§ 11-19-14. Bookmaking.
Except as provided in chapter 4 of title 41 and excluding activities authorized by the division of lottery under chapters 61 and 61.2 of title 42, any person who shall engage in pool selling or bookmaking, or shall occupy or keep any room, shed, tenement, tent, or building, or any part of them, or shall occupy any place upon any public or private grounds within this state, with books, apparatus, or paraphernalia for the purpose of recording or registering bets or wagers or of buying or selling pools, or who shall record or register bets or wagers or sell pools upon the result of any trial or contest of skill, speed, or power of endurance of man or beast, or upon the result of any political nomination, appointment, or election, or, being the owner or lessee or occupant of any room, tent, tenement, shed, booth, or building, or part of them, knowingly shall permit it to be used or occupied for any of these purposes, or shall keep, exhibit, or employ any device or apparatus for the purpose of recording or registering bets or wagers, or the selling of pools, or shall become the custodian or depositary for gain, hire, or reward of any money, property, or thing of value staked, wagered, or pledged or to be wagered or pledged upon the result, or who shall receive, register, record, forward, or purport or pretend to forward to or for any race course, or person, within or outside this state, any money, thing, or consideration of value bet or wagered, or money, thing, or consideration of value offered for the purpose of being bet or wagered upon the speed or endurance of any man or beast; or who shall occupy any place or building or part of it with books, papers, apparatus, or paraphernalia for the purpose of receiving or pretending to receive, or for recording or registering, or for forwarding or pretending or attempting to forward in any manner whatsoever, any money, thing, or consideration of value bet or wagered or to be bet or wagered for any other person, or who shall receive or offer to receive any money, thing, or consideration of value bet or to be bet at any race track within or without this state, or who shall aid, assist, or abet in any manner in any of the acts forbidden by this section, shall upon conviction be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500) or imprisonment not exceeding one year, and upon a second conviction of a violation of this section shall be imprisoned for a period not less than one nor more than five (5) years.
History of Section.G.L. 1896, ch. 283, § 27; G.L. 1909, ch. 349, § 36; G.L. 1923, ch. 401, § 36; G.L. 1938, ch. 612, § 35; G.L. 1956, § 11-19-14; P.L. 2018, ch. 47, art. 4, § 7.
Structure Rhode Island General Laws
Chapter 11-19 - Gambling and Lotteries
Section 11-19-1. - Forms of gambling prohibited.
Section 11-19-1.1. - Lotteries permitted.
Section 11-19-2. - Unauthorized sale of lottery tickets.
Section 11-19-3. - Instruments given for lottery tickets void.
Section 11-19-4. - Recovery of lottery ticket value by holder.
Section 11-19-5. - Acts in aid of policy game.
Section 11-19-6. - Possession of policy devices as evidence of knowledge.
Section 11-19-7. - Judicial notice of policy methods.
Section 11-19-8. - Policy devices as evidence of existence of game.
Section 11-19-9. - Illegal trading stamps and coupons.
Section 11-19-10. - Distribution of illegal stamps or coupons.
Section 11-19-11. - Stamps and coupons as inducement to purchase goods.
Section 11-19-12. - Penalty for stamp and coupon violations.
Section 11-19-13. - Door prizes exempt.
Section 11-19-14. - Bookmaking.
Section 11-19-14.1. - Bookmaking at racetrack or fronton — Entry by convicted bookmakers prohibited.
Section 11-19-15. - Betting on horses.
Section 11-19-16. - Forfeiture of horses used in unlawful race.
Section 11-19-17. - Invalidity of instruments won in bets on races or fights.
Section 11-19-18. - Keeping of gambling places or devices — Acting as dealer, banker, or lookout.
Section 11-19-19. - Revocation of license of gambling place.
Section 11-19-20. - Inducing others to visit gambling place.
Section 11-19-21. - Frequenting gambling place.
Section 11-19-22. - Renting for gambling purposes.
Section 11-19-23. - Lease voided by gambling.
Section 11-19-24. - Search warrants and forfeitures of gambling apparatus.
Section 11-19-26. - Destruction of apparatus seized.
Section 11-19-28. - Fees for seizure and removal of gambling apparatus.
Section 11-19-30. - Definitions.
Section 11-19-30.1 - — 11-19-30.3. Repealed.
Section 11-19-31. - Registration of charitable organizations.
Section 11-19-32. - Operation of bingo games.
Section 11-19-32.1. - Senior citizens housing — Bingo allowed.
Section 11-19-32.2. - Senior citizens’ center — Bingo allowed.
Section 11-19-33. - Bingo games — Announcement of prizes.
Section 11-19-34. - Use of name of charitable organization to conduct permitted games of chance.
Section 11-19-34.1. - Senior citizens housing — Raffles allowed.
Section 11-19-35. - Pull-tab lottery tickets.
Section 11-19-36. - Organizations permitted to conduct other permitted games of chance.
Section 11-19-37. - Issuance of licenses.
Section 11-19-38. - Change of information.
Section 11-19-39. - Enforcement and penalties.
Section 11-19-40. - Rules and regulations.
Section 11-19-41. - Police regulation of bingo and permitted games of chance.
Section 11-19-42. - Forfeiture of charter rights and privileges.