Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 81.112 - Regional Transit Authorities.
81.112.350 - Transit-oriented development strategy system plan—Requirements—Definitions—Quarterly reports.

RCW 81.112.350
Transit-oriented development strategy system plan—Requirements—Definitions—Quarterly reports.

(1) A regional transit authority that includes a county with a population of more than one million five hundred thousand must develop and seek voter approval for a system plan, which meets the requirements of any transportation subarea equity element used by the authority, to implement a regional equitable transit-oriented development strategy for diverse, vibrant, mixed-use and mixed-income communities consistent with transit-oriented development plans developed with community input by any regional transportation planning organization within the regional transit authority boundaries. This system plan, which must be part of any authorizing proposition submitted to the voters after July 15, 2015, must include the following:
(a) The regional transit authority must contribute at least four million dollars each year for five consecutive years beginning within three years of voter approval of the system plan to a revolving loan fund to support the development of affordable housing opportunities related to equitable transit-oriented development within the boundaries of the regional transit authority.
(b)(i) A requirement that when a regional transit authority disposes or transfers any surplus property, including, but not limited to, property acquired prior to July 15, 2015, a minimum of eighty percent of the surplus property to be disposed or transferred, including air rights, that is suitable for development as housing, must be offered for either transfer at no cost, sale, or long-term lease first to qualified entities that agree to develop affordable housing on the property, consistent with local land use and zoning laws.
(ii)(A) If a qualified entity receives surplus property from a regional transit authority after being offered the property as provided in (b)(i) of this subsection, the authority must require a minimum of eighty percent of the housing units constructed on property obtained under (b)(i) of this subsection to be dedicated to affordable housing.
(B) If a qualified entity sells property or development rights obtained through (b)(i) of this subsection, it must use the proceeds from the sale to construct affordable housing within one-half mile of a light rail station or transit station.
(c) A requirement that the regional transit authority must work in good faith to implement all requirements of this section, but is not required to comply with a requirement imposed by (b)(i) or (ii) of this subsection if the requirement is in conflict, as determined by the relevant federal agency, with provisions of the applicable federal transit administration master grant agreement, federal transit administration full funding grant agreement with the regional transit authority, or the equivalent federal railroad administration agreement necessary to establish or maintain eligibility for a federal grant program.
(d) A requirement that (b) of this subsection does not apply to property to be transferred to governments or third parties in order to facilitate permitting, construction, or mitigation of high capacity transportation facilities and services.
(2) For the purposes of this section:
(a) "Affordable housing" means long-term housing for persons, families, or unrelated persons living together whose adjusted income is at or below eighty percent of the median income, adjusted for household size, for the county where the housing is located.
(b) "Qualified entity" means a local government, housing authority, and nonprofit developer.
(3) A regional transit authority implementing subsection (1)(b) of this section must, at the end of each fiscal quarter, send a report to the appropriate committees of the legislature and post a report on its website detailing the following activities:
(a) Any transfers of property that have occurred in the previous fiscal quarter pursuant to subsection (1)(b) of this section; and
(b) Any progress in implementing any regional equitable transit-oriented development strategy for diverse, vibrant, mixed-use and mixed-income communities approved by the voters pursuant to this section.

[ 2015 3rd sp.s. c 44 § 329.]

Effective date—2015 3rd sp.s. c 44: See note following RCW 46.68.395.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 81 - Transportation

Chapter 81.112 - Regional Transit Authorities.

81.112.010 - Findings—Intent.

81.112.020 - Definitions.

81.112.030 - Formation—Submission of ballot propositions to voters.

81.112.040 - Board appointments—Voting—Expenses.

81.112.050 - Area included—Elections.

81.112.060 - Powers.

81.112.070 - General powers.

81.112.080 - Additional powers—Acquisition of facilities—Disposal of property—Rates, tolls, fares, charges.

81.112.086 - Maintenance plan.

81.112.090 - Agreements with operators of high capacity transportation services.

81.112.100 - Transfer of local government powers to authority.

81.112.110 - Acquisition of existing system—Components.

81.112.120 - Treasurer—Funds—Auditor—Bond.

81.112.130 - General obligation bonds.

81.112.140 - Revenue bonds.

81.112.150 - Local improvement districts authorized—Special assessment bonds.

81.112.160 - County assessor's duties.

81.112.170 - Interim financing.

81.112.180 - Rail fixed guideway public transportation system—Safety program plan and security and emergency preparedness plan.

81.112.190 - Requirements for signage.

81.112.210 - Fare payment—Fines and penalties established—Fare enforcement system—Enforcement.

81.112.220 - Fare payment—Proof of payment—Civil infractions, violations punishable according to an alternative fare enforcement system.

81.112.230 - Fare payment—Prosecution for theft, trespass, or other charges.

81.112.235 - Power conferred is supplemental.

81.112.300 - Sale and leaseback, similar transactions—Authorized.

81.112.310 - Sale and leaseback—Conditions.

81.112.320 - Sale and leaseback—Creation of public entity.

81.112.330 - Sale and leaseback—Restrictions, requirements.

81.112.340 - Supplemental transportation improvements.

81.112.350 - Transit-oriented development strategy system plan—Requirements—Definitions—Quarterly reports.

81.112.360 - Sales and use tax offset fee.

81.112.900 - Section headings not part of law—1992 c 101.

81.112.902 - Effective date—1992 c 101.