Rhode Island General Laws
Chapter 2-27 - Forest Conservation Act
Section 2-27-3. - Forest conservation commission.

§ 2-27-3. Forest conservation commission.
(a)(1) There is established the forest conservation commission consisting of the directors of the department of environmental management and the department of administration, or their respective designees; and nine (9) public members to be appointed by the director of the department of environmental management. The public appointees shall include at least one member with knowledge or experience in forestry; one member with knowledge or experience with urban and community forestry; one member familiar with land use and community planning issues; one member active in land preservation; one member representing forest landowners; one member representing an environmental organization; one member with knowledge of forest habitat; and one member representing a forest products business. No person shall be eligible for appointment pursuant to this section unless he or she is a resident of this state.
(2) The members shall serve for terms of five (5) years each; provided, however, that of the members first appointed, one shall serve for one year, one shall serve for two (2) years, one shall serve for three (3) years, one shall serve for four (4) years, and the remaining members shall serve for five (5) years, from January first next succeeding their appointment, as the director shall designate.
(3) Any vacancy occurring otherwise than by expiration of term shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment.
(4) Upon expiration of a member’s term, that member shall continue as a member until that member’s successor is appointed and qualified. Any person serving a term shall be eligible for appointment.
(b) No member, including ex officio members, shall receive compensation for the performance of his or her duties as a member; provided, however, that each appointed member may be reimbursed if funds are appropriated for his or her actual and necessary expenses incurred during the performance of his or her official duties.
(c)(1) The commission shall designate annually from its members a chairperson and a vice chairperson.
(2) Whenever public hearings are required under this chapter, or whenever the commission determines a public hearing is appropriate, the commission shall use reasonable efforts to hold those hearings at a place or places that will reasonably accommodate the interested parties.
(3) Seven (7) voting members of the commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business or the exercise of any power of the commission. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the commission shall have the power to act by a majority of the members present at any meeting at which a quorum is in attendance.
(d) The director may remove any member for cause or misconduct in office after giving him or her a copy of the charges against him or her and an opportunity to be heard, in person or by counsel, in his or her defense, upon not less than ten (10) days’ notice. If any member shall be removed, the director shall file in the office of the secretary of state a complete statement of charges made against the member and his or her findings, together with a complete record of the proceedings.
(e) The director shall have the authority to establish subcommittees to fulfill the purposes of the commission. The subcommittee members shall be advisory to the commission and shall be comprised of key stakeholders representative of the issue(s) to be addressed.
History of Section.P.L. 2021, ch. 200, § 1, effective July 7, 2021; P.L. 2021, ch. 201, § 1, effective July 7, 2021.