Providence — Barrington — Warwick boundary line; thence southeasterly on the Barrington — Warwick boundary line to Nayatt Point Lighthouse; thence easterly on the shoreline to the line extending from Watson Ave; thence northerly on the line extending from Watson Ave to Watson Ave; thence northerly on Watson Ave to Nayatt Rd; thence easterly on Nayatt Rd to Rumstick Rd; thence southerly on Rumstick Rd to Ferry Ln; thence easterly on Ferry Ln to Owings Stone Rd; thence northerly on Owings Stone Rd to Mathewson Ln; thence northerly on Mathewson Ln to Mathewson Rd; thence northerly on Mathewson Rd to County Rd; thence northwesterly on County Rd to Maple Ave; thence westerly on Maple Ave to Centennial Ave; thence northerly on Centennial Ave to Foote St; thence easterly on Foote St to Princes Hill Ave; thence northerly on Princes Hill Ave to County Rd; thence northwesterly on County Rd to Massasoit Ave; thence easterly on Massasoit Ave to the Barrington River; thence northwesterly on the Barrington River to Hundred Acre Cove; thence northerly on Hundred Acre Cove to the point of origin.
The sixty-sixth representative district shall also consist of all of the part of the city of East Providence bounded by a line beginning at the intersection of the East Providence — Barrington boundary line and the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line; thence northerly on the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line to Mink St; thence southerly on Mink St to Wampanoag Trl; thence southerly on Wampanoag Trl to Socony Rd; thence westerly on Socony Rd to census block 440070105024012; thence southwesterly on the eastern boundary line of census block 440070105024012 to census block 440070105024016; thence southerly on the western boundary line of census block 440070105024016 to Willett Ave; thence southeasterly on Willett Ave to Crescent View Ave; thence southwesterly on Crescent View Ave to Bullocks Cove; thence southerly on the shoreline to the East Providence — Barrington boundary line; thence northeasterly on the East Providence — Barrington boundary line to the point of origin.
Sixty-seventh district: The sixty-seventh representative district shall consist of all of that part of the town of Barrington bounded by a line beginning at Hundred Acre Cove and the East Providence — Barrington boundary line; thence northeasterly on the East Providence — Barrington boundary line to the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line; thence southeasterly on the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line to the Barrington — Warren boundary line; thence southerly on the Barrington — Warren boundary line to Rumstick Point; thence northwesterly on the shoreline to the line extending from Watson Ave; thence northerly on line extending from Watson Ave to Watson Ave; thence northerly on Watson Ave to Nayatt Rd; thence easterly on Nayatt Rd to Rumstick Rd; thence southerly on Rumstick Rd to Ferry Ln; thence easterly on Ferry Ln to Owings Stone Rd; thence northerly on Owings Stone Rd to Mathewson Ln; thence northerly on Mathewson Ln to Mathewson Rd; thence northerly on Mathewson Rd to County Rd; thence northwesterly on County Rd to Maple Ave; thence westerly on Maple Ave to Centennial Ave; thence northerly on Centennial Ave to Foote St; thence easterly on Foote St to Princes Hill Ave; thence northerly on Princes Hill Ave to County Rd; thence northwesterly on County Rd to Massasoit Ave; thence easterly on Massasoit Ave to the Barrington River; thence northwesterly on the Barrington River to Hundred Acre Cove; thence northerly on Hundred Acre Cove to the point of origin.
The sixty-seventh representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the town of Warren bounded by a line beginning at Child St and Metacom Ave; thence southerly on Metacom Ave to Patterson Ave; thence easterly on Patterson Ave and it’s extension to the Kickemuit River; thence southerly on the Kickemuit River to the Warren — Bristol boundary line; thence southeasterly on the Warren — Bristol boundary line to the Warren — Tiverton boundary line; thence northerly on the Warren — Tiverton boundary line to the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line; thence northwesterly on the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line to the Barrington — Warren boundary line; thence southerly on the Barrington — Warren line to Main St; thence southeasterly on Main St to Water St; thence southerly on Water St to Miller St; thence easterly on Miller St to Main St; thence southerly on Main St to Child St; thence easterly on Child St to the point of origin.
Sixty-eighth district: The sixty-eighth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the town of Bristol bounded by a line beginning at Michael Dr and Metacom Ave; thence southerly on Metacom Ave to Chestnut St; thence westerly on Chestnut St to Sherry Ave; thence southerly on Sherry Ave to Perry St; thence westerly on Perry St to Thompson Ave; thence southerly on Thompson Ave to Bay View Ave; thence westerly on Bay View Ave to Wood St; thence southerly on Wood St to State St; thence westerly on State St and its extension to Bristol Harbor; thence southerly on Bristol Harbor to the Bristol — Portsmouth boundary line; thence westerly and northerly on the Bristol — Portsmouth boundary line to the Barrington — Bristol boundary line; thence northeasterly on the Barrington — Bristol boundary line to the Warren — Bristol boundary line; thence easterly and southerly on the Warren — Bristol boundary line to census block 440010309011011 and the line extending from Smith St; thence northerly and westerly on the northern boundary line of census block 440010309011011 to Christopher Dr; thence southerly on Christopher Dr to Michael Dr; thence westerly on Michael Dr to the point of origin.
The sixty-eighth representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the town of Warren bounded by a line beginning at the intersection of Child St and the Kickemuit River; thence southerly on the Kickemuit River to the Warren — Bristol boundary line; thence westerly on the Warren — Bristol boundary line to the Barrington — Warren — Bristol boundary line; thence northerly on the Barrington — Warren boundary line to Main St; thence southeasterly on Main St to Water St; thence southerly on Water St to Miller St; thence easterly on Miller St to Main St; thence southerly on Main St to Child St; thence easterly on Child St to the point of origin.
Sixty-ninth district: The sixty-ninth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the town of Bristol bounded by a line beginning at Michael Dr and Metacom Ave; thence southerly on Metacom Ave to Chestnut St; thence westerly on Chestnut St to Sherry Ave; thence southerly on Sherry Ave to Perry St; thence westerly on Perry St to Thompson Ave; thence southerly on Thompson Ave to Bay View Ave; thence westerly on Bay View Ave to Wood St; thence southerly on Wood St to State St; thence westerly on State St and its extension to Bristol Harbor; thence southerly on Bristol Harbor to the Bristol — Portsmouth boundary line; thence easterly on the Bristol — Portsmouth boundary line to the Bristol — Tiverton boundary line; thence northeasterly on the Bristol — Tiverton boundary line to the Bristol — Warren boundary line; thence northwesterly on the Bristol — Warren boundary line to census block 440010309011000 and the line extending from Smith St; thence northerly and westerly on the northern boundary line of census block 440010309011011 to Christopher Dr; thence southerly on Christopher Dr to Michael Dr; thence westerly on Michael Dr point of origin.
The sixty-ninth representative district shall also consist of all of that part of Portsmouth known as Prudence Island; Patience Island; Hog Island; Hope Island; Gooseberry Island; Dyer Island and Despair Island.
Seventieth district: The seventieth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the town of Tiverton bounded by a line beginning at the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line and State Route 24; thence easterly and southerly on the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line to Narrow Ave; thence westerly on Narrow Ave to Crandall Rd; thence southerly on Crandall Rd to census block 440050417022006; thence southwesterly on the northern boundary lines of census blocks 440050417022006 and 440050417022005 to Lake Rd; thence southerly on Lake Rd to East Rd; thence westerly on East Rd to Puncatest Neck Rd; thence westerly on Puncatest Neck Rd to Seapowet Ave; thence northerly on Seapowet Ave to Inlet Dr; thence northerly on Inlet Dr and its extension to the Sakonnet River and the Portsmouth — Tiverton boundary line; thence northerly on the Portsmouth — Tiverton boundary line to the Warren — Tiverton boundary line; thence northerly on the Warren — Tiverton boundary line to the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line; thence southeasterly on the Rhode Island — Massachusetts boundary line to the point of origin.
Seventy-first district: The seventy-first representative district shall consist of all of that part of the town of Portsmouth bounded by a line beginning at E Main Rd and Hedly St; thence westerly on Hedly St to W Main Rd; thence southerly on W Main Rd to King Charles Dr; thence northwesterly on King Charles Dr to Thayer Dr; thence northerly on Thayer Dr to census block 440050401053023; thence westerly between census blocks 440050401053023 — 440050401053028 to railroad tracks; thence southerly along railroad tracks to census block 440050401041002; thence westerly between census blocks 440050401041002 — 440050401053022 extending to the shoreline; thence northerly along the shoreline to the Mount Hope Bridge; thence westerly on the Mount Hope Bridge to the Bristol — Portsmouth boundary line; thence northerly on the Bristol — Portsmouth boundary line to the Portsmouth — Tiverton boundary line; thence southeasterly and southerly on the Portsmouth — Tiverton boundary line to the line extending from the boundary line between census blocks 440050401023038 — 440050401023039; thence westerly on the southern boundary lines of census blocks 440050401023039, 440050401023045, and 440050401023052 to E Main Rd; thence northerly on East Main Rd to the point of origin.
The seventy-first representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the town of Portsmouth known as Gould Island.
The seventy-first representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the town of Tiverton bounded by a line beginning at the Massachusetts — Rhode Island boundary line and Narrow Ave; thence westerly on Narrow Ave to Crandall Rd; thence southerly on Crandall Rd to census block 440050417022006; thence southwesterly on the northern boundary line of census blocks 440050417022006 and 440050417022005 to Lake Rd; thence southerly on Lake Rd to East Rd; thence westerly on East Rd to Puncatest Neck Rd; thence westerly on Puncatest Neck Rd to Seapowet Ave; thence northerly on Seapowet Ave to Inlet Dr; thence northerly on Inlet Dr and its extension to the Sakonnet River and the Portsmouth — Tiverton boundary line; thence southerly on the Portsmouth — Tiverton boundary line to the Tiverton — Little Compton boundary line; thence easterly on the Tiverton — Little Compton boundary line to the Massachusetts — Rhode Island boundary line; thence northerly on the Massachusetts — Rhode Island boundary line to the point of origin.
The seventy-first representative district shall also consist of all the town of Little Compton.
Seventy-second district: The seventy-second representative district shall consist of all of that part of the town of Portsmouth bounded by a line beginning at E Main Rd and Hedly St; thence westerly on Hedly St to W Main Rd; thence southerly on W Main Rd to King Charles Dr; thence northwesterly on King Charles Dr to Thayer Dr; thence northerly on Thayer Dr to census block 440050401053023; thence westerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440050401053023 — 440050401053028 to the railroad tracks; thence southerly on the railroad tracks to census block 440050401041002; thence westerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440050401041002 — 440050401053022 extending to the shoreline; thence southerly on the shoreline to the Middletown — Portsmouth boundary line; thence southeasterly on the Middletown — Portsmouth boundary line to the Portsmouth — Little Compton boundary line; thence northerly on the Portsmouth — Little Compton border line to the Portsmouth — Tiverton boundary line; thence northerly on the Portsmouth — Tiverton boundary line to the line extending from the boundary line between census blocks 440050401023038 — 440050401023039; thence westerly on the southern boundary lines of census blocks 440050401023039, 440050401023045, and 440050401023052 to E Main Rd; thence northerly on E Main Rd to the point of origin.
The seventy-second representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the town of Middletown bounded by a line beginning at the Portsmouth — Middletown boundary line and E Main Rd; thence southwesterly on E Main Rd to Aquidneck Ave; thence southerly on Aquidneck Ave to Wolcott Ave; thence southerly on Wolcott Ave to Reservoir Rd; thence westerly on Reservoir Rd and the line extending from the Middletown — Newport boundary line; thence southerly on the Middletown — Newport boundary line to the Atlantic Ocean and the Middletown — Little Compton boundary line; thence northerly on the Middletown — Little Compton boundary line to the Portsmouth — Middletown boundary line; thence northwesterly on the Portsmouth — Middletown boundary line to the point of origin.
Seventy-third district: The seventy-third representative district shall consist of all of that part of the town of Middletown bounded by a line beginning at the Middletown — Newport boundary line and the separation between Eastons North Pond and South Pond; thence easterly on the separation of North and South Pond on the boundary line between census blocks 440050404002039 — 440050404002038 and 440050404002039 — 440050404002036 to Aquidneck Ave; thence northerly on Aquidneck Ave to Reservoir Rd; thence easterly on Reservoir Rd to Wolcott Ave; thence northerly on Wolcott Ave to Aquidneck Ave; thence northerly on Aquidneck Ave to census block 440050404002014; thence southwesterly on the unnamed stream on the boundary line between census blocks 440050404002014 and 440050404002012 to Valley Rd; thence southerly on Valley Rd to Green End Ave; thence westerly on Green End Ave to Bailey Brook; thence northerly on Bailey Brook to the point extending from Adelaide Ave; thence westerly on Adelaide Ave to Boulevard; thence westerly on Boulevard to W Main Rd; thence northerly on W Main Rd to census block 440050402001013; thence westerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440050402001012 — 440050402001013, 440050402001012 — 440050402001001 and 440050402001012 — 440050402001003 to Lexington St; thence southerly on Lexington St to Coddington Highway; thence westerly on Coddington Highway to the Middletown — Newport boundary line; thence southeasterly on the Middletown — Newport boundary line to the point of origin.
The seventy-third representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the city of Newport bounded by a line beginning at the Newport — Jamestown boundary line and the Newport Bridge; thence easterly on the Newport Bridge to State Highway 138; thence easterly on State Highway 138 to the Conrail RR; thence southerly on the Conrail RR to Van Zandt Ave; thence easterly on Van Zandt Ave to Tilley Ave; thence southerly on Tilley Ave to Gould St; thence southerly on Gould St to Broadway; thence northerly on Broadway to Cranston Ave; thence easterly on Cranston Ave to Kay St; thence northerly on Kay St to Prairie Ave; thence southerly on Prairie Ave to Ellery Rd; thence easterly on Ellery Rd to Eastons South Pond; thence southerly and easterly around the shoreline to the Middletown — Newport boundary line; thence northeasterly on the Middletown — Newport boundary line to the Newport — Jamestown boundary line; thence southerly on the Newport — Jamestown boundary line to the point of origin.
The seventy-third representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the city of Newport known as Coasters Harbor Island (U.S. Naval Station).
Seventy-fourth district: The seventy-fourth representative district shall consist of all of the town of Jamestown.
The seventy-fourth representative district shall also consist of all of that part of the town of Middletown bounded by a line beginning at the Portsmouth — Middletown boundary line and E Main Rd; thence southerly on E Main Rd to Aquidneck Ave; thence southerly on Aquidneck Ave to census block 440050404002014; thence southwesterly on the unnamed stream on the western boundary line of census blocks 440050404002014 and 440050404002012 to Valley Rd; thence southerly on Valley Rd to Green End Ave; thence westerly on Green End Ave to Bailey Brook; thence northerly on Bailey Brook to the point extending from Adelaide Ave; thence westerly on Adelaide Ave to Boulevard; thence westerly on Boulevard to W Main Rd; thence northerly on W Main Rd to census block 440050402001013; thence westerly on the boundary line between census blocks 440050402001012 — 440050402001013, 440050402001012 — 440050402001001 and 440050402001012 — 440050402001003 to Lexington St; thence southerly on Lexington St to Coddington Highway; thence westerly on Coddington Highway to the Middletown — Newport boundary line; thence northwesterly on the Middletown — Newport boundary line to the Jamestown — Newport boundary line; thence northerly on the Jamestown — Newport boundary line to the Portsmouth — Middletown boundary line; thence southeasterly on the Portsmouth — Middletown boundary line to the point of origin.
Seventy-fifth district: The seventy-fifth representative district shall consist of all of that part of the city of Newport bounded by a line beginning at the Newport — Jamestown boundary line and the Newport Bridge; thence easterly on the Newport Bridge to State Highway 138; thence easterly on State Highway 138 to the Conrail RR; thence southerly on the Conrail RR to Van Zandt Ave; thence easterly on Van Zandt Ave to Tilley Ave; thence southerly on Tilley Ave to Gould St; thence southerly on Gould St to Broadway; thence northerly on Broadway to Cranston Ave; thence easterly on Cranston Ave to Kay St; thence northerly on Kay St to Prairie Ave; thence southerly on Prairie Ave to Ellery Rd; thence easterly on Ellery Rd to Eastons South Pond; thence southerly and easterly around the shoreline to the Middletown — Newport boundary line; thence southerly on the Middletown — Newport boundary line to the Atlantic Ocean; thence westerly and southerly on the Newport boundary line to the Jamestown — Newport boundary line; thence northerly on the Jamestown — Newport boundary line to the point of origin.
History of Section.P.L. 2022, ch. 5, § 7, effective February 16, 2022; P.L. 2022, ch. 6, § 7, effective February 16, 2022.