Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 89.08 - Conservation Districts.
89.08.620 - Grant recipients—Prioritization.

RCW 89.08.620
Grant recipients—Prioritization.

(1) When prioritizing grant recipients, the commission, in consultation with the department of agriculture, Washington State University, the department of fish and wildlife, and the United States department of agriculture natural resources conservation service, shall seek to maximize the benefits of the grant program by leveraging other state, nonstate, public, and private sources of money. The primary metrics used to rank grant applications must be made public by the commission.
(2) The grant program must prioritize or weight projects based on consideration of the individual project's ability to:
(a) Increase the quantity of organic carbon in topsoil through practices including, but not limited to, cover cropping, no-till and minimum tillage conservation practices, crop rotations, manure application, biochar application, compost application, and changes in grazing management;
(b) Increase the quantity of organic carbon in aquatic soils;
(c) Intentionally integrate trees, shrubs, seaweed, or other vegetation into management of agricultural and aquacultural lands, with preference for native vegetation where practicable and appropriate;
(d) Reduce or avoid carbon dioxide equivalent emissions in or from soils;
(e) Reduce nitrous oxide and methane emissions through changes to livestock or soil management; and
(f) Increase usage of precision agricultural practices.
(3) The commission shall develop and approve a prioritization metric to guide the distribution of funds appropriated by the legislature for this purpose, with the goal of producing cost-effective carbon dioxide equivalent impact benefits.
(4) Applicants that create riparian buffers along waterways, or otherwise benefit fish habitat, must receive an enhanced prioritization compared to other grant applications that perform similarly under the prioritization metrics developed by the commission.
(5)(a) Applicants that create or maintain pollinator habitat must receive an enhanced prioritization compared to other grant applications that perform similarly under the prioritization metrics developed by the commission.
(b) For the purposes of this subsection, "pollinator habitat" means an area of land that is or may be developed as habitat beneficial for the feeding, nesting, and reproduction of all pollinators, including honey bees, as determined by the department of agriculture.
(6) The commission shall downgrade a specific grant proposal within its prioritization metric if the proposal is expected to cause significant environmental damage to fish and wildlife habitat.

[ 2021 c 278 § 9; 2020 c 351 § 4.]

Purpose—Intent—2021 c 278: See note following RCW 43.23.320.

Findings—Intent—Public funds—2020 c 351: See notes following RCW 89.08.610.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 89 - Reclamation, Soil Conservation, and Land Settlement

Chapter 89.08 - Conservation Districts.

89.08.005 - Short title.

89.08.010 - Preamble.

89.08.020 - Definitions.

89.08.030 - Conservation commission.

89.08.040 - Members—Compensation and travel expenses—Records, rules, hearings, etc.

89.08.050 - Employees—Delegation—Quorum.

89.08.060 - Assistance of other state agencies and institutions.

89.08.070 - General duties of commission.

89.08.080 - Petition to form district—Contents.

89.08.090 - Notice of hearing—Hearing.

89.08.100 - Findings—Order.

89.08.110 - Election—How conducted.

89.08.120 - Ballots.

89.08.130 - Notice of election.

89.08.140 - Expense of hearing and election.

89.08.150 - Procedure after canvass.

89.08.160 - Appointment of supervisors—Application to secretary of state.

89.08.170 - Secretary of state's certificate—Change of name.

89.08.180 - Annexation of territory—Boundary change—Combining two or more districts.

89.08.185 - Petition to withdraw from district—Approval or rejection—Disputed petitions.

89.08.190 - Nomination and election of supervisors—Annual meeting of voters.

89.08.200 - Supervisors—Term, vacancies, removal, etc.—Compensation.

89.08.210 - Powers and duties of supervisors.

89.08.215 - Treasurer—Powers and duties—Bond.

89.08.220 - Corporate status and powers of district.

89.08.341 - Intergovernmental cooperation—Authority.

89.08.350 - Petition to dissolve district—Election.

89.08.360 - Result of election—Dissolution.

89.08.370 - Disposition of affairs upon dissolution.

89.08.390 - Water rights preserved—1939 c 187.

89.08.391 - Water rights preserved—1973 1st ex.s. c 184.

89.08.400 - Special assessments for natural resource conservation.

89.08.405 - Rates and charges system.

89.08.410 - Grants to conservation districts—Rules—Report to the legislature.

89.08.440 - Best management practices for fish and wildlife habitat, water quality, and water quantity property tax exemption—List—Forms—Certification of claims.

89.08.450 - Watershed restoration projects—Intent.

89.08.460 - Watershed restoration projects—Definitions.

89.08.470 - Watershed restoration projects—Consolidated permit application process—Fish habitat enhancement project.

89.08.480 - Watershed restoration projects—Designated recipients of project applications—Notice to commission.

89.08.490 - Watershed restoration projects—Acceptance of applications—Permit decisions.

89.08.500 - Watershed restoration projects—Appointment of project facilitator by permit assistance center—Coordinated process for permit decisions.

89.08.510 - Watershed restoration projects—General permits—Cooperative permitting agreements.

89.08.520 - Water quality and habitat protection grant programs—Development of outcome-focused performance measures.

89.08.530 - Agricultural conservation easements program.

89.08.540 - Agricultural conservation easements account.

89.08.550 - Conservation assistance revolving account.

89.08.560 - Farm plans—Disclosure of information.

89.08.570 - Crop purchase contracts for dedicated energy crops.

89.08.580 - Puget Sound partners.

89.08.590 - Administering funds—Preference to an evergreen community.

89.08.610 - Sustainable farms and fields grant program—Definitions.

89.08.615 - Sustainable farms and fields grant program—Commission to develop in consultation with the department of agriculture, Washington State University, and the United States department of agriculture natural resources conservation services—Use...

89.08.620 - Grant recipients—Prioritization.

89.08.625 - Methods for measuring, estimating, and verifying outcomes.

89.08.630 - Reports to the legislature and governor—Updates—Evaluations.

89.08.635 - Sustainable farms and fields account.

89.08.640 - Habitat for managed and native pollinators—Small grants program.

89.08.645 - Short-term disaster recovery financial assistance program—Farmers and ranchers—Commission may adopt rules.