Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 90.64 - Dairy Nutrient Management.
90.64.028 - Appeals from denial of plan approval or certification—Dairy producer-requested hearings—Extension of timelines.

RCW 90.64.028
Appeals from denial of plan approval or certification—Dairy producer-requested hearings—Extension of timelines.

(1) Conservation district decisions pertaining to denial of approval or denial of certification of a dairy nutrient management plan; modification or amendment of a plan; conditions contained in a plan; application of any dairy nutrient management practices, standards, methods, and technologies to a particular dairy farm; and the failure to adhere to plan review and approval timelines identified in RCW 90.64.026 are appealable under this chapter. Department actions pertaining to water quality violations are appealable under chapter 90.48 RCW.
In addition, a dairy producer who is constrained from complying with the planning requirements of this chapter because of financial hardship or local permitting delays may request a hearing before the conservation commission and may request an extension of up to one year beyond the approval and certification dates prescribed in this chapter for plan approval and certification.
(2) Within thirty days of receiving a local conservation district notification regarding any of the decisions identified in subsection (1) of this section, a dairy producer who disagrees with any of these decisions may request an informal hearing before the conservation commission or may appeal directly to the pollution control hearings board. The commission shall issue a written decision no later than thirty days after the informal hearing.
(3) If the conservation commission reverses the decision of the conservation district, the conservation district may appeal this reversal to the pollution control hearings board according to the procedure in chapter 43.21B RCW within thirty days of receipt of the commission's decision.
(4) When an appeals process is initiated under this section, the length of time extending from the start of the appeals process to its conclusion shall be added onto the timelines provided in this chapter for plan development, approval, and certification only if an appeal is heard by the pollution control hearings board.

[ 1998 c 262 § 7.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 90 - Water Rights—Environment

Chapter 90.64 - Dairy Nutrient Management.

90.64.005 - Findings.

90.64.010 - Definitions.

90.64.017 - Registration of dairy producers—Information required—Information to producers regarding chapter.

90.64.020 - Concentrated dairy animal feeding operation—Designation—Permit.

90.64.023 - Inspection program.

90.64.026 - Dairy nutrient management plans—Elements—Approval—Timelines—Certification.

90.64.028 - Appeals from denial of plan approval or certification—Dairy producer-requested hearings—Extension of timelines.

90.64.030 - Investigation of dairy farms—Report of findings—Corrective action—Violations of water quality laws—Waivers—Penalties.

90.64.040 - Appeal from actions and orders of the department.

90.64.050 - Duties of department—Annual report to commission.

90.64.070 - Duties of conservation district.

90.64.080 - Duties of conservation commission.

90.64.100 - Parties' liability.

90.64.102 - Recordkeeping violations—Civil penalty.

90.64.110 - Rules.

90.64.120 - Department's authority under federal law or chapter 90.48 RCW not affected.

90.64.130 - Database.

90.64.150 - Livestock nutrient management account.

90.64.170 - Livestock nutrient management program—Review of statutory authority—Recommendations for statutory changes—Prerequisite to administering federal program.

90.64.180 - Protocol for monitoring waters near dairies and CAFOs.

90.64.190 - Information subject to public records disclosure—Rules.

90.64.200 - Inspecting and investigating conditions relating to the pollution of waters of the state—Access denied—Application for search warrant.

90.64.800 - Reports to the legislature.

90.64.900 - Effective date—1998 c 262.

90.64.901 - Transfer of powers, duties, and functions to the department of agriculture.