Rhode Island General Laws
Chapter 16-59 - Council on Postsecondary Education [See Title 16 Chapter 97 — The Rhode Island Board of Education Act]
Section 16-59-10. - Existing academic privileges preserved.

§ 16-59-10. Existing academic privileges preserved.
No provision of this chapter shall be construed to impair academic freedom or academic governance at any institution under the jurisdiction of the board of governors, nor to divest any faculty member of the institution of tenure, retirement or other right or benefit to which the member may now be entitled.
History of Section.P.L. 1981, ch. 32, § 3.

Structure Rhode Island General Laws

Rhode Island General Laws

Title 16 - Education

Chapter 16-59 - Council on Postsecondary Education [See Title 16 Chapter 97 — The Rhode Island Board of Education Act]

Section 16-59-1. - Council on Postsecondary Education established.

Section 16-59-2. - Appointment of members of the council on postsecondary education.

Section 16-59-3. - Removal of public members of board.

Section 16-59-4. - Powers and duties of the council on postsecondary education.

Section 16-59-4.1. - Repealed.

Section 16-59-5. - Meetings of board.

Section 16-59-6. - Commissioner of postsecondary education.

Section 16-59-7. - [Repealed.]

Section 16-59-7.1. - Permanent status for non-classified employees.

Section 16-59-7.2. - Longevity payments — Nonclassified employees.

Section 16-59-8. - Repealed.

Section 16-59-9. - Educational budget and appropriations.

Section 16-59-9.1. - Incentive fund for excellence — Challenge fund for management and administration improvement — Carry-forward provision.

Section 16-59-9.2. - Military tuition waiver.

Section 16-59-9.3. - Student Success Act.

Section 16-59-10. - Existing academic privileges preserved.

Section 16-59-11. - Investigative powers of board.

Section 16-59-12. - Exemption from provisions of Administrative Procedures Act.

Section 16-59-13. - Definitions.

Section 16-59-14. - Pertinence of certain law relating to state colleges to board of governors.

Section 16-59-15. - Liberal construction of chapter required.

Section 16-59-16. - Meaning of terms in existing law.

Section 16-59-17. - Severability.

Section 16-59-18. - Receipts from sources other than appropriations.

Section 16-59-19. - Fiscal accounts — Receipts — Petty cash funds.

Section 16-59-20. - Audit of expenditures.

Section 16-59-21. - Freedom from budget and lease control by other agencies.

Section 16-59-22. - Applicability of merit system — Teacher certification — List of positions transferable to classified service.

Section 16-59-23. - Conflicts of interest.

Section 16-59-24. - Accessibility for people with disabilities.

Section 16-59-25. - Voter registration forms.

Section 16-59-25.1. - Maintenance of voter registration files.

Section 16-59-26. - The public and private partnership in education.

Section 16-59-27. - Sale and purchase of degrees solely on the basis of life experience prohibited.

Section 16-59-28. - [Repealed.]