Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 90.44 - Regulation of Public Groundwaters.
90.44.052 - Whitman county clustered residential developments pilot project—Exemption from permit requirements.

RCW 90.44.052
Whitman county clustered residential developments pilot project—Exemption from permit requirements.

(1) On a pilot project basis, the use of water for domestic use in clustered residential developments is exempt as described in subsection (2) of this section from the permit requirements of RCW 90.44.050 in Whitman county. The department must review the use of water under this section and its impact on water resources in the county and maintain information regarding the pilot project on its website.
(2) For the pilot project, the domestic use of water for a clustered residential development is exempt from the permit requirements of RCW 90.44.050 for an amount of water that is not more than one thousand two hundred gallons a day per residence for a residential development that has an overall density equal to or less than one residence per ten acres and a minimum of six homes.
(3) No new right to use water may be established for a clustered development under this section where the first residential use of water for the development begins after December 31, 2015.

[ 2014 c 76 § 10; 2003 c 307 § 2.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 90 - Water Rights—Environment

Chapter 90.44 - Regulation of Public Groundwaters.

90.44.020 - Purpose of chapter.

90.44.030 - Chapter not to affect surface water rights.

90.44.035 - Definitions.

90.44.040 - Public groundwaters subject to appropriation.

90.44.050 - Permit to withdraw.

90.44.052 - Whitman county clustered residential developments pilot project—Exemption from permit requirements.

90.44.055 - Applications for water right or amendment—Consideration of water impoundment or other resource management technique.

90.44.060 - Laws governing withdrawal.

90.44.062 - Use of reclaimed water by wastewater treatment facility—Permit requirements inapplicable.

90.44.070 - Limitations on granting permit.

90.44.080 - Certificate—Showing required.

90.44.090 - Certificate of vested rights.

90.44.100 - Amendment to permit or certificate—Replacement or new additional wells—Exemption for small irrigation impoundments.

90.44.105 - Amendment to permit or certificate—Consolidation of rights for exempt wells.

90.44.110 - Waste of water prohibited—Exceptions.

90.44.120 - Penalty for waste or unauthorized use of water.

90.44.130 - Priorities as between appropriators—Department in charge of groundwater withdrawals—Establishment and modification of groundwater areas and depth zones—Declarations by claimant of artificially stored water.

90.44.180 - Hearing to adjust supply to current needs.

90.44.200 - Water supervisors—Duties—Compensation.

90.44.220 - Petition to conduct an adjudication to determine rights to water.

90.44.230 - Effect of findings and judgment.

90.44.250 - Investigations—Reports of appropriators.

90.44.400 - Groundwater management areas—Purpose—Standards—Identification—Designation.

90.44.410 - Requirements for groundwater management programs—Review of programs.

90.44.420 - Groundwater management programs—Consideration by department of ecology—Public hearing—Findings—Adoption of regulations, ordinances, and programs.

90.44.430 - Groundwater management programs—Guidance to local governments and certain departments.

90.44.440 - Existing rights not affected.

90.44.445 - Acreage expansion program—Authorization—Certification.

90.44.450 - Metering or measuring groundwater withdrawals—Reports.

90.44.460 - Reservoir permits.

90.44.500 - Civil penalties.

90.44.510 - Superseding water right permit or certificate—Water delivered from federal Columbia Basin project.

90.44.530 - Applications to appropriate groundwater under a cost-reimbursement agreement.

90.44.540 - Expedited processing of applications—Notification—Fees.

90.44.550 - Odessa groundwater subarea—Nonuse of a water right—Notice to the department—Conditions.