RCW 86.13.120
Liability of county or counties to others.
See RCW 86.12.037.
Structure Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 86.13 - Flood Control by Counties Jointly.
86.13.010 - Boundary line rivers—Contract to control.
86.13.020 - Expenditure of funds—Joint action generally.
86.13.030 - Tax levy in each county—Intercounty river improvement fund.
86.13.040 - Eminent domain—Procedure—Acquisition by purchase authorized.
86.13.050 - Joint county meeting—Procedure.
86.13.060 - Special commissioner—Powers and duties—Compensation.
86.13.070 - Chapter not exclusive.
86.13.080 - Liability as between counties.
86.13.090 - Issuance of warrants.
86.13.100 - Lease or disposal of property—Disposition of proceeds.
86.13.110 - State's title to abandoned channels granted to counties.