Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 84.08 - General Powers and Duties of Department of Revenue.
84.08.120 - Duty to obey orders of department of revenue.

RCW 84.08.120
Duty to obey orders of department of revenue.

It shall be the duty of every public officer to comply with any lawful order, rule, or regulation of the department of revenue made under the provisions of this title, and whenever it shall appear to the department of revenue that any public officer or employee whose duties relate to the assessment or equalization of assessments of property for taxation or to the levy or collection of taxes has failed to comply with the provisions of this title or with any other law relating to such duties or the rules of the department made in pursuance thereof, the department after a hearing on the facts may issue its order directing such public officer or employee to comply with such provisions of law or of its rules, and if such public officer or employee for a period of ten days after service on him or her of the department's order shall neglect or refuse to comply therewith, the department of revenue may apply to a judge of the superior court or court commissioner of the county in which said public officer or employee holds office for an order returnable within five days from the date thereof to compel such public officer or employee to comply with such provisions of law or of the department's order, or to show cause why he or she should not be compelled so to do, and any order issued by the judge pursuant thereto shall be final. The remedy herein provided shall be cumulative and shall not exclude the department of revenue from exercising any power or rights otherwise granted.

[ 2013 c 23 § 342; 1975 1st ex.s. c 278 § 155; 1961 c 15 § 84.08.120. Prior: 1939 c 206 § 7; 1927 c 280 § 12; 1925 c 18 § 12; RRS § 11102.]

Construction—Severability—1975 1st ex.s. c 278: See notes following RCW 11.08.160.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 84 - Property Taxes

Chapter 84.08 - General Powers and Duties of Department of Revenue.

84.08.005 - Adoption of provisions of chapter 82.01 RCW.

84.08.010 - Powers of department of revenue—General supervision—Rules and processes—Visitation of counties.

84.08.020 - Additional powers—To advise county and local officers—Books and blanks—Reports.

84.08.030 - Additional powers—To test work of assessors—Supplemental assessment lists—Audits.

84.08.040 - Additional powers—To keep valuation records—Access to files of other public offices.

84.08.050 - Additional powers—Access to books and records—Hearings—Investigation of complaints.

84.08.060 - Additional powers—Power over county boards of equalization—Reconvening—Limitation on increase in property value in appeals to board of tax appeals from county board of equalization.

84.08.070 - Rules and regulations authorized.

84.08.080 - Department to decide questions of interpretation.

84.08.115 - Department to prepare explanation of property tax system.

84.08.120 - Duty to obey orders of department of revenue.

84.08.130 - Appeals from county board of equalization to board of tax appeals—Notice.

84.08.140 - Appeals from levy of taxing district to department of revenue.

84.08.190 - Assessors to meet with department of revenue.

84.08.210 - Confidentiality and privilege of tax information—Exceptions—Penalty.

84.08.220 - Electronic communication of confidential property tax information.