Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 79.24 - Capitol Building Lands.
79.24.570 - Use of proceeds from site.

RCW 79.24.570
Use of proceeds from site.

All moneys received by the department of enterprise services from the management of the east capitol site, excepting (1) funds otherwise dedicated prior to April 28, 1967, (2) parking and rental charges and fines which are required to be deposited in other accounts, and (3) reimbursements of service and other utility charges made to the department of enterprise services, shall be deposited in the capitol purchase and development account of the state general fund.

[ 2015 c 225 § 121; 2000 c 11 § 24; 1969 ex.s. c 273 § 11; 1963 c 157 § 1; 1961 c 167 § 8.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 79 - Public Lands

Chapter 79.24 - Capitol Building Lands.

79.24.010 - Designation of lands—Sale, manner, consent of board.

79.24.020 - Use of funds restricted.

79.24.030 - Employment of assistants—Payment of expenses.

79.24.060 - Disposition of proceeds of sale—Publication of notice of proposals or bids.

79.24.085 - Disposition of money from sales.

79.24.087 - Capitol grant revenue to capitol building construction account.

79.24.300 - Parking facilities authorized—Rental.

79.24.310 - Number and location of facilities.

79.24.320 - Appropriations—Parking facilities, laboratories.

79.24.330 - Purchase of land for parking facilities authorized.

79.24.340 - Purchase of land for parking facilities authorized—Construction of one-level facility.

79.24.400 - Sylvester Park—Grant authorized.

79.24.410 - Sylvester Park—Subsurface parking facility.

79.24.450 - Access to capitol grounds on described route authorized.

79.24.500 - Property described.

79.24.510 - Area designated as the east capitol site.

79.24.520 - Acquisition of property authorized—Means—Other state agencies to assist committee in executing chapter.

79.24.530 - Department of enterprise services to design and develop site and buildings—Approval of state capitol committee.

79.24.540 - State agencies may buy land and construct buildings thereon—Requirements.

79.24.550 - State buildings to be constructed only on capitol grounds—Exception.

79.24.560 - Department of enterprise services to rent, lease, or use properties.

79.24.570 - Use of proceeds from site.

79.24.590 - Use of private real estate and rights in site declared public use.

79.24.600 - Severability—1961 c 167.

79.24.650 - Committee duties enumerated.

79.24.700 - Findings.

79.24.710 - Properties identified as "state capitol public and historic facilities."

79.24.720 - Department of enterprise services' responsibilities.

79.24.730 - Funding/grants for stewardship of state capitol public and historic facilities.