Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 81.04 - Regulations—General.
81.04.300 - Budgets to be filed—Supplementary budgets.

RCW 81.04.300
Budgets to be filed—Supplementary budgets.

The commission may regulate, restrict, and control the budgets of expenditures of public service companies subject to regulation by the commission as to rates and service. The commission may require each company to prepare a budget showing the amount of money which, in its judgment, is needed during the ensuing year for maintenance, operation, and construction, classified by accounts as prescribed by the commission, and shall within ten days of the date it is approved by the company file it with the commission for its investigation and approval or rejection. When a budget has been filed, the commission shall examine into and investigate it to determine whether the expenditures therein proposed are fair and reasonable and not contrary to public interest.
Adjustments or additions to budget expenditures may be made from time to time during the year by filing a supplementary budget with the commission for its investigation and approval or rejection.

[ 2007 c 234 § 14; 1961 c 14 § 81.04.300. Prior: 1959 c 248 § 15; prior: 1933 c 165 § 10, part; RRS § 10458-4, part.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 81 - Transportation

Chapter 81.04 - Regulations—General.

81.04.010 - Definitions.

81.04.020 - Procedure before commission and courts.

81.04.030 - Number of witnesses may be limited.

81.04.040 - Witness fees and mileage.

81.04.050 - Protection against self-incrimination.

81.04.060 - Deposition—Service of process.

81.04.070 - Inspection of books, papers, and documents.

81.04.075 - Manner of serving papers.

81.04.080 - Annual report—Other reports.

81.04.090 - Forms of records to be prescribed.

81.04.100 - Production of out-of-state books and records.

81.04.110 - Complaint—Hearing.

81.04.120 - Hearing—Order—Record.

81.04.130 - Suspension of tariff change—Waiver of provisions during state of emergency.

81.04.140 - Order requiring joint action.

81.04.150 - Remunerative rate—Change without authorization prohibited—Waiver of provisions during state of emergency.

81.04.160 - Rules.

81.04.200 - Rehearing before commission.

81.04.210 - Commission may change orders.

81.04.220 - Reparations.

81.04.230 - Overcharges—Refund.

81.04.235 - Limitation of actions.

81.04.236 - When cause of action deemed to accrue.

81.04.240 - Action in court on reparations and overcharges—Procedure.

81.04.250 - Determination of rates.

81.04.260 - Summary proceedings.

81.04.270 - Accounts to be kept separate.

81.04.280 - Purchase and sale of stock by employees.

81.04.290 - Sale of stock to employees and patrons.

81.04.300 - Budgets to be filed—Supplementary budgets.

81.04.310 - Commission's control over expenditures.

81.04.320 - Budget rules and regulations.

81.04.330 - Effect of unauthorized expenditure—Emergencies.

81.04.350 - Depreciation and retirement accounts.

81.04.360 - Excessive earnings to reserve fund.

81.04.380 - Penalties—Violations by public service companies.

81.04.385 - Penalties—Violations by officers, agents, and employees of public service companies and persons or entities acting as public service companies.

81.04.387 - Penalties—Violations by other corporations.

81.04.390 - Penalties—Violations by persons.

81.04.400 - Actions to recover penalties—Disposition of fines, fees, penalties.

81.04.405 - Additional penalties—Violations by public service companies and officers, agents, and employees.

81.04.410 - Orders and rules conclusive.

81.04.420 - Commission intervention where order or rule is involved.

81.04.430 - Findings of department prima facie correct.

81.04.440 - Companies liable for damages.

81.04.450 - Certified copies of orders, rules, etc.—Evidentiary effect.

81.04.460 - Commission to enforce public service laws—Employees as peace officers.

81.04.470 - Right of action not released—Penalties cumulative.

81.04.490 - Application to municipal utilities—Safety regulation of municipal gas and hazardous liquid pipelines.

81.04.500 - Duties of attorney general.

81.04.510 - Engaging in business or operating without approval or authority—Procedure.

81.04.530 - Controlled substances, alcohol.

81.04.540 - Regulation of common carriers, railroad safety practices.

81.04.550 - Railroad safety administration.

81.04.560 - Railroad companies that transport crude oil must submit information relating to the ability to pay damages in the event of a spill or accident—Adoption of rules.