Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 79.13 - Land Leases.
79.13.090 - Leases to United States for national defense.

RCW 79.13.090
Leases to United States for national defense.

State lands may be leased to the United States for national defense purposes at the fair rental value thereof as determined by the department, for a period of five years or less. Such leases may be made without competitive bidding at public auction and without payment in advance by the United States government of the first year's rental. Such leases otherwise shall be negotiated and arranged in the same manner as other leases of state lands.

[ 2003 c 334 § 450; 1941 c 66 § 1; Rem. Supp. 1941 § 8122-1. Formerly RCW 79.08.120.]

Intent—2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 79 - Public Lands

Chapter 79.13 - Land Leases.

79.13.010 - Lease of state lands—General.

79.13.020 - Who may lease.

79.13.030 - Lease contents.

79.13.040 - Inspections—Surveys.

79.13.050 - Improvements.

79.13.060 - Lease terms.

79.13.070 - Forfeiture.

79.13.080 - Disposition of crops on forfeited land.

79.13.090 - Leases to United States for national defense.

79.13.100 - Battery charging, battery exchange, and rapid charging stations.

79.13.110 - Types of lease authorization.

79.13.120 - Notice of leasing.

79.13.130 - Lease procedure—Scheduling auctions.

79.13.140 - Public auction procedure.

79.13.150 - Lease/rent of acquired lands.

79.13.160 - Appraisement of improvement before lease.

79.13.170 - Water right for irrigation as improvement.

79.13.180 - Record of leases.

79.13.320 - Share crop leases authorized.

79.13.330 - Harvest, storage of crop—Notice—Warehouse receipt.

79.13.340 - Sale, storage, or other disposition of crops.

79.13.350 - Insurance of crop—Division of cost.

79.13.360 - Application of other provisions to share crop leases.

79.13.370 - Grazing leases—Restrictions.

79.13.380 - Livestock grazing on lieu lands.

79.13.390 - Grazing permits—United States government.

79.13.400 - Improvement of grazing ranges—Agreements.

79.13.410 - Improvement of grazing ranges—Extension of permit.

79.13.420 - Nondefault or early termination provision.

79.13.500 - Amateur radio repeater stations—Legislative intent.

79.13.510 - Amateur radio electronic repeater sites and units—Reduced rental rates—Frequencies.

79.13.520 - Nonprofit television reception improvements districts—Rental of public lands—Intent.

79.13.530 - Geothermal resources—Guidelines for development.

79.13.600 - Findings—Salmon stocks—Grazing lands—Coordinated resource management plans.

79.13.610 - Grazing lands—Fish and wildlife goals—Technical advisory committee—Implementation.

79.13.620 - Purpose—Ecosystem standards.