Rhode Island General Laws
Chapter 15-5 - Divorce and Separation
Section 15-5-16.1.1. - Deferment of sale of home.

§ 15-5-16.1.1. Deferment of sale of home.
(a) As used in this section, the following words and terms have the following meanings unless the context indicates another or different meaning or intent:
(1) “Custodial parent” means a party awarded physical custody of a child.
(2) “Deferred sale of home order” means an order that temporarily delays the sale and awards the temporary exclusive use and possession of the family home to a custodial parent of minor children, or children for whom support is authorized under this chapter, whether or not the custodial parent has sole or joint custody, in order to minimize the adverse impact of divorce on the welfare of the children.
(3) “Resident parent” means a party who has requested or who has already been awarded a deferred sale of home order.
(b) In any case in which one of the parties has requested a deferred sale of home order pursuant to this section, the court shall first determine whether it is economically feasible to maintain the payments of any note secured by a mortgage or other liens, property taxes, or insurance for the home during the period the sale of the home is deferred. In making this determination, the court shall consider the resident parent’s income, the availability of spousal support, child support, or both spousal and child support, and any other sources of funds available to make those payments. The intent in requiring this determination is to avoid defaults on the payments of notes and resulting foreclosures, to avoid inadequate insurance coverage, to prevent deterioration of the condition of the family home, and to prevent any other circumstances which would jeopardize both parents’ equity in the home. After making the determination that it is economically feasible to consider ordering a deferred sale of the family home, the court in exercising its discretion to grant or deny a deferred sale of home order, shall consider whether it is in the best interest of the child or children.
(c) Upon a determination pursuant to subsection (b) of this section that a deferred sale of home order is indicated in order to minimize the adverse impact of divorce on the child, the court may make such an order. The order shall include the duration of the order, may include the legal description and assessor’s plat and lot number of the real property which is subject to the order, and may be recorded in the office of the registry of deeds of the city or town in which the real property is located.
(d) The court may make an order specifying the parties’ respective responsibilities for the payment of the costs of routine maintenance and capital improvements.
(e) Except as otherwise agreed to by the parties in writing, the following shall apply:
(1) A deferred sale of home order may be modified or terminated at any time at the discretion of the court.
(2) If the party awarded the deferred sale of home order remarries, or if there is otherwise a change in circumstances affecting the determinations made pursuant to subsection (b) of this section or affecting the economic status of the parties or the children on which the award is based, a rebuttable presumption, affecting the burden of proof, is created that further deferral of the sale is no longer an equitable method of minimizing the adverse impact of the divorce on the children.
(f) In making an order pursuant to this section, the court shall reserve jurisdiction to determine any and all issues that arise with respect to the deferred sale of home order including, but not limited to, the maintenance of the home and the tax consequences to each party.
History of Section.P.L. 1992, ch. 268, § 1.

Structure Rhode Island General Laws

Rhode Island General Laws

Title 15 - Domestic Relations

Chapter 15-5 - Divorce and Separation

Section 15-5-1. - Marriages void or voidable — Civil death or presumption of death.

Section 15-5-2. - Additional grounds for divorce.

Section 15-5-3. - Separation of parties as ground for dissolution — Appeal.

Section 15-5-3.1. - Divorce on grounds of irreconcilable differences.

Section 15-5-4. - Collusion of parties.

Section 15-5-5. - Uncorroborated testimony of complainant.

Section 15-5-6 - — 15-5-8. Repealed.

Section 15-5-9. - Divorce from bed and board.

Section 15-5-10. - Disposal of certain real estate after filing of complaint.

Section 15-5-11. - Verification of complaint.

Section 15-5-12. - Domicile and residence requirements.

Section 15-5-13. - Venue.

Section 15-5-14. - Return day of complaints — Notice — Issuance of process — Time of hearing.

Section 15-5-14.1. - Automatic orders in divorce cases.

Section 15-5-15. - Orders as to notice.

Section 15-5-16. - Alimony and counsel fees — Custody of children.

Section 15-5-16.1. - Assignment of property.

Section 15-5-16.1.1. - Deferment of sale of home.

Section 15-5-16.2. - Child support.

Section 15-5-16.2.1. - Credit rating.

Section 15-5-16.2.2. - Service of court papers at work.

Section 15-5-16.2.3. - Continuances — Compensation for lost wages.

Section 15-5-16.2.4. - Retroactive modification of child support.

Section 15-5-16.2.5. - Repealed.

Section 15-5-16.3. - Allowance regarded as judgment for debt.

Section 15-5-16.4. - Judgment assigning real property — Effect.

Section 15-5-16.5. - Interest on arrearages.

Section 15-5-16.6. - Security, bond, or guarantee to secure payment of overdue support.

Section 15-5-16.7. - Review of child support orders.

Section 15-5-17. - Change of name.

Section 15-5-18. - Interlocutory decrees and injunctions.

Section 15-5-19. - Restraining orders — Treatment for harmed or menaced spouse — Custody of children — Allowances — Alimony and counsel fees.

Section 15-5-19.1. - Restraining orders — Notification of local authorities — Notice of penalty.

Section 15-5-20. - Service on or notice to defendant.

Section 15-5-21. - Service by publication — Jurisdiction acquired.

Section 15-5-22. - Trial required — Collusion.

Section 15-5-23. - Final judgment — Remarriage.

Section 15-5-24. - Support — Wage assignment procedures.

Section 15-5-24.1. - Visitation rights of grandparents.

Section 15-5-24.2. - Visitation rights of grandparents whose child is denied or has failed to exercise rights.

Section 15-5-24.3. - Visitation rights — Grandparents and siblings.

Section 15-5-24.4. - Sibling visitation rights.

Section 15-5-24.5. - Court ordered visitation rights to certain persons convicted of first degree murder — Prohibited.

Section 15-5-25. - Application for wage withholding — Obligor in arrears.

Section 15-5-26. - Duties and liabilities of employer under income assignment order or order for wage withholding.

Section 15-5-27. - Order for wage withholding — Duration.

Section 15-5-28. - Judgment or order as lien on property — Duration — Effect.

Section 15-5-29. - Mediation proceedings involving custody and/or visitation.