Rhode Island General Laws
Chapter 16-16 - Teachers’ Retirement [See Title 16 Chapter 97 — The Rhode Island Board of Education Act]
Section 16-16-19. - Reexamination of disability beneficiaries — Reduction of benefit — Reinstatement to active service.

§ 16-16-19. Reexamination of disability beneficiaries — Reduction of benefit — Reinstatement to active service.
Once each year the retirement board may, and upon his or her application shall, require any disability beneficiary under the minimum age of service retirement to undergo a medical examination, the examination to be made at the place of residence of the beneficiary, or other place mutually agreed upon, by a physician or physicians engaged by the retirement board. If the examination indicates that the beneficiary is able to engage in a gainful occupation, his or her name shall be placed on appropriate lists of candidates prepared for appointment to positions in his or her department or agency for which he or she is stated to be qualified, of a salary grade not exceeding that from which he or she was last retired. Should the beneficiary be engaged in a gainful occupation or should he or she be offered service as a result of the placing of his or her name on a list of candidates, the retirement board shall adjust, and, from time to time readjust, the amount of his or her disability benefit to an amount which shall not exceed the rate of benefit upon which he or she was originally retired, and which, when added to the amount then earnable by him or her, shall not exceed his or her rate of annual compensation currently for the classification that the disability annuitant held prior to retirement. Should any disability beneficiary under the minimum age of service retirement refuse to submit to one medical examination in any year by a physician or physicians designated by the retirement board, his or her benefit shall be discontinued until his or her withdrawal of the refusal, and should his or her refusal continue for one year, all his or her rights in and to the benefit shall be revoked by the retirement board. A disability beneficiary, reinstated to active service, shall be reinstated as a member and participate in the rights of the retirement system, to the same extent as any other teacher.
History of Section.P.L. 1992, ch. 306, art. 2, § 4.

Structure Rhode Island General Laws

Rhode Island General Laws

Title 16 - Education

Chapter 16-16 - Teachers’ Retirement [See Title 16 Chapter 97 — The Rhode Island Board of Education Act]

Section 16-16-1. - Definitions.

Section 16-16-2. - Membership in system.

Section 16-16-3. - Repealed.

Section 16-16-4. - Membership of school nurses.

Section 16-16-5. - Service creditable.

Section 16-16-6. - Credit for service in private schools or as federal employee — Contributions.

Section 16-16-6.1. - Credit for service outside state.

Section 16-16-6.2. - Service credit for appropriate work experience — Contributions.

Section 16-16-6.3. - Repealed.

Section 16-16-6.4. - Service credit for appropriate work experience — Certified nurse teachers — Contributions.

Section 16-16-7. - Credit for military leave.

Section 16-16-7.1. - Armed service credit.

Section 16-16-7.2. - Peace corps, teacher corps, and volunteers in service to America — Credit.

Section 16-16-8. - Credit for service as a state or municipal employee.

Section 16-16-8.1. - Purchase of service credits payable by installment.

Section 16-16-9, 16-16-10. - Repealed.

Section 16-16-11. - Benefits payable — Survivor’s benefits.

Section 16-16-12. - Procedure for service retirement.

Section 16-16-12.1. - Repealed.

Section 16-16-13. - Amount of service retirement allowance.

Section 16-16-13.1. - Teachers with more than 30 years of service — Amount of service retirement allowance — Minimum and maximum limitations.

Section 16-16-14. - Retirement for ordinary disability.

Section 16-16-15. - Amount of ordinary disability benefit.

Section 16-16-16. - Retirement for accidental disability.

Section 16-16-17. - Amount of accidental disability benefit.

Section 16-16-18. - Disability benefits pending final decision on application.

Section 16-16-19. - Reexamination of disability beneficiaries — Reduction of benefit — Reinstatement to active service.

Section 16-16-20. - Deduction of amounts received from workers’ compensation or as damages.

Section 16-16-21. - Repealed.

Section 16-16-22. - Contributions to state system.

Section 16-16-22.1. - City or town payment of teacher member contributions.

Section 16-16-23. - Applicability of public employees’ retirement law.

Section 16-16-24. - Substitute teaching and employment after retirement.

Section 16-16-24.1. - Substitute teaching and post-retirement employment related to COVID-19.

Section 16-16-25. - Eligibility for survivor’s benefits — Payment.

Section 16-16-26. - Spouse’s or domestic partner’s benefits.

Section 16-16-27. - Family benefits.

Section 16-16-28. - Children’s benefits.

Section 16-16-29. - Repealed.

Section 16-16-30. - Parent’s benefits.

Section 16-16-31. - Refund on termination prior to retirement.

Section 16-16-32. - Refund on retirement.

Section 16-16-33. - Repealed.

Section 16-16-34. - Member leaving no survivors — Reversion.

Section 16-16-35. - Contributions.

Section 16-16-36. - Teachers’ survivors benefit fund.

Section 16-16-37. - Administration.

Section 16-16-38. - Social security.

Section 16-16-39. - Severability.

Section 16-16-40. - Additional benefits payable to retired teachers.

Section 16-16-40.1. - One-time adjustment to original retirement allowance.

Section 16-16-41. - Repealed.

Section 16-16-42. - Life insurance benefits.

Section 16-16-43. - Purchase of credit while serving a prison sentence prohibited.