Rhode Island General Laws
Chapter 2-18.1 - Rhode Island Nursery Law
Section 2-18.1-4. - Inspection of nursery stock before sale or distribution.

§ 2-18.1-4. Inspection of nursery stock before sale or distribution.
It is unlawful for any person to sell, to offer for sale, to distribute or cause to be distributed from a nursery or other premises, any nursery stock, until the nursery stock has been officially inspected by the director and certified as apparently free from injurious insects and plant diseases, or unless there has been issued with regard to that nursery stock, by an authorized plant regulatory official of another state, or the federal government, a valid certificate attesting to freedom from injurious insects and plant diseases.
History of Section.G.L. 1956, § 2-18.1-4, as assigned, P.L. 1962, ch. 132, § 1.

Structure Rhode Island General Laws

Rhode Island General Laws

Title 2 - Agriculture and Forestry

Chapter 2-18.1 - Rhode Island Nursery Law

Section 2-18.1-1. - Short title.

Section 2-18.1-2. - Definitions.

Section 2-18.1-3. - Authority to inspect — Access to nursery, heeling-in grounds or other place of business.

Section 2-18.1-4. - Inspection of nursery stock before sale or distribution.

Section 2-18.1-5. - Shipments from foreign countries.

Section 2-18.1-6. - Nursery inspection and certification.

Section 2-18.1-7. - Certificates.

Section 2-18.1-8. - What nursery stock may be offered for sale.

Section 2-18.1-9. - Nursery worker’s licenses — Nonlicensed growers.

Section 2-18.1-10. - Dealer’s license.

Section 2-18.1-11. - Reasons for withholding or revoking a license or certificate.

Section 2-18.1-12. - Reinstatement of license or certificate.

Section 2-18.1-13. - Registration of agents.

Section 2-18.1-14. - Reciprocal agreements.

Section 2-18.1-15. - Nonresidents.

Section 2-18.1-16. - Collected plants.

Section 2-18.1-17. - Horticultural services.

Section 2-18.1-18. - Labelling imported stock.

Section 2-18.1-19. - Common carrier.

Section 2-18.1-20. - Inspection of imported stock — Disposition of infested stock.

Section 2-18.1-21. - Treatment.

Section 2-18.1-22. - Misrepresentation.

Section 2-18.1-23. - Enforcement.

Section 2-18.1-24. - Additional authority of the director.

Section 2-18.1-24.1. - License fees — Apportionment.

Section 2-18.1-25. - Review of orders.

Section 2-18.1-26. - Penalties for violations.

Section 2-18.1-27. - Prosecution of offenses.

Section 2-18.1-28. - Severability.